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twice-told tales- the ambitious guest-第2部分

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would trace the brightness of his footsteps; brightening as meaner

glories faded; and confess that a gifted one had passed from his

cradle to his tomb with none to recognize him。

   〃As yet;〃 cried the stranger… his cheek glowing and his eye

flashing with enthusiasm… 〃as yet; I have done nothing。 Were I to

vanish from the earth tomorrow; none would know so much of me as

you: that a nameless youth came up at nightfall from the valley of the

Saco; and opened his heart to you in the evening; and passed through

the Notch by sunrise; and was seen no more。 Not a soul would ask; 'Who

was he? Whither did the wanderer go?' But I cannot die till I have

achieved my destiny。 Then; let Death come! I shall have built my


   There was a continual flow of natural emotion; gushing forth amid

abstracted reverie; which enabled the family to understand this

young man's sentiments; though so foreign from their own。 With quick

sensibility of the ludicrous; he blushed at the ardor into which he

had been betrayed。

   〃You laugh at me;〃 said he; taking the eldest daughter's hand;

and laughing himself。 〃You think my ambition as nonsensical as if I

were to freeze myself to death on the top of Mount Washington; only

that people might spy at me from the country round about。 And;

truly; that would be a noble pedestal for a man's statue!〃

   〃It is better to sit here by this fire;〃 answered the girl;

blushing; 〃and be comfortable and contented; though nobody thinks

about us。〃

   〃I suppose;〃 said her father; after a fit of musing; 〃there is

something natural in what the young man says; and if my mind had

been turned that way; I might have felt just the same。 It is

strange; wife; how his talk has set my head running on things that are

pretty certain never to come to pass。〃

   〃Perhaps they may;〃 observed the wife。 〃Is the man thinking what he

will do when he is a widower?〃

   〃No; no!〃 cried he; repelling the idea with reproachful kindness。

〃When I think of your death; Esther; I think of mine; too。 But I was

wishing we had a good farm in Bartlett; or Bethlehem; or Littleton; or

some other township round the White Mountains; but not where they

could tumble on our heads。 I should want to stand well with my

neighbors and be called Squire; and sent to General Court for a term

or two; for a plain; honest man may do as much good there as a lawyer。

And when I should be grown quite an old man; and you an old woman;

so as not to be long apart; I might die happy enough in my bed; and

leave you all crying around me。 A slate gravestone would suit me as

well as a marble one… with just my name and age; and a verse of a

hymn; and something to let people know that I lived an honest man

and died a Christian。〃

   〃There now!〃 exclaimed the stranger; 〃it is our nature to desire

a monument; be it slate or marble; or a pillar of granite; or a

glorious memory in the universal heart of man。〃

   〃We're in a strange way; tonight;〃 said the wife; with tears in her

eyes。 〃They say it's a sign of something; when folks' minds go

a…wandering so。 Hark to the children!〃

   They listened accordingly。 The younger children had been put to bed

in another room; but with an open door between; so that they could

be heard talking busily among themselves。 One and all seemed to have

caught the infection from the fireside circle; and were outvying

each other in wild wishes; and childish projects; of what they would

do when they came to be men and women。 At length a little boy; instead

of addressing his brothers and sisters; called out to his mother。

   〃I'll tell you what I wish; mother;〃 cried he。 〃I want you and

father and grandma'm; and all of us; and the stranger too; to start

right away; and go and take a drink out of the basin of the Flume!〃

   Nobody could help laughing at the child's notion of leaving a

warm bed; and dragging them from a cheerful fire; to visit the basin

of the Flume… a brook; which tumbles over the precipice; deep within

the Notch。 The boy had hardly spoken when a wagon rattled along the

road; and stopped a moment before the door。 It appeared to contain two

or three men; who were cheering their hearts with the rough chorus

of a song; which resounded; in broken notes; between the cliffs; while

the singers hesitated whether to continue their journey or put up here

for the night。

   〃Father;〃 said the girl; 〃they are calling you by name。〃

   But the good man doubted whether they had really called him; and

was unwilling to show himself too solicitous of gain by inviting

people to patronize his house。 He therefore did not hurry to the door;

and the lash being soon applied; the travellers plunged into the

Notch; still singing and laughing; though their music and mirth came

back drearily from the heart of the mountain。

   〃There; mother!〃 cried the boy; again。 〃They'd have given us a ride

to the Flume。〃

   Again they laughed at the child's pertinacious fancy for a night

ramble。 But it happened that a light cloud passed over the

daughter's spirit; she looked gravely into the fire; and drew a breath

that was almost a sigh。 It forced its way; in spite of a little

struggle to repress it。 Then starting and blushing; she looked quickly

round the circle; as if they had caught a glimpse into her bosom。

The stranger asked what she had been thinking of。

   〃Nothing;〃 answered she; with a downcast smile。 〃Only I felt

lonesome just then。〃

   〃Oh; I have always had a gift of feeling what is in other

people's hearts;〃 said he; half seriously。 〃Shall I tell the secrets

of yours? For I know what to think when a young girl shivers by a warm

hearth; and complains of lonesomeness at her mother's side。 Shall I

put these feelings into words?〃

   〃They would not be a girl's feelings any longer if they could be

put into words;〃 replied the mountain nymph; laughing; but avoiding

his eye。

   All this was said apart。 Perhaps a germ of love was springing in

their hearts; so pure that it might blossom in Paradise; since it

could not be matured on earth; for women worship such gentle dignity

as his; and the proud; contemplative; yet kindly soul is oftenest

captivated by simplicity like hers。 But while they spoke softly; and

he was watching the happy sadness; the lightsome shadows; the shy

yearnings of a maiden's nature; the wind through the Notch took a

deeper and drearier sound。 It seemed; as the fanciful stranger said;

like the choral strain of the spirits of the blast; who in old

Indian times had their dwelling among these mountains; and made

their heights and recesses a sacred region。 There was a wail along the

road; as if a funeral were passing。 To chase away the gloom; the

family threw pine branches on their fire; till the dry leaves crackled

and the flame arose; discovering once again a scene of peace and

humble happiness。 The light hovered about them fondly; and caressed

them all。 There were the little faces of the children; peeping from

their bed apart; and here the father's frame of strength; the mother's

subdued and careful mien; the high…browed youth; the budding girl; a
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