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stream; but shallow; with here and there a deep place where the 

water ran dark and still。

Always fond of the pure lymph; I undressed; and plunged into one of 

these gulfs; from which I emerged; my whole frame in a glow; and 

tingling with delicious sensations。  After conveying my clothes and 

scanty baggage to the farther side; I dressed; and then with 

hurried steps bent my course in the direction of some lofty ground; 

I at length found myself on a high…road; leading over wide and arid 

downs; following the road for some miles without seeing anything 

remarkable; I supposed at length that I had taken the wrong path; 

and wended on slowly and disconsolately for some time; till; having 

nearly surmounted a steep hill; I knew at once; from certain 

appearances; that I was near the object of my search。  Turning to 

the right near the brow of the hill; I proceeded along a path which 

brought me to a causeway leading over a deep ravine; and connecting 

the hill with another which had once formed part of it; for the 

ravine was evidently the work of art。  I passed over the causeway; 

and found myself in a kind of gateway which admitted me into a 

square space of many acres; surrounded on all sides by mounds or 

ramparts of earth。  Though I had never been in such a place before; 

I knew that I stood within the precincts of what had been a Roman 

encampment; and one probably of the largest size; for many thousand 

warriors might have found room to perform their evolutions in that 

space; in which corn was now growing; the green ears waving in the 

morning wind。

After I had gazed about the space for a time; standing in the 

gateway formed by the mounds; I clambered up the mound to the left 

hand; and on the top of that mound I found myself at a great 

altitude; beneath; at the distance of a mile; was a fair old city; 

situated amongst verdant meadows; watered with streams; and from 

the heart of that old city; from amidst mighty trees; I beheld 

towering to the sky the finest spire in the world。

And after I had looked from the Roman rampart for a long time; I 

hurried away; and; retracing my steps along the cause…way; regained 

the road; and; passing over the brow of the hill; descended to the 

city of the spire。


The hostelry … Life uncertain … Open countenance … The grand point 

… Thank you; master … A hard mother … Poor dear! … Considerable 

odds … The better country … English fashion … Landlord…looking 


AND in the old city I remained two days; passing my time as I best 

could … inspecting the curiosities of the place; eating and 

drinking when I felt so disposed; which I frequently did; the 

digestive organs having assumed a tone to which for many months 

they had been strangers … enjoying at night balmy sleep in a large 

bed in a dusky room; at the end of a corridor; in a certain 

hostelry in which I had taken up my quarters … receiving from the 

people of the hostelry such civility and condescension as people 

who travel on foot with bundle and stick; but who nevertheless are 

perceived to be not altogether destitute of coin; are in the habit 

of receiving。  On the third day; on a fine sunny afternoon; I 

departed from the city of the spire。

As I was passing through one of the suburbs; I saw; all on a 

sudden; a respectable…looking female fall down in a fit; several 

persons hastened to her assistance。  'She is dead;' said one。  'No; 

she is not;' said another。  'I am afraid she is;' said a third。  

'Life is very uncertain;' said a fourth。  'It is Mrs。 …;' said a 

fifth; 'let us carry her to her own house。'  Not being able to 

render any assistance; I left the poor female in the hands of her 

townsfolk; and proceeded on my way。  I had chosen a road in the 

direction of the north…west; it led over downs where corn was 

growing; but where neither tree nor hedge was to be seen; two or 

three hours' walking brought me to a beautiful valley; abounding 

with trees of various kinds; with a delightful village at its 

farthest extremity; passing through it; I ascended a lofty 

acclivity; on the top of which I sat down on a bank; and; taking 

off my hat; permitted a breeze; which swept coolly and refreshingly 

over the downs; to dry my hair; dripping from the effects of 

exercise and the heat of the day。

And as I sat there; gazing now at the blue heavens; now at the 

downs before me; a man came along the road in the direction in 

which I had hitherto been proceeding:  just opposite to me he 

stopped; and; looking at me; cried … 'Am I right for London; 


He was dressed like a sailor; and appeared to be between twenty…

five and thirty years of age … he had an open manly countenance; 

and there was a bold and fearless expression in his eye。

'Yes;' said I; in reply to his question; 'this is one of the ways 

to London。  Do you come from far?'

'From …;' said the man; naming a well…known seaport。

'Is this the direct road to London from that place?' I demanded。

'No;' said the man; 'but I had to visit two or three other places 

on certain commissions I was intrusted with; amongst others to …; 

where I had to take a small sum of money。  I am rather tired; 

master; and; if you please; I will sit down beside you。'

'You have as much right to sit down here as I have;' said I; 'the 

road is free for every one; as for sitting down beside me; you have 

the look of an honest man; and I have no objection to your 


'Why; as for being honest; master;' said the man; laughing and 

sitting down by me; 'I haven't much to say … many is the wild thing 

I have done when I was younger; however; what is done; is done。  To 

learn; one must live; master; and I have lived long enough to learn 

the grand point of wisdom。'

'What is that?' said I。

'That honesty is the best policy; master。'

'You appear to be a sailor;' said I; looking at his dress。

'I was not bred a sailor;' said the man; 'though; when my foot is 

on the salt water; I can play the part … and play it well too。  I 

am now from a long voyage。'

'From America?' said I。

'Farther than that;' said the man。

'Have you any objection to tell me?' said I。

'From New South Wales;' said the man; looking me full in the face。

'Dear me;' said I。

'Why do you say 〃Dear me〃?' said the man。

'It is a very long way off;' said I。

'Was that your reason for saying so?' said the man。

'Not exactly;' said I。

'No;' said the man; with something of a bitter smile; 'it was 

something else that made you say so; you were thinking of the 


'Well;' said I; 'what then … you are no convict。'

'How do you know?'

'You do not look like one。'

'Thank you; master;' said the man cheerfully; 'and; to a certain 

extent; you are right … bygones are bygones … I am no longer what I 

was; nor ever will be again; the truth; h
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