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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第9部分

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e the Queen's captivity; and she expected every moment a similar fate。  After escaping; almost miraculously; from the murderous fury of the Marseillais; after being denounced and pursued by Robespierre; and entrusted; through the confidence of the King and Queen; with papers of the utmost importance; Madame Campan went to Coubertin; in the valley of Chevreuse。  Madame Auguid; her sister; had just committed suicide; at the very moment of her arrest。

     'Maternal affection prevailed over her religious sentiments; she      wished to preserve the wreck of her fortune for her children。  Had      she deferred this fatal act for one day she would have been saved;      the cart which conveyed Robespierre to execution stopped her funeral      procession!'

The scaffold awaited Madame Campan; when the 9th of Thermidor restored her to life; but did not restore to her the most constant object of her thoughts; her zeal; and her devotion。

A new career now opened to Madame Campan。  At Coubertin; surrounded by her nieces; she was fond of directing their studies。  This occupation caused her ideas to revert to the subject of education; and awakened once more the inclinations of her youth。  At the age of twelve years she could never meet a school of young ladies passing through the streets without feeling ambitious of the situation and authority of their mistress。  Her abode at Court had diverted but not altered her inclinations。  〃A month after the fall of Robespierre;〃 she says; 〃I considered as to the means of providing for myself; for a mother seventy years of age; my sick husband; my child nine years old; and part of my ruined family。  I now possessed nothing in the world but an assignat of five hundred francs。 I had become responsible for my husband's debts; to the amount of thirty thousand francs。  I chose St。 Germain to set up a boarding…school; for that town did not remind me; as Versailles did; both of happy times and of the misfortunes of France。  I took with me a nun of l'Enfant…Jesus; to give an unquestionable pledge of my religious principles。  The school of St。 Germain was the first in which the opening of an oratory was ventured on。  The Directory was displeased at it; and ordered it to be immediately shut up; and some time after commissioners were sent to desire that the reading of the Scriptures should be suppressed in my school。  I inquired what books were to be substituted in their stead。  After some minutes' conversation; they observed: 'Citizeness; you are arguing after the old fashion; no reflections。  The nation commands; we must have obedience; and no reasoning。'  Not having the means of printing my prospectus; I wrote a hundred copies of it; and sent them to the persons of my acquaintance who had survived the dreadful commotions。  At the year's end I had sixty pupils; soon afterwards a hundred。  I bought furniture and paid my debts。〃

The rapid success of the establishment at St。 Germain was undoubtedly owing to the talents; experience; and excellent principles of Madame Campan; seconded by public opinion。  All property had changed hands; all ranks found themselves confusedly jumbled by the shock of the Revolution: the grand seigneur dined at the table of the opulent contractor; and the witty and elegant marquise was present at the ball by the side of the clumsy peasant lately grown rich。  In the absence of the ancient distinctions; elegant manners and polished language now formed a kind of aristocracy。  The house of St。 Germain; conducted by a lady who possessed the deportment and the habits of the best society; was not only a school of knowledge; but a school of the world。

〃A friend of Madame de Beauharnais;〃 continues Madame Campan; 〃brought me her daughter Hortense de Beauharnais; and her niece Emilie de Beauharnais。  Six months afterwards she came to inform me of her marriage with a Corsican gentleman; who had been brought up in the military school; and was then a general。  I was requested to communicate this information to her daughter; who long lamented her mother's change of name。  I was also desired to watch over the education of little Eugene de Beauharnais; who was placed at St。 Germain; in the same school with my son。

〃A great intimacy sprang up between my nieces and these young people。 Madame de Beauharnaias set out for Italy; and left her children with me。 On her return; after the conquests of Bonaparte; that general; much pleased with the improvement of his stepdaughter; invited me to dine at Malmaison; and attended two representations of 'Esther' at my school。〃

He also showed his appreciation of her talents by sending his sister Caroline to St。 Germain。  Shortly before Caroline's marriage to Murat; and while she was yet at St。 Germain; Napoleon observed to Madame Campan: 〃I do not like those love matches between young people whose brains are excited by the flames of the imagination。  I had other views for my sister。  Who knows what high alliance I might have procured for her!  She is thoughtless; and does not form a just notion of my situation。  The time will come when; perhaps; sovereigns might dispute for her hand。  She is about to marry a brave man; but in my situation that is not enough。 Fate should be left to fulfil her decrees。〃

     'Madame Murat one day said to Madame Campan: 〃I am astonished that      you are not more awed in our presence; you speak to us with as much      familiarity as when we were your pupils!〃〃The best thing you can      do;〃 replied Madame Campan; 〃is to forget your titles when you are      with me; for I can never be afraid of queens whom I have held under      the rod。〃'

Madame Campan dined at the Tuileries in company with the Pope's nuncio; at the period when the Concordat was in agitation。  During dinner the First Consul astonished her by the able manner in which he conversed on the subject under discussion。  She said he argued so logically that his talent quite amazed her。  During the consulate Napoleon one day said to her; 〃If ever I establish a republic of women; I shall make you First Consul。〃

Napoleon's views as to 〃woman's mission〃 are now well known。  Madame Campan said that she heard from him that when he founded the convent of the Sisters of la Charite he was urgently solicited to permit perpetual vows。  He; however; refused to do so; on the ground that tastes may change; and that he did not see the necessity of excluding from the world women who might some time or other return to it; and become useful members of society。  〃Nunneries;〃 he added; 〃assail the very roots of population。  It is impossible to calculate the loss which a nation sustains in having ten thousand women shut up in cloisters。  War does but little mischief; for the number of males is at least one…twenty…fifth greater than that of females。  Women may; if they please; be allowed to make perpetual vows at fifty years of age; for then their task is fulfilled。〃

Napoleon once said to Madame Campan; 〃The old systems of education were good for nothing; what do young women stand in need of; to be well brought up in France?〃〃Of mothers;〃 answered Madame Campan。  〃It is well said;〃 replied Napoleon。  〃Well; madame; let the French be indebted to you for bringing up mothers 
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