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the essays of montaigne, v5-第15部分

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               Maxima quae vidit quisque; haec ingentia fingit。〃

     '〃A little river seems to him; who has never seen a larger river; a
     mighty stream; and so with other thingsa tree; a mananything
     appears greatest to him that never knew a greater。〃Idem; vi。 674。'

         〃Consuetudine oculorum assuescunt animi; neque admirantur;
          neque requirunt rationes earum rerum; quas semper vident。〃

     '〃Things grow familiar to men's minds by being often seen; so that
     they neither admire nor are they inquisitive about things they daily
     see。〃 Cicero; De Natura Deor。; lib。 ii。 38。'

The novelty; rather than the greatness of things; tempts us to inquire
into their causes。  We are to judge with more reverence; and with greater
acknowledgment of our own ignorance and infirmity; of the infinite power
of nature。  How many unlikely things are there testified by people worthy
of faith; which; if we cannot persuade ourselves absolutely to believe;
we ought at least to leave them in suspense; for; to condemn them as
impossible; is by a temerarious presumption to pretend to know the utmost
bounds of possibility。  Did we rightly understand the difference betwixt
the impossible and the unusual; and betwixt that which is contrary to the
order and course of nature and contrary to the common opinion of men; in
not believing rashly; and on the other hand; in not being too
incredulous; we should observe the rule of 'Ne quid nimis' enjoined by

When we find in Froissart; that the Comte de Foix  knew in Bearn the
defeat of John; king of Castile; at Jubera the next day after it
happened; and the means by which he tells us he came to do so; we may be
allowed to be a little merry at it; as also at what our annals report;
that Pope Honorius; the same day that King Philip Augustus died at
Mantes; performed his public obsequies at Rome; and commanded the like
throughout Italy; the testimony of these authors not being; perhaps; of
authority enough to restrain us。  But what if Plutarch; besides several
examples that he produces out of antiquity; tells us; he knows of certain
knowledge; that in the time of Domitian; the news of the battle lost by
Antony in Germany was published at Rome; many days' journey from thence;
and dispersed throughout the whole world; the same day it was fought;
and if Caesar was of opinion; that it has often happened; that the report
has preceded the incident; shall we not say; that these simple people
have suffered themselves to be deceived with the vulgar; for not having
been so clear…sighted as we?  Is there anything more delicate; more
clear; more sprightly; than Pliny's judgment; when he is pleased to set
it to work?  Anything more remote from vanity?  Setting aside his
learning; of which I make less account; in which of these excellences do
any of us excel him?  And yet there is scarce a young schoolboy that does
not convict him of untruth; and that pretends not to instruct him in the
progress of the works of nature。  When we read in Bouchet the miracles of
St。 Hilary's relics; away with them: his authority is not sufficient to
deprive us of the liberty of contradicting him; but generally and offhand
to condemn all suchlike stories; seems to me a singular impudence。  That
great St。 Augustin' testifies to have seen a blind child recover sight
upon the relics of St。 Gervasius and St。 Protasius at Milan; a woman at
Carthage cured of a cancer; by the sign of the cross made upon her by a
woman newly baptized; Hesperius; a familiar friend of his; to have driven
away the spirits that haunted his house; with a little earth of the
sepulchre of our Lord; which earth; being also transported thence into
the church; a paralytic to have there been suddenly cured by it; a woman
in a procession; having touched St。 Stephen's shrine with a nosegay; and
rubbing her eyes with it; to have recovered her sight; lost many years
before; with several other miracles of which he professes himself to have
been an eyewitness: of what shall we excuse him and the two holy bishops;
Aurelius and Maximinus; both of whom he attests to the truth of these
things?  Shall it be of ignorance; simplicity; and facility; or of malice
and imposture?  Is any man now living so impudent as to think himself
comparable to them in virtue; piety; learning; judgment; or any kind of

              〃Qui; ut rationem nullam afferrent;
               ipsa auctoritate me frangerent。〃

     '〃Who; though they should adduce no reason; would convince me with
     their authority alone。〃Cicero; Tusc。 Quaes; i。 21。'

'Tis a presumption of great danger and consequence; besides the absurd
temerity it draws after it; to contemn what we do not comprehend。  For
after; according to your fine understanding; you have established the
limits of truth and error; and that; afterwards; there appears a
necessity upon you of believing stranger things than those you have
contradicted; you are already obliged to quit your limits。  Now; that
which seems to me so much to disorder our consciences in the commotions
we are now in concerning religion; is the Catholics dispensing so much
with their belief。  They fancy they appear moderate; and wise; when they
grant to their opponents some of the articles in question; but; besides
that they do not discern what advantage it is to those with whom we
contend; to begin to give ground and to retire; and how much this
animates our enemy to follow his blow: these articles which they select
as things indifferent; are sometimes of very great importance。  We are
either wholly and absolutely to submit ourselves to the authority of our
ecclesiastical polity; or totally throw off all obedience to it: 'tis not
for us to determine what and how much obedience we owe to it。  And this I
can say; as having myself made trial of it; that having formerly taken
the liberty of my own swing and fancy; and omitted or neglected certain
rules of the discipline of our Church; which seemed to me vain and
strange coming afterwards to discourse of it with learned men; I have
found those same things to be built upon very good and solid ground and
strong foundation; and that nothing but stupidity and ignorance makes us
receive them with less reverence than the rest。  Why do we not consider
what contradictions we find in our own judgments; how many things were
yesterday articles of our faith; that to…day appear no other than fables?
Glory and curiosity are the scourges of the soul; the last prompts us to
thrust our noses into everything; the other forbids us to leave anything
doubtful and undecided。

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