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twice-told tales- the ambitious guest-第1部分

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                                TWICE…TOLD TALES

                              THE AMBITIOUS GUEST

                             by Nathaniel Hawthorne

   ONE SEPTEMBER NIGHT a family had gathered round their hearth; and

piled it high with the driftwood of mountain streams; the dry cones of

the pine; and the splintered ruins of great trees that had come

crashing down the precipice。 Up the chimney roared the fire; and

brightened the room with its broad blaze。 The faces of the father

and mother had a sober gladness; the children laughed; the eldest

daughter was the image of Happiness at seventeen; and the aged

grandmother; who sat knitting in the warmest place; was the image of

Happiness grown old。 They had found the 〃herb; heart's…ease;〃 in the

bleakest spot of all New England。 This family were situated in the

Notch of the White Hills; where the wind was sharp throughout the

year; and pitilessly cold in the winter… giving their cottage all

its fresh inclemency before it descended on the valley of the Saco。

They dwelt in a cold spot and a dangerous one; for a mountain

towered above their heads; so steep; that the stones would often

rumble down its sides and startle them at midnight。

   The daughter had just uttered some simple jest that filled them all

with mirth; when the wind came through the Notch and seemed to pause

before their cottage… rattling the door; with a sound of wailing and

lamentation; before it passed into the valley。 For a moment it

saddened them; though there was nothing unusual in the tones。 But

the family were glad again when they perceived that the latch was

lifted by some traveller; whose footsteps had been unheard amid the

dreary blast which heralded his approach; and wailed as he was

entering; and went moaning away from the door。

   Though they dwelt in such a solitude; these people held daily

converse with the world。 The romantic pass of the Notch is a great

artery; through which the life…blood of internal commerce is

continually throbbing between Maine; on one side; and the Green

Mountains and the shores of the St。 Lawrence; on the other。 The

stage…coach always drew up before the door of the cottage。 The

way…farer; with no companion but his staff; paused here to exchange

a word; that the sense of loneliness might not utterly overcome him

ere he could pass through the cleft of the mountain; or reach the

first house in the valley。 And here the teamster; on his way to

Portland market; would put up for the night; and; if a bachelor; might

sit an hour beyond the usual bedtime; and steal a kiss from the

mountain maid at parting。 It was one of those primitive taverns

where the traveller pays only for food and lodging; but meets with a

homely kindness beyond all price。 When the footsteps were heard;

therefore; between the outer door and the inner one; the whole

family rose up; grandmother; children; and all; as if about to welcome

someone who belonged to them; and whose fate was linked with theirs。

   The door was opened by a young man。 His face at first wore the

melancholy expression; almost despondency; of one who travels a wild

and bleak road; at nightfall and alone; but soon brightened up when he

saw the kindly warmth of his reception。 He felt his heart spring

forward to meet them all; from the old woman; who wiped a chair with

her apron; to the little child that held out its arms to him。 One

glance and smile placed the stranger on a footing of innocent

familiarity with the eldest daughter。

   〃Ah; this fire is the right thing!〃 cried he; 〃especially when

there is such a pleasant circle round it。 I am quite benumbed; for the

Notch is just like the pipe of a great pair of bellows; it has blown a

terrible blast in my face all the way from Bartlett。〃

   〃Then you are going towards Vermont?〃 said the master of the house;

as he helped to take a light knapsack off the young man's shoulders。

   〃Yes; to Burlington; and far enough beyond;〃 replied he。 〃I meant

to have been at Ethan Crawford's tonight; but a pedestrian lingers

along such a road as this。 It is no matter; for; when I saw this

good fire; and all your cheerful faces; I felt as if you had kindled

it on purpose for me; and were waiting my arrival。 So I shall sit down

among you; and make myself at home。〃

   The frank…hearted stranger had just drawn his chair to the fire

when something like a heavy footstep was heard without; rushing down

the steep side of the mountain; as with long and rapid strides; and

taking such a leap in passing the cottage as to strike the opposite

precipice。 The family held their breath; because they knew the

sound; and their guest held his by instinct。

   〃The old mountain has thrown a stone at us; for fear we should

forget him;〃 said the landlord; recovering himself。 〃He sometimes nods

his head and threatens to come down; but we are old neighbors; and

agree together pretty well upon the whole。 Besides we have a sure

place of refuge hard by if he should be coming in good earnest。〃

   Let us now suppose the stranger to have finished his supper of

bear's meat; and; by his natural felicity of manner; to have placed

himself on a footing of kindness with the whole family; so that they

talked as freely together as if he belonged to their mountain brood。

He was of a proud; yet gentle spirit… haughty and reserved among the

rich and great; but ever ready to stoop his head to the lowly

cottage door; and be like a brother or a son at the poor man's

fireside。 In the household of the Notch he found warmth and simplicity

of feeling; the pervading intelligence of New England; and a poetry of

native growth; which they had gathered when they little thought of

it from the mountain peaks and chasms; and at the very threshold of

their romantic and dangerous abode。 He had travelled far and alone;

his whole life; indeed; had been a solitary path; for; with the

lofty caution of his nature; he had kept himself apart from those

who might otherwise have been his companions。 The family; too;

though so kind and hospitable; had that consciousness of unity among

themselves; and separation from the world at large; which; in every

domestic circle; should still keep a holy place where no stranger

may intrude。 But this evening a prophetic sympathy impelled the

refined and educated youth to pour out his heart before the simple

mountaineers; and constrained them to answer him with the same free

confidence。 And thus it should have been。 Is not the kindred of a

common fate a closer tie than that of birth?

   The secret of the young man's character was a high and abstracted

ambition。 He could have borne to live an undistinguished life; but not

to be forgotten in the grave。 Yearning desire had been transformed

to hope; and hope; long cherished; had become like certainty; that;

obscurely as he journeyed now; a glory was to beam on all his pathway…

though not; perhaps; while he was treading it。 But when posterity

should gaze back into the gloom of what was now the present; they

would trace the brightness of his footsteps; brightening as meaner

glories faded; and 
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