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the research magnificent-第15部分

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 Benham would have felt the mere asking of this question was a thing ignoble; not to be tolerated。  It was; as it were; treason to nobility。  But Prothero putothero。  BILLY! Like a goat or something。  People called William don't get their Christian name insisted upon unless they are vulnerable somewhere。 Any form of William stamps a weakness; Willie; Willy; Will; Billy; Bill; it's a fearful handle for one's friends。  At any rate Poff had escaped that。  But this Prothero! 〃But who IS this Billy Prothero?〃 she asked one evening in the walled garden。 〃He was at Minchinghampton。〃 〃But who IS he?  Who is his father?  Where does he come from?〃 Benham sought in his mind for a space。  〃I don't know;〃 he said at last。  Billy had always been rather reticent about his people。  She demanded descriptions。  She demanded an account of Billy's furniture; Billy's clothes; Billy's form of exercise。  It dawned upon Benham that for some inexplicable reason she was hostile to Billy。  It was like the unmasking of an ambuscade。  He had talked a lot about Prothero's ideas and the discussions of social reform and social service that went on in his rooms; for Billy read at unknown times; and was open at all hours to any argumentative caller。  To Lady Marayne all ideas were obnoxious; a form of fogging; all ideas; she held; were queer ideas。  〃And does he call himself a Socialist?〃 she asked。  〃I THOUGHT he would。〃 〃Poff;〃 she cried suddenly; 〃you're not a SOCIALIST?〃 〃Such a vague term。〃 〃But these friends of yoursthey seem to be ALL Socialists。  Red ties and everything complete。〃 〃They have ideas;〃 he evaded。  He tried to express it better。  〃They give one something to take hold of。〃 She sat up stiffly on the garden…seat。  She lifted her finger at him; very seriously。  〃I hope;〃 she said with all her heart; 〃that you will have nothing to do with such ideas。  Nothing。  SOCIALISM!〃 〃They make a case。〃 〃Pooh!  Any one can make a case。〃 〃But〃 〃There's no sense in them。  What is the good of talking about upsetting everything?  Just disorder。  How can one do anything then? You mustn't。  You mustn't。  No。  It's nonsense; little Poff。  It's absurd。  And you may spoil so much。 。 。 。  I HATE the way you talk of it。 。 。 。  As if  it wasn't allabsolutelyRUBBISH。 。 。 。〃 She was earnest almost to the intonation of tears。 Why couldn't her son go straight for his ends; clear tangible ends; as she had always done?  This thinking about everything!  She had never thought about anything in all her life for more than half an hourand it had always turned out remarkably well。 Benham felt baffled。  There was a pause。  How on earth could he go on telling her his ideas if this was how they were to be taken? 〃I wish sometimes;〃 his mother said abruptly; with an unusually sharp note in her voice; 〃that you wouldn't look quite so like your father。〃 〃But I'm NOT like my father!〃 said Benham puzzled。 〃No;〃 she insisted; and with an air of appealing to his soberer reason; 〃so why should you go LOOKING like him?  That CONCERNED expression。 。 。 。 She jumped to her feet。  〃Poff;〃 she said; 〃I want to go and see the evening primroses pop。  You and I are talking nonsense。  THEY don't have ideas anyhow。  They just popas God meant them to do。  What stupid things we human beings are!〃 Her philosophical moments were perhaps the most baffling of all。


Billy Prothero became the symbol in the mind of Lady Marayne for all that disappointed her in Benham。  He had to become the symbol; because she could not think of complicated or abstract things; she had to make things personal; and he was the only personality available。  She fretted over his existence for some days therefore (once she awakened and thought about him in the night); and then suddenly she determined to grasp her nettle。  She decided to seize and obliterate this Prothero。  He must come to Chexington and be thoroughly and conclusively led on; examined; ransacked; shown up; and disposed of for ever。  At once。  She was not quite clear how she meant to do this; but she was quite resolved that it had to be done。 Anything is better than inaction。 There was a little difficulty about dates and engagements; but he came; and through the season of expectation Benham; who was now for the first time in contact with the feminine nature; was delighted at the apparent change to cordiality。  So that he talked of Billy to his mother much more than he had ever done before。 Billy had been his particular friend at Minchinghampton; at least during the closing two years of his school life。  Billy had fallen into friendship with Benham; as some of us fall in love; quite suddenly; when he saw Benham get down from the fence and be sick after his encounter with the bull。  Already Billy was excited by admiration; but it was the incongruity of the sickness conquered him。  He went back to the school with his hands more than usually in his pockets; and no eyes for anything but this remarkable strung…up fellow…creature。  He felt he had never observed Benham before; and he was astonished that he had not done so。 Billy Prothero was a sturdy sort of boy; generously wanting in good looks。  His hair was rough; and his complexion muddy; and he walked about with his hands in his pockets; long flexible lips protruded in a whistle; and a rather shapeless nose well up to show he didn't care。  Providence had sought to console him by giving him a keen eye for the absurdity of other people。  He had a suggestive tongue; and he professed and practised cowardice to the scandal of all his acquaintances。  He was said never to wash behind his ears; but this report wronged him。  There had been a time when he did not do so; but his mother had won him to a promise; and now that operation was often the sum of his simple hasty toilet。  His desire to associate himself with Benham was so strong that it triumphed over a defensive reserve。  It enabled him to detect accessible moments; do inobtrusive friendly services; and above all amuse his quarry。  He not only amused Benham; he stimulated him。  They came to do quite a number of things together。  In the language of schoolboy stories they became 〃inseparables。〃 Prothero's first desire; so soon as they were on a footing that enabled him to formulate desires; was to know exactly what Benham thought he was up to in crossing a field with a bull in it instead of going round; and by the time he began to understand that; he had conceived an affection for him that was to last a lifetime。 〃I wasn't going to be bullied by a beast;〃 said Benham。 〃Suppose it had been an elephant?〃 Prothero cried。 。 。 。  〃A mad elephant? 。 。 。  A pack of wolves?〃 Benham was too honest not to see that he was entangled。  〃Well; suppose in YOUR case it had been a wild cat? 。 。 。  A fierce mastiff? 。 。 。  A mastiff? 。 。 。  A terrier? 。 。 。  A lap dog?〃 〃Yes; but my case is that there are limits。〃 Benham was impatient at the idea of limits。  With a faintly malicious pleasure Prothero lugged him back to that idea。 〃We both admit there are limits;〃 Prothero concluded。  〃But between the absolutely impossible and the altogether possible there's the region of risk。  You think a man ought to take that risk〃  He reflected。  〃I thinknoI think NOT。〃 〃If he feels afraid;〃 cried Benha
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