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the research magnificent-第41部分

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s of the fathers and the questionable achievements of any intervening testator。  Not half a dozen rich and established families in all England could stand even the most conventional inquiry into the foundations of their pride; and only a universal amnesty could prevent ridiculous distinctions。  But he brought no accusation of inconsistency agt of you I knew that。 。 。 。〃 They embracedalertly furtive。 Then they stood a little apart。  Some one was coming towards them。 Amanda's bearing changed swiftly。  She put up her little face to his; confidently and intimately。 〃Don't TELL any one;〃 she whispered eagerly shaking his arm to emphasize her words。  〃Don't tell any onenot yet。  Not for a few days。 。 。 。〃 She pushed him from her quickly as the shadowy form of Betty appeared in a little path between the artichokes and raspberry canes。 〃Listening to the nightingales?〃 cried Betty。 〃Yes; aren't they?〃 said Amanda inconsecutively。 〃That's our very own nightingale!〃 cried Betty advancing。  〃Do you hear it; Mr。 Benham?  No; not that one。  That is a quite inferior bird that performs in the vicarage trees。 。 。 。〃


When a man has found and won his mate then the best traditions demainst his mother。  She looked at things with a lighter logic and a kind of genius for the acceptance of superficial values。  She was condoned and forgiven; a rescued lamb; re…established; notoriously bright and nice; and the Morrises were damned。  That was their status; exclusion; damnation; as fixed as colour in Georgia or caste in Bengal。  But if his mother's mind worked in that way there was no reason why his should。  So far as he was concerned; he told himself; it did not matter whether Amanda was the daughter of a swindler or the daughter of a god。  He had no doubt that she herself had the spirit and quality of divinity。  He had seen it。 So there was nothing for it in the failure of his mother's civilities but to increase his own。  He would go down to Harting and take his leave of these amiable outcasts himself。  With a certain effusion。  He would do this soon because he was now within sight of the beginning of his world tour。  He had made his plans and prepared most of his equipment。  Little remained to do but the release of Merkle; the wrappering and locking up of Finacue Street; which could await him indefinitely; and the buying of tickets。  He decided to take the opportunity afforded by a visit of Sir Godfrey and Lady Marayne to the Blights; big iron people in the North of England of so austere a morality that even Benham was ignored by it。  He announced his invasion in a little note to Mrs。 Wilder。  He parted from his mother on Friday afternoon; she was already; he perceived; a little reconciled to his project of going abroad; and contrived his arrival at South Harting for that sunset hour which was for his imagination the natural halo of Amanda。 〃I'm going round the world;〃 he told them simply。  〃I may be away for two years; and I thought I would like to see you all again before I started。〃 That was quite the way they did things。 The supper…party included Mr。 Rathbone…Sanders; who displayed a curious tendency to drift in between Benham and Amanda; a literary youth with a Byronic visage; very dark curly hair; and a number of extraordinarily mature chins; a girl…friend of Betty's who had cycled down from London; and who it appeared maintained herself at large in London by drawing for advertisements; and a silent colourless friend of Mr。 Rathbone…Sanders。  The talk lit by Amanda's enthusiasm circled actively round Benham's expedition。  It was clear that the idea of giving some years to thinking out one's possible work in the world was for some reason that remained obscure highly irritating to both Mr。 Rathbone…Sanders and the Byronic youth。 Betty too regarded it as levity when there was 〃so much to be done;〃 and the topic whacked about and rose to something like a wrangle; and sat down and rested and got up again reinvigorated; with a continuity of interest that Benham had never yet encountered in any London gathering。  He made a good case for his modern version of the Grand Tour; and he gave them something of his intellectual enthusiasm for the distances and views; the cities and seas; the multitudinous wide spectacle of the world he was to experience。  He had been reading about Benares and North China。  As he talked Amanda; who had been animated at first; fell thoughtful and silent。 And then it was discovered that the night was wonderfully warm and the moon shining。  They drifted out into the garden; but Mr。 Rathbone…Sanders was suddenly entangled and drawn back by Mrs。 Wilder and the young woman from London upon some technical point; and taken to the work…table in the corner of the dining…room to explain。  He was never able to get to the garden。 Benham found himself with Amanda upon a side path; a little isolated by some swaggering artichokes and a couple of apple trees and so forth from the general conversation。  They cut themselves off from the continuation of that by a little silence; and then she spoke abruptly and with the quickness of a speaker who has thought out something to say and fears interruption: 〃Why did you come down here?〃 〃I wanted to see you before I went。〃 〃You disturb me。  You fill me with envy。〃 〃I didn't think of that。  I wanted to see you again。〃 〃And then you will go off round the world; you will see the Tropics; you will see India; you will go into Chinese cities all hung with vermilion; you will climb mountains。  Oh! men can do all the splendid things。  Wnd a lyrical interlude。  It should be possible to tell; in that ecstatic manner which melts words into moonshine; makes prose almost uncomfortably rhythmic; and brings all the freshness of every spring that ever was across the page; of the joyous exaltation of the happy lover。  This at any rate was what White had always done in his novels hitherto; and what he hy do you come here to remind me of it?  I have never been anywhere; anywhere at all。  I never shall go anywhere。 Never in my life have I seen a mountain。  Those Downs therelook at them!are my highest。  And while you are travelling I shall think of youand think of you。 。 。 。〃 〃Would YOU like to travel?〃 he asked as though that was an extraordinary idea。 〃Do you think EVERY girl wants to sit at home and rock a cradle?〃 〃I never thought YOU did。〃 〃Then what did you think I wanted?〃 〃What DO you want?〃 She held her arms out widely; and the moonlight shone in her eyes as she turned her face to him。 〃Just what you want;〃 she said; 〃THE WHOLE WORLD! 〃Life is like a feast;〃 she went on; 〃it is spread before everybody and nobody must touch it。  What am I?  Just a prisoner。  In a cottage garden。  Looking for ever over a hedge。  I should be happier if I couldn't look。  I remember once; only a little time ago; there was a cheap excursion to London。  Our only servant went。  She had to get up at an unearthly hour; and II got up too。  I helped her to get off。  And when she was gone I went up to my bedroom again and cried。  I cried with envy for any one; any one who could go away。 I've been nowhereexcept to school at Chichester and three or four times to Emsworth and Bognorfor eight years。  When you go〃the tears glittered in the moon
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