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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第91部分

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one but himself could confide out of the palace。 M。 de La Fayette was obliged to comply。

On the day when the return of the royal family was expected; there were no carriages in motion in the streets of Paris。  Five or six of the Queen's women; after being refused admittance at all the other gates; went with one of my sisters to that of the Feuillans; insisting that the sentinel should admit them。  The poissardes attacked them for their boldness in resisting the order excluding them。  One of them seized my sister by the arm; calling her the slave of the Austrian。  〃Hear me;〃 said my sister to her; 〃I have been attached to the Queen ever since I was fifteen years of age; she gave me my marriage portion; I served her when she was powerful and happy。  She is now unfortunate。  Ought I to abandon her?〃〃She is right;〃 cried the poissardes; 〃she ought not to abandon her mistress; let us make an entry for them。〃  They instantly surrounded the sentinel; forced the passage; and introduced the Queen's women; accompanying them to the terrace of the Feuillans。  One of these furies; whom the slightest impulse would have driven to tear my sister to pieces; taking her under her protection; gave her advice by which she might reach the palace in safety。  〃But of all things; my dear friend;〃 said she to her; 〃pull off that green ribbon sash; it is the color of that D'Artois; whom we will never forgive。〃

The measures adopted for guarding the King were rigorous with respect to the entrance into the palace; and insulting as to his private apartments。 The commandants of battalion; stationed in the salon called the grand cabinet; and which led to the Queen's bedchamber; were ordered to keep the door of it always open; in order that they might have their eyes upon the royal family。  The King shut this door one day; the officer of the guard opened it; and told him such were his orders; and that he would always open it; so that his Majesty in shutting it gave himself useless trouble。  It remained open even during the night; when the Queen was in bed; and the officer placed himself in an armchair between the two doors; with his head turned towards her Majesty。  They only obtained permission to have the inner door shut when the Queen was rising。  The Queen had the bed of her first femme de chambre placed very near her own; this bed; which ran on casters; and was furnished with curtains; hid her from the officer's sight。

Madame de Jarjaye; my companion; who continued her functions during the whole period of my absence; told me that one night the commandant of battalion; who slept between the two doors; seeing that she was sleeping soundly; and that the Queen was awake; quitted his post and went close to her Majesty; to advise her as to the line of conduct she should pursue。 Although she had the kindness to desire him to speak lower in order that he might not disturb Madame de Jarjaye's rest; the latter awoke; and nearly died with fright at seeing a man in the uniform of the Parisian guard so near the Queen's bed。  Her Majesty comforted her; and told her not to rise; that the person she saw was a good Frenchman; who was deceived respecting the intentions and situation of his sovereign and herself; but whose conversation showed sincere attachment to the King。

There was a sentinel in the corridor which runs behind the apartments in question; where there is a staircase; which was at that time an inner one; and enabled the King and Queen to communicate freely。  This post; which was very onerous; because it was to be kept four and twenty hours; was often claimed by Saint Prig; an actor belonging to the Theatre Francais。  He took it upon himself sometimes to contrive brief interviews between the King and Queen in this corridor。  He left them at a distance; and gave them warning if he heard the slightest noise。  M。 Collot; commandant of battalion of the National Guard; who was charged with the military duty of the Queen's household; in like manner softened down; so far as he could with prudence; all; the revolting orders he received; for instance; one to follow the Queen to the very door of her wardrobe was never executed。  An officer of the Parisian guard dared to speak insolently of the Queen in her own apartment。  M。 Collot wished to make a complaint to M。 de La Fayette against him; and have him dismissed。  The Queen opposed it; and condescended to say a few words of explanation and kindness to the man; he instantly became one of her most devoted partisans。

The first time I saw her Majesty after the unfortunate catastrophe of the Varennes journey; I found her getting out of bed; her features were not very much altered; but after the first kind words she uttered to me she took off her cap and desired me to observe the effect which grief had produced upon her hair。  It had become; in one single night; as white as that of a woman of seventy。  Her Majesty showed me a ring she had just had mounted for the Princesse de Lamballe; it contained a lock of her whitened hair; with the inscription; 〃Blanched by sorrow。〃  At the period of the acceptance of the constitution the Princess wished to return to France。  The Queen; who had no expectation that tranquillity would be restored; opposed this; but the attachment of Madame de Lamballe to the royal family impelled her to come and seek death。

When I returned to Paris most of the harsh precautions were abandoned; the doors were not kept open; greater respect was paid to the sovereign; it was known that the constitution soon to be completed would be accepted; and a better order of things was hoped for。


On my arrival at Paris on the 25th of August I found the state of feeling there much more temperate than I had dared to hope。  The conversation generally ran upon the acceptance of the constitution; and the fetes which would be given in consequence。  The struggle between the Jacobins and the constitutionals on the 17th of July; 1791; nevertheless had thrown the Queen into great terror for some moments; and the firing of the cannon from the Champ de Mars upon a party which called for a trial of the King; and the leaders of which were in the very bosom of the Assembly; left the most gloomy impressions upon her mind。

The constitutionals; the Queen's connection with whom was not slackened by the intervention of the three members already mentioned; had faithfully served the royal family during their detention。

〃We still hold the wire by which this popular mass is moved;〃 said Barnave to M。 de J… one day; at the same time showing him a large volume; in which the names of all those who were influenced with the power of gold alone were registered。  It was at that time proposed to hire a considerable number of persons in order to secure loud acclamations when the King and his family should make their appearance at the play upon the acceptance of the constitution。  That day; which afforded a glimmering hope of tranquillity; was the 14th of September; the fetes were brilliant; but already fresh anxieties forbade the royal family to encourage much hope。

The Legislative Assembly; which had just succeeded the Constituent Assembly (October; 1791); founded its conduct upon the wildest republican pr
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