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'Jenny;' said the landlord; with the same gravity as before; 'go 

with the young gentleman to the pump in the back kitchen; and take 

a clean towel along with you。'

Thereupon the rosy…faced clean…looking damsel went to a drawer; and 

producing a large; thick; but snowy white towel; she nodded to me 

to follow her; whereupon I followed Jenny through a long passage 

into the back kitchen。

And at the end of the back kitchen there stood a pump; and going to 

it I placed my hands beneath the spout; and said; 'Pump; Jenny'; 

and Jenny incontinently; without laying down the towel; pumped with 

one hand; and I washed and cooled my heated hands。

And; when my hands were washed and cooled; I took off my neckcloth; 

and; unbuttoning my shirt collar; I placed my head beneath the 

spout of the pump; and I said unto Jenny; 'Now; Jenny; lay down the 

towel; and pump for your life。'

Thereupon Jenny; placing the towel on a linen…horse; took the 

handle of the pump with both hands and pumped over my head as 

handmaid had never pumped before; so that the water poured in 

torrents from my head; my face; and my hair down upon the brick 


And; after the lapse of somewhat more than a minute; I called out 

with a half…strangled voice; 'Hold; Jenny!' and Jenny desisted。  I 

stood for a few moments to recover my breath; then taking the towel 

which Jenny proffered; I dried composedly my hands and head; my 

face and hair; then; returning the towel to Jenny; I gave a deep 

sigh and said; 'Surely this is one of the pleasant moments of 


Then; having set my dress to rights; and combed my hair with a 

pocket comb; I followed Jenny; who conducted me back through the 

long passage; and showed me into a neat sanded parlour on the 


I sat down by a window which looked out upon the dusty street; 

presently in came the handmaid; and commenced laying the table…

cloth。  'Shall I spread the table for one; sir;' said she; 'or do 

you expect anybody to dine with you?'  'I can't say that I expect 

anybody;' said I; laughing inwardly to myself; 'however; if you 

please you can lay for two; so that if any acquaintance of mine 

should chance to step in; he may find a knife and fork ready for 


So I sat by the window; sometimes looking out upon the dusty 

street; and now glancing at certain old…fashioned prints which 

adorned the wall over against me。  I fell into a kind of doze; from 

which I was almost instantly awakened by the opening of the door。  

Dinner; thought I; and I sat upright in my chair。  No; a man of the 

middle age; and rather above the middle height; dressed in a plain 

suit of black; made his appearance; and sat down in a chair at some 

distance from me; but near to the table; and appeared to be lost in 


'The weather is very warm; sir;' said I。

'Very;' said the stranger; laconically; looking at me for the first 


'Would you like to see the newspaper?' said I; taking up one which 

lay upon the window seat。

'I never read newspapers;' said the stranger; 'nor; indeed; … '  

Whatever it might be that he had intended to say he left 

unfinished。  Suddenly he walked to the mantelpiece at the farther 

end of the room; before which he placed himself with his back 

towards me。  There he remained motionless for some time; at length; 

raising his hand; he touched the corner of the mantelpiece with his 

finger; advanced towards the chair which he had left; and again 

seated himself。

'Have you come far?' said he; suddenly looking towards me; and 

speaking in a frank and open manner; which denoted a wish to enter 

into conversation。  'You do not seem to be of this place。'

'I come from some distance;' said I; 'indeed; I am walking for 

exercise; which I find as necessary to the mind as the body。  I 

believe that by exercise people would escape much mental misery。'

Scarcely had I uttered these words when the stranger laid his hand; 

with seeming carelessness; upon the table; near one of the glasses; 

after a moment or two he touched the glass with his finger as if 

inadvertently; then; glancing furtively at me; he withdrew his hand 

and looked towards the window。

'Are you from these parts?' said I at last; with apparent 


'From this vicinity;' replied the stranger。  'You think; then; that 

it is as easy to walk off the bad humours of the mind as of the 


'I; at least; am walking in that hope;' said I。

'I wish you may be successful;' said the stranger; and here he 

touched one of the forks which lay on the table near him。

Here the door; which was slightly ajar; was suddenly pushed open 

with some fracas; and in came the stout landlord; supporting with 

some difficulty an immense dish; in which was a mighty round mass 

of smoking meat garnished all round with vegetables; so high was 

the mass that it probably obstructed his view; for it was not until 

he had placed it upon the table that he appeared to observe the 

stranger; he almost started; and quite out of breath exclaimed; 

'God bless me; your honour; is your honour the acquaintance that 

the young gentleman was expecting?'

'Is the young gentleman expecting an acquaintance?' said the 


There is nothing like putting a good face upon these matters; 

thought I to myself; and; getting up; I bowed to the unknown。  

'Sir;' said I; 'when I told Jenny that she might lay the table…

cloth for two; so that in the event of any acquaintance dropping in 

he might find a knife and fork ready for him; I was merely jocular; 

being an entire stranger in these parts; and expecting no one。  

Fortune; however; it would seem; has been unexpectedly kind to me; 

I flatter myself; sir; that since you have been in this room I have 

had the honour of making your acquaintance; and in the strength of 

that hope I humbly entreat you to honour me with your company to 

dinner; provided you have not already dined。'

The stranger laughed outright。

'Sir;' I continued; 'the round of beef is a noble one; and seems 

exceedingly well boiled; and the landlord was just right when he 

said I should have such a dinner as is not seen every day。  A round 

of beef; at any rate such a round of beef as this; is seldom seen 

smoking upon the table in these degenerate times。  Allow me; sir;' 

said I; observing that the stranger was about to speak; 'allow me 

another remark。  I think I saw you just now touch the fork; I 

venture to hail it as an omen that you will presently seize it; and 

apply it to its proper purpose; and its companion the knife also。'

The stranger changed colour; and gazed upon me in silence。

'Do; sir;' here put in the landlord; 'do; sir; accept the young 

gentleman's invitation。  Your honour has of late been looking 

poorly; and the young gentleman is a funny young gentleman; and a 

clever young gentleman; and I think it will do your h
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