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the research magnificent-第71部分

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 her mind and senses。  He stared at husband and wife aghast in this realization。  Then his resolute romanticism came to his help。  〃I would trust you〃 he began。  〃If you tell me to go〃 Amanda seemed to measure her hold upon him。 She laid her hand upon his arm。  〃Go; my dear Pip;〃 she said。  〃Go。〃 He had a moment of hesitation; of anguish; and it seemed to Benham as though he eked himself out with unreality; as though somewhen; somewhere; he had seen something of the sort in a play and filled in a gap that otherwise he could not have supplied。 Then the door had closed upon him; and Amanda; pale and darkly dishevelled; faced her husband; silently and intensely。 〃WELL?〃 said Benham。 She held out her arms to him。 〃Why did you leave me; Cheetah?  Why did you leave me?〃


Benham affected to ignore those proffered arms。  But they recalled in a swift rush the animal anger that had brought him back to England。  To remind him of desire now was to revive an anger stronger than any desire。  He spoke seeking to hurt her。 〃I am wondering now;〃 he said; 〃why the devil I came back。〃 〃You had to come back to me。〃 〃I could have written just as well about these things。〃 〃CHEETAH;〃 she said softly; and came towards him slowly; stooping forward and looking into his eyes; 〃you had to come back to see your old Leopard。  Your wretched Leopard。  Who has rolled in the dirt。 And is still yours。〃 〃Do you want a divorce?  How are we to fix things; Amanda?〃 〃Cheetah; I will tell you how we will fix things。〃 She dropped upon the step below him。  She laid her hands with a deliberate softness upon him; she gave a toss so that her disordered hair was a little more disordered; and brought her soft chin down to touch his knees。  Her eyes implored him。 〃Cheetah;〃 she said。  〃You are going to forgive。〃 He sat rigid; meeting her eyes。 〃Amanda;〃 he said at last; 〃you would be astonished if I kicked you away from me and trampled over you to the door。  That is what I want to do。〃 〃Do it;〃 she said; and the grip of her hands tightened。  〃Cheetah; dear!  I would love you to kill me。〃 〃I don't want to kill you。〃 Her eyes dilated。  〃Beat me。〃 〃And I haven't the remotest intention of making love to you;〃 he said; and pushed her soft face and hands away from him as if he would stand up。 She caught hold of him again。  〃Stay with me;〃 she said。 He made no effort to shake off her grip。  He looked at the dark cloud of her hair that had ruled him so magically; and the memory of old delights made him grip a great handful almost inadvertently as he spoke。  〃Dear Leopard;〃 he said; 〃we humans are the most streaky of conceivable things。  I thought I hated you。  I do。  I hate you like poison。  And also I do not hate you at all。〃 Then abruptly he was standing over her。 She rose to her knees。 〃Stay here; old Cheetah!〃 she said。  〃This is your house。  I am your wife。〃 He went towards the unfastened front door。 〃Cheetah!〃 she cried with a note of despair。 He halted at the door。 〃Amanda; I will come to…morrow。  I will come in the morning; in the sober London daylight; and then we will settle things。〃 He stared at her; and to her amazement he smiled。  He spoke as one who remarks upon a quite unexpected fact。 。 。 。 〃Never in my life; Amanda; have I seen a human being that I wanted so little to kill。〃


White found a fragment that might have been written within a week of those last encounters of Benham and Amanda。 〃The thing that astonished me most in Amanda was the change in her mental quality。 〃With me in the old days she had always been a sincere person; she had deceived me about facts; but she had never deceived me about herself。  Her personal; stark frankness had been her essential strength。  And it was gone。  I came back to find Amanda an accomplished actress; a thing of poses and calculated effects。  She was a surface; a sham; a Lorelei。  Beneath that surface I could not discover anything individual at all。  Fear and a grasping quality; such as God gave us all when he gave us hands; but the individual I knew; the humorous wilful Spotless Leopard was gone。  Whither; I cannot imagine。  An amazing disappearance。  Clean out of space and time like a soul lost for ever。 〃When I went to see her in the morning; she was made up for a scene; she acted an intricate part; never for a moment was she there in reality。 。 。 。 〃I have got a remarkable persuasion that she lost herself in this way; by cheapening love; by making base love to a lover she despised。 。 。 。  There can be no inequality in love。  Give and take must balance。  One must be one's natural self or the whole business is an indecent trick; a vile use of life!  To use inferiors in love one must needs talk down to them; interpret oneself in their insufficient phrases; pretend; sentimentalize。  And it is clear that unless oneself is to be lost; one must be content to leave alone all those people that one can reach only by sentimentalizing。  But Amandaand yet somehow I love her for it stillcould not leave any one alone。  So she was always feverishly weaving nets of false relationship。  Until her very self was forgotten。  So she will go on until the end。  With Easton it had been necessary for her to key herself to a simple exalted romanticism that was entirely insincere。 She had so accustomed herself to these poses that her innate gestures were forgotten。  She could not recover them; she could not even reinvent them。  Between us there were momentary gleams as though presently we should be our frank former selves again。  They were never more than momentary。 。 。 。〃 And that was all that this astonishing man had seen fit to tell of his last parting from his wife。 Perhaps he did Amanda injustice。  Perhaps there was a stronger thread of reality in her desire to recover him than he supposed。 Clearly he believed that under the circumstances Amanda would have tried to recover anybody。 She had dressed for that morning's encounter in a very becoming and intimate wrap of soft mauve and white silk; and she had washed and dried her dark hair so that it was a vapour about her face。  She set herself with a single mind to persuade herself and Benham that they were inseparable lovers; and she would not be deflected by his grim determination to discuss the conditions of their separation。  When he asked her whether she wanted a divorce; she offered to throw over Sir Philip and banish him for ever as lightly as a great lady might sacrifice an objectionable poodle to her connubial peace。 Benham passed through perplexing phases; so that she herself began to feel that her practice with Easton had spoilt her hands。  His initial grimness she could understand; and partially its breakdown into irritability。  But she was puzzled by his laughter。  For he laughed abruptly。 〃You know; Amanda; I came home in a mood of tremendous tragedy。  And really;you are a Lark。〃 And then overriding her altogether; he told her what he meant to do about their future and the future of their little son。 〃You don't want a divorce and a fuss。  Then I'll leave things。  I perceive I've no intention of marrying any more。  But you'd better do the straight thing。  People forget and forgive。  Especially when there is no one about making a fuss against you。 〃Perhaps; after all; there is 
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