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the essays of montaigne, v5-第13部分

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concerns myself; I was above six years of age before I understood either
French or Perigordin; any more than Arabic; and without art; book;
grammar; or precept; whipping; or the expense of a tear; I had; by that
time; learned to speak as pure Latin as my master himself; for I had no
means of mixing it up with any other。  If; for example; they were to give
me a theme after the college fashion; they gave it to others in French;
but to me they were to give it in bad Latin; to turn it into that which
was good。  And Nicolas Grouchy; who wrote a book De Comitiis Romanorum;
Guillaume Guerente; who wrote a comment upon Aristotle: George Buchanan;
that great Scottish poet: and Marc Antoine Muret (whom both France and
Italy have acknowledged for the best orator of his time); my domestic
tutors; have all of them often told me that I had in my infancy that
language so very fluent and ready; that they were afraid to enter into
discourse with me。  And particularly Buchanan; whom I since saw attending
the late Mareschal de Brissac; then told me; that he was about to write a
treatise of education; the example of which he intended to take from
mine; for he was then tutor to that Comte de Brissac who afterward proved
so valiant and so brave a gentleman。

As to Greek; of which I have but a mere smattering; my father also
designed to have it taught me by a device; but a new one; and by way of
sport; tossing our declensions to and fro; after the manner of those who;
by certain games of tables; learn geometry and arithmetic。  For he;
amongst other rules; had been advised to make me relish science and duty
by an unforced will; and of my own voluntary motion; and to educate my
soul in all liberty and delight; without any severity or constraint;
which he was an observer of to such a degree; even of superstition; if I
may say so; that some being of opinion that it troubles and disturbs the
brains of children suddenly to wake them in the morning; and to snatch
them violentlyand over…hastily from sleep (wherein they are much more
profoundly involved than we); he caused me to be wakened by the sound of
some musical instrument; and was never unprovided of a musician for that
purpose。  By this example you may judge of the rest; this alone being
sufficient to recommend both the prudence and the affection of so good a
father; who is not to be blamed if he did not reap fruits answerable to
so exquisite a culture。  Of this; two things were the cause: first; a
sterile and improper soil; for; though I was of a strong and healthful
constitution; and of a disposition tolerably sweet and tractable; yet I
was; withal; so heavy; idle; and indisposed; that they could not rouse me
from my sloth; not even to get me out to play。  What I saw; I saw clearly
enough; and under this heavy complexion nourished a bold imagination and
opinions above my age。  I had a slow wit that would go no faster than it
was led; a tardy understanding; a languishing invention; and above all;
incredible defect of memory; so that; it is no wonder; if from all these
nothing considerable could be extracted。  Secondly; like those who;
impatient of along and steady cure; submit to all sorts of prescriptions
and recipes; the good man being extremely timorous of any way failing in
a thing he had so wholly set his heart upon; suffered himself at last to
be overruled by the common opinions; which always follow their leader as
a flight of cranes; and complying with the method of the time; having no
more those persons he had brought out of Italy; and who had given him the
first model of education; about him; he sent me at six years of age to
the College of Guienne; at that time the best and most flourishing in
France。  And there it was not possible to add anything to the care he had
to provide me the most able tutors; with all other circumstances of
education; reserving also several particular rules contrary to the
college practice; but so it was; that with all these precautions; it was
a college still。  My Latin immediately grew corrupt; of which also by
discontinuance I have since lost all manner of use; so that this new way
of education served me to no other end; than only at my first coming to
prefer me to the first forms; for at thirteen years old; that I came out
of the college; I had run through my whole course (as they call it); and;
in truth; without any manner of advantage; that I can honestly brag of;
in all this time。

The first taste which I had for books came to me from the pleasure in
reading the fables of Ovid's Metamorphoses; for; being about seven or
eight years old; I gave up all other diversions to read them; both by
reason that this was my own natural language; the easiest book that I was
acquainted with; and for the subject; the most accommodated to the
capacity of my age: for as for the Lancelot of the Lake; the Amadis of
Gaul; the Huon of Bordeaux; and such farragos; by which children are most
delighted with; I had never so much as heard their names; no more than I
yet know what they contain; so exact was the discipline wherein I was
brought up。  But this was enough to make me neglect the other lessons
that were prescribed me; and here it was infinitely to my advantage;
to have to do with an understanding tutor; who very well knew discreetly
to connive at this and other truantries of the same nature; for by this
means I ran through Virgil's AEneid; and then Terence; and then Plautus;
and then some Italian comedies; allured by the sweetness of the subject;
whereas had he been so foolish as to have taken me off this diversion;
I do really believe; I had brought away nothing from the college but a
hatred of books; as almost all our young gentlemen do。  But he carried
himself very discreetly in that business; seeming to take no notice; and
allowing me only such time as I could steal from my other regular
studies; which whetted my appetite to devour those books。  For the chief
things my father expected from their endeavours to whom he had delivered
me for education; were affability and good…humour; and; to say the truth;
my manners had no other vice but sloth and want of metal。  The fear was
not that I should do ill; but that I should do nothing; nobody
prognosticated that I should be wicked; but only useless; they foresaw
idleness; but no malice; and I find it falls out accordingly:
The complaints I hear of myself are these: 〃He is idle; cold in the
offices of friendship and relation; and in those of the public; too
particular; too disdainful。〃  But the most injurious do not say; 〃Why has
he taken such a thing?  Why has he not paid such an one?〃  but; 〃Why does
he part with nothing?  Why does he not give?〃  And I should take it for a
favour that men would expect from me no greater effects of supererogation
than these。  But they are unjust to exact from me what I do not owe; far
more rigorously than they require from others that which they do owe。
In condemning me to it; they efface the gratification of the action; and
deprive me of the gratitude that would be my due for it; whereas the
active well…doing ought to be of so much the greater value from my hands;
by how much I have never been p
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