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the research magnificent-第52部分

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uried in mines will sing; people going down in ships。〃 〃The Sussex labourers don't sing;〃 said Amanda。  〃These people sing well。〃 〃They would probably sing as well if they were civilized。  Even if they didn't I shouldn't care。  All the rest of their lives is muddle and cruelty and misery。  Look at the women。  There was that party of bent creatures we met yesterday; carrying great bundles; carrying even the men's cloaks and pipes; while their rascal husbands and brothers swaggered behind。  Look at the cripples we have seen and the mutilated men。  If we have met one man without a nose; we have met a dozen。  And stunted people。  All these people are like evil schoolboys; they do nothing but malicious mischief; there is nothing adult about them but their voices; they are like the heroic dreams of young ruffians in a penitentiary。  You saw that man at Scutari in the corner of the bazaar; the gorgeous brute; you admired him。〃 〃The man with the gold inlaid pistols and the diamonds on his yataghan。  He wanted to show them to us。〃 〃Yes。  You let him see you admired him。〃 〃I liked the things on his stall。〃 〃Well; he has killed nearly thirty people。〃 〃In duels?〃 〃Good Lord!  NO!  Assassinations。  His shoemaker annoyed him by sending in a bill。  He went to the man's stall; found him standing with his child in his arms and blew out his brains。  He blundered against a passer…by in the road and shot him。  Those are his feats。 Sometimes his pistols go off in the bazaar just by accident。〃 〃Does nobody kill him?〃 〃I wanted to;〃 said Benham and became thoughtful for a time。  〃I think I ought to have made some sort of quarrel。  But then as I am an Englishman he might have hesitated。  He would have funked a strange beast like me。  And I couldn't have shot him if he had hesitated。  And if he hadn't〃 〃But doesn't a blood feud come down on him?〃 〃It only comes down on his family。  The shoemaker's son thought the matter over and squared accounts by putting the muzzle of a gun into the small of the back of our bully's uncle。  It was easier that way。 。 。 。  You see you're dealing with men of thirteen years old or thereabouts; the boy who doesn't grow up。〃 〃But doesn't the law?〃 〃There's no law。  Only custom and the Turkish tax collector。 〃You see this is what men are where there is no power; no discipline; no ruler; no responsibility。  This is a masterless world。  This is pure democracy。  This is the natural state of men。 This is the world of the bully and the brigand and assassin; the world of the mud…pelter and brawler; the world of the bent woman; the world of the flea and the fly; the open drain and the baying dog。  This is what the British sentimentalist thinks a noble state for men。〃 〃They fight for freedom。〃 〃They fight among each other。  There are their private feuds and their village feuds and above all that great feud religion。  In Albania there is only one religion and that is hate。  But there are three churches for the better cultivation of hate and cruelty; the Latin; the Greek and the Mahometan。〃 〃But no one has ever conquered these people。〃 〃Any one could; the Servians; the Bulgarians; the Greeks; the Italians; the Austrians。  Why; they can't even shoot!  It's just the balance of power and all that foolery keeps this country a roadless wilderness。  Good God; how I tire of it!  These men who swagger and stink; their brawling dogs; their greasy priests and dervishes; the down…at…heel soldiers; the bribery and robbery; the cheating over the money。 。 。 。〃

He slipped off the parapet; too impatient to sit any longer; and began to pace up and down in the road。 〃One marvels that no one comes to clear up this country; one itches to be at the job; and then one realizes that before one can begin here; one must get to work back there; where the fools and pedants of WELT POLITIK scheme mischief one against another。  This country frets me。  I can't see any fun in it; can't see the humour of it。 And the people away there know no better than to play off tribe against tribe; sect against sect; one peasant prejudice against another。  Over this pass the foolery grows grimmer and viler。  We shall come to where the Servian plots against the Bulgarian and the Greek against both; and the Turk; with spasmodic massacres and indulgences; broods over the brew。  Every division is subdivided。 There are two sorts of Greek church; Exarchic; Patriarchic; both teaching by threat and massacre。  And there is no one; no one; with the sense to over…ride all these squalid hostilities。  All those fools away there in London and Vienna and St。 Petersburg and Rome take sides as though these beastly tribes and leagues and superstitions meant anything but blank; black; damnable ignorance。 One fool stands up for the Catholic Albanians; another finds heroes in the Servians; another talks of Brave Little Montenegro; or the Sturdy Bulgarian; or the Heroic Turk。  There isn't a religion in the whole Balkan peninsula; there isn't a tribal or national sentiment that deserves a moment's respect from a sane man。  They're things like niggers' nose…rings and Chinese secret societies; childish things; idiot things that have to go。  Yet there is no one who will preach the only possible peace; which is the peace of the world… state; the open conspiracy of all the sane men in the world against the things that break us up into wars and futilities。  And here am Iwho have the lightWANDERING!  Just wandering!〃 He shrugged his shoulders and came to stare at the torrent under the bridge。 〃You're getting ripe for London; Cheetah;〃 said Amanda softly。 〃I want somehow to get to work; to get my hands on definite things。〃 〃How can we get back?〃 She had to repeat her question presently。 〃We can go on。  Over the hills is Ochrida and then over another pass is Presba; and from there we go down into Monastir and reach a railway and get back to the world of our own times again。〃


But before they reached the world of their own times Macedonia was to show them something grimmer than Albania。 They were riding through a sunlit walnut wood beyond Ochrida when they came upon the thing。 The first they saw of it looked like a man lying asleep on a grassy bank。  But he lay very still indeed; he did not look up; he did not stir as they passed; the pose of his hand was stiff; and when Benham glanced back at him; he stifled a little cry of horror。  For this man had no face and the flies had been busy upon him。 。 。 。 Benham caught Amanda's bridle so that she had to give her attention to her steed。 〃Ahead!〃 he said; 〃Ahead!  Look; a village!〃 (Why the devil didn't they bury the man?  Why? And that fool Giorgio and the others were pulling up and beginning to chatter。  After all she might look back。) Through the trees now they could see houses。  He quickened his pace and jerked Amanda's horse forward。 。 。 。 But the village was a still one。  Not a dog barked。 Here was an incredible village without even a dog! And then; then they saw some more people lying about。  A woman lay in a doorway。  Near her was something muddy that might have been a child; beyond were six men all spread out very neatly in a row with their faces to the sky。 〃Cheetah!〃 cried Amanda; with her voice going up。  〃They've been killed。  Some one has killed t
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