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the essays of montaigne, v5-第14部分

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active well…doing ought to be of so much the greater value from my hands;
by how much I have never been passive that way at all。  I can the more
freely dispose of my fortune the more it is mine; and of myself the more
I am my own。  Nevertheless; if I were good at setting out my own actions;
I could; peradventure; very well repel these reproaches; and could give
some to understand; that they are not so much offended; that I do not
enough; as that I am able to do a great deal more than I do。

Yet for all this heavy disposition of mine; my mind; when retired into
itself; was not altogether without strong movements; solid and clear
judgments about those objects it could comprehend; and could also;
without any helps; digest them; but; amongst other things; I do really
believe; it had been totally impossible to have made it to submit by
violence and force。  Shall I here acquaint you with one faculty of my
youth?  I had great assurance of countenance; and flexibility of voice
and gesture; in applying myself to any part I undertook to act: for

          〃Alter ab undecimo tum me vix ceperat annus;〃

     '〃I had just entered my twelfth year。〃Virgil; Bucol。; 39。'

I played the chief parts in the Latin tragedies of Buchanan; Guerente;
and Muret; that were presented in our College of Guienne with great
dignity: now Andreas Goveanus; our principal; as in all other parts of
his charge; was; without comparison; the best of that employment in
France; and I was looked upon as one of the best actors。  'Tis an
exercise that I do not disapprove in young people of condition; and I
have since seen our princes; after the example of some of the ancients;
in person handsomely and commendably perform these exercises; it was even
allowed to persons of quality to make a profession of it in Greece。

          〃Aristoni tragico actori rem aperit: huic et genus et
          fortuna honesta erant: nec ars; quia nihil tale apud
          Graecos pudori est; ea deformabat。〃

     '〃He imparted this matter to Aristo the tragedian; a man of good
     family and fortune; which neither of them receive any blemish by
     that profession; nothing of this kind being reputed a disparagement
     in Greece。〃Livy; xxiv。 24。'

Nay; I have always taxed those with impertinence who condemn these
entertainments; and with injustice those who refuse to admit such
comedians as are worth seeing into our good towns; and grudge the people
that public diversion。  Well…governed corporations take care to assemble
their citizens; not only to the solemn duties of devotion; but also to
sports and spectacles。  They find society and friendship augmented by it;
and besides; can there possibly be allowed a more orderly and regular
diversion than what is performed m the sight of every one; and very often
in the presence of the supreme magistrate himself?  And I; for my part;
should think it reasonable; that the prince should sometimes gratify his
people at his own expense; out of paternal goodness and affection; and
that in populous cities there should be theatres erected for such
entertainments; if but to divert them from worse and private actions。

To return to my subject; there is nothing like alluring the appetite and
affections; otherwise you make nothing but so many asses laden with
books; by dint of the lash; you give them their pocketful of learning to
keep; whereas; to do well you should not only lodge it with them; but
make them espouse it。



'Tis not; perhaps; without reason; that we attribute facility of belief
and easiness of persuasion to simplicity and ignorance: for I fancy I
have heard belief compared to the impression of a seal upon the soul;
which by how much softer and of less resistance it is; is the more easy
to be impressed upon。

         〃Ut necesse est; lancem in Libra; ponderibus impositis;
          deprimi; sic animum perspicuis cedere。〃

     '〃As the scale of the balance must give way to the weight that
     presses it down; so the mind yields to demonstration。〃
     Cicero; Acad。; ii。 12。'

By how much the soul is more empty and without counterpoise; with so much
greater facility it yields under the weight of the first persuasion。  And
this is the reason that children; the common people; women; and sick
folks; are most apt to be led by the ears。  But then; on the other hand;
'tis a foolish presumption to slight and condemn all things for false
that do not appear to us probable; which is the ordinary vice of such as
fancy themselves wiser than their neighbours。  I was myself once one of
those; and if I heard talk of dead folks walking; of prophecies;
enchantments; witchcrafts; or any other story I had no mind to believe:

              〃Somnia; terrores magicos; miracula; sagas;
               Nocturnos lemures; portentaque Thessala;〃

     '〃Dreams; magic terrors; marvels; sorceries; Thessalian prodigies。〃
     Horace。  Ep。 ii。 3; 208。'

I presently pitied the poor people that were abused by these follies。
Whereas I now find; that I myself was to be pitied as much; at least;
as they; not that experience has taught me anything to alter my former
opinions; though my curiosity has endeavoured that way; but reason has
instructed me; that thus resolutely to condemn anything for false and
impossible; is arrogantly and impiously to circumscribe and limit the
will of God; and the power of our mother nature; within the bounds of my
own capacity; than which no folly can be greater。  If we give the names
of monster and miracle to everything our reason cannot comprehend; how
many are continually presented before our eyes?  Let us but consider
through what clouds; and as it were groping in the dark; our teachers
lead us to the knowledge of most of the things about us; assuredly we
shall find that it is rather custom than knowledge that takes away their

                    〃Jam nemo; fessus saturusque videndi;
               Suspicere in coeli dignatur lucida templa;〃

     '〃Weary of the sight; now no one deigns to look up to heaven's lucid
     temples。〃Lucretius; ii。  1037。  The text has 'statiate videnai''

and that if those things were now newly presented to us; we should think
them as incredible; if not more; than any others。

              〃Si nunc primum mortalibus adsint
               Ex improviso; si sint objecta repente;
               Nil magis his rebus poterat mirabile dici;
               Aute minus ante quod auderent fore credere gentes。〃

     'Lucretius; ii。 1032。  The sense of the passage is in the preceding

He that had never seen a river; imagined the first he met with to be the
sea; and the greatest things that have fallen within our knowledge; we
conclude the extremes that nature makes of the kind。

              〃Scilicet et fluvius qui non est maximus; ei'st
               Qui non ante aliquem majorem vidit; et ingens
               Arbor; homoque videtur; et omnia de genere omni
               Maxima quae vidit quisque; haec ingentia fingit。〃

     '〃A little river seems to him; who has never seen 
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