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the research magnificent-第63部分

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o talked spoke of the outbreak of revolution as a matter of days or at the utmost weeks。  And whatever question Benham chose to ask these talkers were prepared to answer。  Except one。  〃And after the revolution;〃 he asked; 〃what then? 。 。 。〃  Then they waved their hands; and failed to convey meanings by reassuring gestures。 He was absorbed in his effort to understand this universal ominous drift towards a conflict。  He was trying to piece together a process; if it was one and the same process; which involved riots in Lodz; fighting at Libau; wild disorder at Odessa; remote colossal battlings in Manchuria; the obscure movements of a disastrous fleet lost somewhere now in the Indian seas; steaming clumsily to its fate; he was trying to rationalize it all in his mind; to comprehend its direction。  He was struggling strenuously with the obscurities of the language in which these things were being discussed about him; a most difficult language demanding new sets of visual images because of its strange alphabet。  Is it any wonder that for a time he failed to observe that Prothero was involved in some entirely disconnected affair。 They were staying at the big Cosmopolis bazaar in the Theatre Square。  Thither; through the doors that are opened by distraught… looking men with peacocks' feathers round their caps; came Benham's friends and guides to take him out and show him this and that。  At first Prothero always accompanied Benham on these expeditions; then he began to make excuses。  He would stay behind in the hotel。  Then when Benham returned Prothero would have disappeared。  When the porter was questioned about Prothero his nescience was profound。 One night no Prothero was discoverable at any hour; and Benham; who wanted to discuss a project for going on to Kieff and Odessa; was alarmed。 〃Moscow is a late place;〃 said Benham's student friend。  〃You need not be anxious until after four or five in the morning。  It will be quite timeQUITE time to be anxious to…morrow。  He may beclose at hand。〃 When Benham hunted up Prothero in his room next morning he found him sleepy and irritable。 〃I don't trouble if YOU are late;〃 said Prothero; sitting up in his bed with a red resentful face and crumpled hair。  〃I wasn't born yesterday。〃 〃I wanted to talk about leaving Moscow。〃 〃I don't want to leave Moscow。〃 〃But OdessaOdessa is the centre of interest just now。〃 〃I want to stay in Moscow。〃 Benham looked baffled。 Prothero stuck up his knees and rested his night…shirted arms upon them。  〃I don't want to leave Moscow;〃 he said; 〃and I'm not going to do so。〃 〃But haven't we done〃 Prothero interrupted。  〃You may。  But I haven't。  We're not after the same things。  Things that interest you; Benham; don't interest me。  I've founddifferent things。〃 His expression was extraordinarily defiant。 〃I want;〃 he went on; 〃to put our affairs on a different footing。 Now you've opened the matter we may as well go into it。  You were good enough to bring me here。 。 。 。  There was a sort of understanding we were working together。 。 。 。  We aren't。 。 。 。  The long and short of it is; Benham; I want to pay you for my journey here and go on my ownindependently。〃 His eye and voice achieved a fierceness that Benham found nearly incredible in him。 Something that had got itself overlooked in the press of other matters jerked back into Benham's memory。  It popped back so suddenly that for an instant he wanted to laugh。  He turned towards the window; picked his way among Prothero's carelessly dropped garments; and stood for a moment staring into the square; with its drifting; assembling and dispersing fleet of trains and its long line of blue…coated IZVOSHTCHIKS。  Then he turned。 〃Billy;〃 he said; 〃didn't I see you the other evening driving towards the Hermitage?〃 〃Yes;〃 said Prothero; and added; 〃that's it。〃 〃You were with a lady。〃 〃And she IS a lady;〃 said Prothero; so deeply moved that his face twitched as though he was going to weep。 〃She's a Russian?〃 〃She had an English mother。  Oh; you needn't stand there and look so damned ironical!  She'sshe's a woman。  She's a thing of kindness。 。 。 。〃 He was too full to go on。 〃Billy; old boy;〃 said Benham; distressed; 〃I don't want to be ironical〃 Prothero had got his voice again。 〃You'd better know;〃 he said; 〃you'd better know。  She's one of those women who live in this hotel。〃 〃Live in this hotel!〃 〃On the fourth floor。  Didn't you know?  It's the way in most of these big Russian hotels。  They come down and sit about after lunch and dinner。  A woman with a yellow ticket。  Oh!  I don't care。  I don't care a rap。  She's been kind to me; she'sshe's dear to me。 How are you to understand?  I shall stop in Moscow。  I shall take her to England。  I can't live without her; Benham。  And then  And then you come worrying me to come to your damned Odessa!〃 And suddenly this extraordinary young man put his hands to his face as though he feared to lose it and would hold it on; and after an apoplectic moment burst noisily into tears。  They ran between his fingers。  〃Get out of my room;〃 he shouted; suffocatingly。  〃What business have you to come prying on me?〃 Benham sat down on a chair in the middle of the room and stared round…eyed at his friend。  His hands were in his pockets。  For a time he said nothing。 〃Billy;〃 he began at last; and stopped again。  〃Billy; in this country somehow one wants to talk like a Russian。  Billy; my dear I'm not your father; I'm not your judge。  I'munreasonably fond of you。  It's not my business to settle what is right or wrong for you。 If you want to stay in Moscow; stay in Moscow。  Stay here; and stay as my guest。 。 。 。〃 He stopped and remained staring at his friend for a little space。 〃I didn't know;〃 said Prothero brokenly; 〃I didn't know it was possible to get so fond of a person。 。 。 。〃 Benham stood up。  He had never found Prothero so attractive and so abominable in his life before。 〃I shall go to Odessa alone; Billy。  I'll make things all right here before I go。 。 。 。〃 He closed the door behind him and went in a state of profound thought to his own room。 。 。 。 Presently Prothero came to him with a vague inopportune desire to explain what so evidently did not need explaining。  He walked about the room trying ways of putting it; while Benham packed。 In an unaccountable way Prothero's bristling little mind seemed to have shrunken to something sleek and small。 〃I wish;〃 he said; 〃you could stay for a later train and have lunch and meet her。  She's not the ordinary thing。  She'sdifferent。〃 Benham plumbed depths of wisdom。  〃Billy;〃 he said; 〃no woman IS the ordinary thing。  They are alldifferent。 。 。 。〃


For a time this affair of Prothero's seemed to be a matter as disconnected from the Research Magnificent as one could imagine any matter to be。  While Benham went from Moscow and returned; and travelled hither and thither; and involved himself more and more in the endless tangled threads of the revolutionary movement in Russia; Prothero was lost to all those large issues in the development of his personal situation。  He contributed nothing to Benham's thought except attempts at discouragement。  He reiterated his declaration that all the vast stress and change of Russian national life was going on because it w
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