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the research magnificent-第57部分

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ver gathered at Chexington。  And her descriptions of recent danger and adventure in Albania not only entertained her hearers but gave her just that flavour of personal courage which completes the fascination of a young woman。  People in the gaps of a halting dinner…table conversation would ask: 〃Have you met Mrs。 Benham?〃 Meanwhile Benham appeared to be talking。  A smiling and successful young woman; who a year ago had been nothing more than a leggy girl with a good lot of miscellaneous reading in her head; and vaguely engaged; or at least friendly to the pitch of engagement; to Mr。 Rathbone…Sanders; may be forgiven if in the full tide of her success she does not altogether grasp the intention of her husband's discourse。  It seemed to her that he was obsessed by a responsibility for civilization and the idea that he was aristocratic。  (Secretly she was inclined to doubt whether he was justified in calling himself aristocratic; at the best his mother was county…stuff; but still if he did there was no great harm in it nowadays。)  Clearly his line was Tory…Democracy; social reform through the House of Lords and friendly intimacy with the more spirited young peers。  And it was only very slowly and reluctantly that she was forced to abandon this satisfactory solution of his problem。  She reproduced all the equipment and comforts of his Finacue Street study in their new home; she declared constantly that she would rather forego any old social thing than interfere with his work; she never made him go anywhere with her without first asking if his work permitted it。  To relieve him of the burthen of such social attentions she even made a fag or so。  The making of fags out of manifestly stricken men; the keeping of tamed and hopeless admirers; seemed to her to be the most natural and reasonable of feminine privileges。  They did their useful little services until it pleased the Lord Cheetah to come to his own。  That was how she put it。 。 。 。 But at last he was talking to her in tones that could no longer be ignored。  He was manifestly losing his temper with her。  There was a novel austerity in his voice and a peculiar whiteness about his face on certain occasions that lingered in her memory。 He was indeed making elaborate explanations。  He said that what he wanted to do was to understand 〃the collective life of the world;〃 and that this was not to be done in a West…End study。  He had an extraordinary contempt; it seemed; for both sides in the drama of British politics。  He had extravagant ideas of beginning in some much more fundamental way。  He wanted to understand this 〃collective life of the world;〃 because ultimately he wanted to help control it。 (Was there ever such nonsense?)  The practical side of this was serious enough; however; he was back at his old idea of going round the earth。  Later on that might be rather a jolly thing to do; but not until they had struck root a little more surely in London。 And then with amazement; with incredulity; with indignation; she began to realize that he was proposing to go off by himself upon this vague extravagant research; that all this work she had been doing to make a social place for him in London was as nothing to him; that he was thinking of himself as separable from her。 。 。 。 〃But; Cheetah!  How can you leave your spotless leopard?  You would howl in the lonely jungle!〃 〃Possibly I shall。  But I am going。〃 〃Then I shall come。〃 〃No。〃 He considered her reasons。  〃You see you are not interested。〃 〃But I am。〃 〃Not as I am。  You would turn it all into a jolly holiday。  You don't want to see things as I want to do。  You want romance。  All the world is a show for you。  As a show I can't endure it。  I want to lay hands on it。〃 〃But; Cheetah!〃 she said; 〃this is separation。〃 〃You will have your life here。  And I shall come back。〃 〃But; Cheetah!  How can we be separated?〃 〃We are separated;〃 he said。 Her eyes became round with astonishment。  Then her face puckered。 〃Cheetah!〃 she cried in a voice of soft distress; 〃I love you。  What do you mean?〃 And she staggered forward; tear…blinded; and felt for his neck and shoulders; so that she might weep in his arms。 。 。 。


〃Don't say we are separated;〃 she whispered; putting her still wet face close to his。 〃No。  We're mates;〃 he answered softly; with his arm about her。 〃How could we ever keep away from each uvver?〃 she whispered。 He was silent。 〃How COULD we?〃 He answered aloud。  〃Amanda;〃 he said; 〃I mean to go round the world。〃 She disentangled herself from his arm and sat up beside him。 〃What is to become of me;〃 she asked suddenly in a voice of despair; 〃while you go round the world?  If you desert me in London;〃 she said; 〃if you shame me by deserting me in London  If you leave me; I will never forgive you; Cheetah!  Never。〃  Then in an almost breathless voice; and as if she spoke to herself; 〃Never in all my days。〃


It was after that that Amanda began to talk about children。  There was nothing involuntary about Amanda。  〃Soon;〃 she said; 〃we must begin to think of children。  Not just now; but a little later。  It's good to travel and have our fun; but life is unreal until there are children in the background。  No woman is really content until she is a mother。 。 。 。〃  And for nearly a fortnight nothing more was said about that solitary journey round the world。 But children were not the only new topic in Amanda's talk。  She set herself with an ingenious subtlety to remind her husband that there were other men in the world。  The convenient fags; sometimes a little embarrassed; found their inobtrusive services being brought into the light before Benham's eyes。  Most of them were much older men than himself; elderly philanderers of whom it seemed to him no sane man need be jealous; men often of forty or more; but one was a contemporary; Sir Philip Easton; a man with a touch of Spanish blood and a suggestion of Spanish fire; who quite manifestly was very much in love with Amanda and of whom she spoke with a slight perceptible difference of manner that made Benham faintly uneasy。  He was ashamed of the feeling。  Easton it seemed was a man of a peculiarly fine honour; so that Amanda could trust herself with him to an extent that would have been inadvisable with men of a commoner substance; and he had a gift of understanding and sympathy that was almost feminine; he could cheer one up when one was lonely and despondent。  For Amanda was so methodical in the arrangement of her time that even in the full rush of a London season she could find an hour now and then for being lonely and despondent。  And he was a liberal and understanding purchaser of the ascendant painters; he understood that side of Amanda's interests; a side upon which Benham was notably deficient。 。 。 。 〃Amanda seems to like that dark boy; Poff; what is his name?Sir Philip Easton?〃 said Lady Marayne。 Benham looked at her with a slightly hostile intelligence; and said nothing。 〃When a man takes a wife; he has to keep her;〃 said Lady Marayne。 〃No;〃 said Benham after consideration。  〃I don't intend to be a wife…herd。〃 〃What?〃 〃Wife…herdsame as goat…herd。〃 〃Coarse; you are sometimes; Poffnowadays。〃 〃It's exactly what I mean。  I can understand the kind of curator's interest an Oriental fi
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