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the essays of montaigne, v5-第9部分

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and so make a pack…horse of him。  Neither should I think it good; when;
by reason of a solitary and melancholic complexion; he is discovered to
be overmuch addicted to his book; to nourish that humour in him; for that
renders him unfit for civil conversation; and diverts him from better
employments。  And how many have I seen in my time totally brutified by an
immoderate thirst after knowledge?  Carneades was so besotted with it;
that he would not find time so much as to comb his head or to pare his
nails。  Neither would I have his generous manners spoiled and corrupted
by the incivility and barbarism of those of another。  The French wisdom
was anciently turned into proverb: 〃Early; but of no continuance。〃  And;
in truth; we yet see; that nothing can be more ingenious and pleasing
than the children of France; but they ordinarily deceive the hope and
expectation that have been conceived of them; and grown up to be men;
have nothing extraordinary or worth taking notice of: I have heard men of
good understanding say; these colleges of ours to which we send our young
people (and of which we have but too many) make them such animals as they
are。'Hobbes said that if he Had been at college as long as other people
he should have been as great a blockhead as they。 W。C。H。' 'And Bacon
before Hobbe's time had discussed the 〃futility〃 of university teaching。

But to our little monsieur; a closet; a garden; the table; his bed;
solitude; and company; morning and evening; all hours shall be the same;
and all places to him a study; for philosophy; who; as the formatrix of
judgment and manners; shall be his principal lesson; has that privilege
to have a hand in everything。  The orator Isocrates; being at a feast
entreated to speak of his art; all the company were satisfied with and
commended his answer:  〃It is not now a time;〃 said he; 〃to do what I can
do; and that which it is now time to do; I cannot do。〃 'Plutarch;
Symp。; i。 I。' For to make orations and rhetorical disputes in a company
met together to laugh and make good cheer; had been very unreasonable and
improper; and as much might have been said of all the other sciences。
But as to what concerns philosophy; that part of it at least that treats
of man; and of his offices and duties; it has been the common opinion of
all wise men; that; out of respect to the sweetness of her conversation;
she is ever to be admitted in all sports and entertainments。  And Plato;
having invited her to his feast; we see after how gentle and obliging a
manner; accommodated both to time and place; she entertained the company;
though in a discourse of the highest and most important nature:

              〃Aeque pauperibus prodest; locupletibus aeque;
               Et; neglecta; aeque pueris senibusque nocebit。〃

     '〃It profits poor and rich alike; but; neglected; equally hurts old
     and young。〃Horace; Ep。; i。 25。'

By this method of instruction; my young pupil will be much more and
better employed than his fellows of the college are。  But as the steps we
take in walking to and fro in a gallery; though three times as many; do
not tire a man so much as those we employ in a formal journey; so our
lesson; as it were accidentally occurring; without any set obligation of
time or place; and falling naturally into every action; will insensibly
insinuate itself。  By which means our very exercises and recreations;
running; wrestling; music; dancing; hunting; riding; and fencing; will
prove to be a good part of our study。  I would have his outward fashion
and mien; and the disposition of his limbs; formed at the same time with
his mind。  'Tis not a soul; 'tis not a body that we are training up; but
a man; and we ought not to divide him。  And; as Plato says; we are not to
fashion one without the other; but make them draw together like two
horses harnessed to a coach。  By which saying of his; does he not seem to
allow more time for; and to take more care of exercises for the body; and
to hold that the mind; in a good proportion; does her business at the
same time too?

As to the rest; this method of education ought to be carried on with a
severe sweetness; quite contrary to the practice of our pedants; who;
instead of tempting and alluring children to letters by apt and gentle
ways; do in truth present nothing before them but rods and ferules;
horror and cruelty。  Away with this violence!  away with this compulsion!
than which; I certainly believe nothing more dulls and degenerates a
well…descended nature。  If you would have him apprehend shame and
chastisement; do not harden him to them: inure him to heat and cold; to
wind and sun; and to dangers that he ought to despise; wean him from all
effeminacy and delicacy in clothes and lodging; eating and drinking;
accustom him to everything; that he may not be a Sir Paris; a carpet…
knight; but a sinewy; hardy; and vigorous young man。  I have ever from a
child to the age wherein I now am; been of this opinion; and am still
constant to it。  But amongst other things; the strict government of most
of our colleges has evermore displeased me; peradventure; they might have
erred less perniciously on the indulgent side。  'Tis a real house of
correction of imprisoned youth。  They are made debauched by being
punished before they are so。  Do but come in when they are about their
lesson; and you shall hear nothing but the outcries of boys under
execution; with the thundering noise of their pedagogues drunk with fury。
A very pretty way this; to tempt these tender and timorous souls to love
their book; with a furious countenance; and a rod in hand!  A cursed and
pernicious way of proceeding!  Besides what Quintilian has very well
observed; that this imperious authority is often attended by very
dangerous consequences; and particularly our way of chastising。  How much
more decent would it be to see their classes strewed with green leaves
and fine flowers; than with the bloody stumps of birch and willows?  Were
it left to my ordering。  I should paint the school with the pictures of
joy and gladness; Flora and the Graces; as the philosopher Speusippus did
his。  Where their profit is; let them there have their pleasure too。
Such viands as are proper and wholesome for children; should be sweetened
with sugar; and such as are dangerous to them; embittered with gall。
'Tis marvellous to see how solicitous Plato is in his Laws concerning the
gaiety and diversion of the youth of his city; and how much and often he
enlarges upon the races; sports; songs; leaps; and dances: of which; he
says; that antiquity has given the ordering and patronage particularly to
the gods themselves; to Apollo; Minerva; and the Muses。  He insists long
upon; and is very particular in; giving innumerable precepts for
exercises; but as to the lettered sciences; says very little; and only
seems particularly to recommend poetry upon the account of music。

All singularity in our manners and conditions is to be avoided; as
inconsistent with civil society。  Who would not be astonished at so
strange a constitution as that of Demophoon; steward to Alexander the
Great; who sweated in the shade and shivered in the sun?  I 
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