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poorly; and the young gentleman is a funny young gentleman; and a 

clever young gentleman; and I think it will do your honour good to 

have a dinner's chat with the young gentleman。'

'It is not my dinner hour;' said the stranger; 'I dine considerably 

later; taking anything now would only discompose me; I shall; 

however; be most happy to sit down with the young gentleman; reach 

me that paper; and; when the young gentleman has satisfied his 

appetite; we may perhaps have a little chat together。'

The landlord handed the stranger the newspaper; and; bowing; 

retired with his maid Jenny。  I helped myself to a portion of the 

smoking round; and commenced eating with no little appetite。  The 

stranger appeared to be soon engrossed with the newspaper。  We 

continued thus a considerable time … the one reading and the other 

dining。  Chancing suddenly to cast my eyes upon the stranger; I saw 

his brow contract; he gave a slight stamp with his foot; and flung 

the newspaper to the ground; then stooping down he picked it up; 

first moving his forefinger along the floor; seemingly slightly 

scratching it with his nail。

'Do you hope; sir;' said I; 'by that ceremony with the finger to 

preserve yourself from the evil chance?'

The stranger started; then; after looking at me for some time in 

silence; he said; 'Is it possible that you … ?'

'Ay; ay;' said I; helping myself to some more of the round; 'I have 

touched myself in my younger days; both for the evil chance and the 

good。  Can't say; though; that I ever trusted much in the 


The stranger made no reply; but appeared to be in deep thought; 

nothing farther passed between us until I had concluded the dinner; 

when I said to him; 'I shall now be most happy; sir; to have the 

pleasure of your conversation over a pint of wine。'

The stranger rose; 'No; my young friend;' said he; smiling; 'that 

would scarce be fair。  It is my turn now … pray do me the favour to 

go home with me; and accept what hospitality my poor roof can 

offer; to tell you the truth; I wish to have some particular 

discourse with you which would hardly be possible in this place。  

As for wine; I can give you some much better than you can get here:  

the landlord is an excellent fellow; but he is an innkeeper after 

all。  I am going out for a moment; and will send him in; so that 

you may settle your account; I trust you will not refuse me; I only 

live about two miles from here。'

I looked in the face of the stranger … it was a fine intelligent 

face; with a cast of melancholy in it。  'Sir;' said I; 'I would go 

with you though you lived four miles instead of two。'

'Who is that gentleman?' said I to the landlord; after I had 

settled his bill; 'I am going home with him。'

'I wish I were going too;' said the fat landlord; laying his hand 

upon his stomach。  'Young gentleman; I shall be a loser by his 

honour's taking you away; but; after all; the truth is the truth … 

there are few gentlemen in these parts like his honour; either for 

learning or welcoming his friends。  Young gentleman; I congratulate 



New acquaintance … Old French style … The portrait … Taciturnity … 

The evergreen tree … The dark hour … The flash … Ancestors … A 

fortunate man … A posthumous child … Antagonist ideas … The hawks … 

Flaws … The pony … Irresistible impulse … Favourable crisis … The 

topmost branch … Twenty feet … Heartily ashamed。

I FOUND the stranger awaiting me at the door of the inn。  'Like 

yourself; I am fond of walking;' said he; 'and when any little 

business calls me to this place I generally come on foot。'

We were soon out of the town; and in a very beautiful country。  

After proceeding some distance on the high…road; we turned off; and 

were presently in one of those mazes of lanes for which England is 

famous; the stranger at first seemed inclined to be taciturn; a few 

observations; however; which I made appeared to rouse him; and he 

soon exhibited not only considerable powers of conversation; but 

stores of information which surprised me。  So pleased did I become 

with my new acquaintance that I soon ceased to pay the slightest 

attention either to place or distance。  At length the stranger was 

silent; and I perceived that we had arrived at a handsome iron gate 

and a lodge; the stranger having rung a bell; the gate was opened 

by an old man; and we proceeded along a gravel path; which in about 

five minutes brought us to a large brick house; built something in 

the old French style; having a spacious lawn before it; and 

immediately in front a pond in which were golden fish; and in the 

middle a stone swan discharging quantities of water from its bill。  

We ascended a spacious flight of steps to the door; which was at 

once flung open; and two servants with powdered hair and in livery 

of blue plush came out and stood one on either side as we passed 

the threshold。  We entered a large hall; and the stranger; taking 

me by the hand; welcomed me to his poor home; as he called it; and 

then gave orders to another servant; but out of livery; to show me 

to an apartment; and give me whatever assistance I might require in 

my toilet。  Notwithstanding the plea as to primitive habits which I 

had lately made to my other host in the town; I offered no 

objection to this arrangement; but followed the bowing domestic to 

a spacious and airy chamber; where he rendered me all those little 

nameless offices which the somewhat neglected state of my dress 

required。  When everything had been completed to my perfect 

satisfaction; he told me that if I pleased he would conduct me to 

the library; where dinner would be speedily served。

In the library I found a table laid for two; my host was not there; 

having as I supposed not been quite so speedy with his toilet as 

his guest。  Left alone; I looked round the apartment with inquiring 

eyes; it was long and tolerably lofty; the walls from the top to 

the bottom were lined with cases containing books of all sizes and 

bindings; there was a globe or two; a couch; and an easy…chair。  

Statues and busts there were none; and only one painting; a 

portrait; that of my host; but not him of the mansion。  Over the 

mantelpiece; the features staringly like; but so ridiculously 

exaggerated that they scarcely resembled those of a human being; 

daubed evidently by the hand of the commonest sign…artist; hung a 

half…length portrait of him of round of beef celebrity … my sturdy 

host of the town。

I had been in the library about ten minutes; amusing myself as I 

best could; when my friend entered; he seemed to have resumed his 

taciturnity … scarce a word escaped his lips till dinner was 

served; when he said; smiling; 'I suppose it would be merely a 

compliment to ask you to partake?'

'I don't know;' said I; seating myself; 'your first course consists 

of troutlets; I am fo
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