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the research magnificent-第11部分

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ree to wait for day。 He sat very still indeed。 A great stillness came over the world; a velvet silence that wrapped about him; as the velvet shadows wrapped about him。  The corncrakes had ceased; all the sounds and stir of animal life had died away; the breeze had fallen。  A drowsing comfort took possession of him。 He grew more placid and more placid still。  He was enormously content to find that fear had fled before him and was gone。  He drifted into that state of mind when one thinks without ideas; when one's mind is like a starless sky; serene and empty。


Some hours later Benham found that the trees and rocks were growing visible again; and he saw a very bright star that he knew must be Lucifer rising amidst the black branches。  He was sitting upon a rock at the foot of a slender…stemmed leafless tree。  He had been asleep; and it was daybreak。  Everything was coldly clear and colourless。 He must have slept soundly。 He heard a cock crow; and another answerjungle fowl these must be; because there could be no village within earshotand then far away and bringing back memories of terraced houses and ripe walled gardens; was the scream of peacocks。  And some invisible bird was making a hollow beating sound among the trees near at hand。 TUNK。 。 。 。  TUNK; and out of the dry grass came a twittering。 There was a green light in the east that grew stronger; and the stars after their magnitudes were dissolving in the blue; only a few remained faintly visible。  The sound of birds increased。  Through the trees he saw towering up a great mauve thing like the back of a monster;but that was nonsense; it was the crest of a steep hillside covered with woods of teak。 He stood up and stretched himself; and wondered whether he had dreamed of a tiger。 He tried to remember and retrace the course of his over…night wanderings。 A flight of emerald parakeets tore screaming through the trees; and then far away uphill he heard the creaking of a cart。 He followed the hint of a footmark; and went back up the glen slowly and thoughtfully。 Presently he came to a familiar place; a group of trees; a sheet of water; and the ruins of an old embankment。  It was the ancient tank of his overnight encounter。  The pool of his dream? With doubt still in his mind; he walked round its margin to the sandy level beyond; and cast about and sought intently; and at last found; and then found clearly; imposed upon the tracks of several sorts of deer and the footprints of many biggish birds; first the great spoor of the tiger and then his own。  Here the beast had halted; and here it had leapt aside。  Here his own footmarks stopped。  Here his heels had come together。 It had been no dream。 There was a white mist upon the water of the old tank like the bloom upon a plum; and the trees about it seemed smaller and the sand… space wider and rougher than they had seemed in the moonshine。  Then the ground had looked like a floor of frosted silver。 And thence he went on upward through the fresh morning; until just as the east grew red with sunrise; he reached the cart…track from which he had strayed overnight。  It was; he found; a longer way back to the camp than he remembered it to be。  Perhaps he had struck the path further along。  It curved about and went up and down and crossed three ravines。  At last he came to that trampled place of littered white blossom under great trees where he had seen the bears。 The sunlight went before him in a sheaf of golden spears; and his shadow; that was at first limitless; crept towards his feet。  The dew had gone from the dead grass and the sand was hot to his dry boots before he came back into the open space about the great banyan and the tents。  And Kepple; refreshed by a night's rest and coffee; was wondering loudly where the devil he had gone。




Benham was the son of a schoolmaster。  His father was assistant first at Cheltenham; and subsequently at Minchinghampton; and then he became head and later on sole proprietor of Martindale House; a high…class preparatory school at Seagate。  He was extremely successful for some years; as success goes in the scholastic profession; and then disaster overtook him in the shape of a divorce。  His wife; William Porphyry's mother; made the acquaintance of a rich young man named Nolan; who was recuperating at Seagate from the sequelae of snake…bite; malaria; and a gun accident in Brazil。  She ran away with him; and she was divorced。  She was; however; unable to marry him because he died at Wiesbaden only three days after the Reverend Harold Benham obtained his decree absolute。 Instead; therefore; being a woman of great spirit; enterprise and sweetness; she married Godfrey Marayne; afterwards Sir Godfrey Marayne; the great London surgeon。 Nolan was a dark; rather melancholy and sentimental young man; and he left about a third of his very large fortune entirely to Mrs。 Benham and the rest to her in trust for her son; whom he deemed himself to have injured。  With this and a husband already distinguished; she returned presently to London; and was on the whole fairly well received there。 It was upon the reverend gentleman at Seagate that the brunt of this divorce fell。  There is perhaps a certain injustice in the fact that a schoolmaster who has lost his wife should also lose the more valuable proportion of his pupils; but the tone of thought in England is against any association of a schoolmaster with matrimonial irregularity。  And also Mr。 Benham remarried。  It would certainly have been better for him if he could have produced a sister。  His school declined and his efforts to resuscitate it only hastened its decay。  Conceiving that he could now only appeal to the broader…minded; more progressive type of parent; he became an educational reformer; and wrote upon modernizing the curriculum with increasing frequency to the TIMES。  He expended a considerable fraction of his dwindling capital upon a science laboratory and a fives court; he added a London Bachelor of Science with a Teaching Diploma to the school staff; and a library of about a thousand volumes; including the Hundred Best Books as selected by the late Lord Avebury; to the school equipment。  None of these things did anything but enhance the suspicion of laxity his wife's escapade had created in the limited opulent and discreet class to which his establishment appealed。  One boy who; under the influence of the Hundred Best Books; had quoted the ZEND…AVESTA to an irascible but influential grandfather; was withdrawn without notice or compensation in the middle of the term。  It intensifies the tragedy of the Reverend Harold Benham's failure that in no essential respect did his school depart from the pattern of all other properly… conducted preparatory schools。 In appearance he was near the average of scholastic English gentlemen。  He displayed a manifest handsomeness somewhat weakened by disregard and disuse; a large moustache and a narrow high forehead。  His rather tired brown eyes were magnified by glasses。 He was an active man in unimportant things; with a love for the phrase 〃ship…shape;〃 and he played cricket better than any one else on the staff。  He walked in wide strides; and would sometimes u
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