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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第85部分

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Mesdames; the King's aunts; set out from Bellevue in the beginning of the year 1791。  Alexandre Berthier; afterwards Prince de Neufchatel; then a colonel on the staff of the army; and commandant of the National Guard of Versailles; facilitated the departure of Mesdames。  The Jacobins of that town procured his dismissal; and he ran the greatest risk; on account of having rendered this service to these Princesses。

I went to take leave of Madame Victoire。  I little thought that I was then seeing her for the last time。  She received me alone in her closet; and assured

     'General Berthier justified the monarch's confidence by a firm and      prudent line of conduct which entitled him to the highest military      honours; and to the esteem of the great warrior whose fortune;      dangers; and glory he afterwards shared。  This officer; full of      honour; and gifted with the highest courage; was shut into the      courtyard of Bellevue by his own troop; and ran great risk of being      murdered。  It was not until the 14th of March that he succeeded in      executing his instructions (〃Memoirs of Mesdames;〃 by Montigny; vol。      i。)。'

me that she hoped; as well as wished; soon to return to France; that the French would be much to be pitied if the excesses of the Revolution should arrive at such a pitch as to force her to prolong her absence。 I knew from the Queen that the departure of Mesdames was deemed necessary; in order to leave the King free to act when he should be compelled to go away with his family。  It being impossible that the constitution of the clergy should be otherwise than in direct opposition to the religious principles of Mesdames; they thought their journey to Rome would be attributed to piety alone。  It was; however; difficult to deceive an Assembly which weighed the slightest actions of the royal family; and from that moment they were more than ever alive to what was passing at the Tuileries。

Mesdames were desirous of taking Madame Elisabeth to Rome。  The free exercise of religion; the happiness of taking refuge with the head of the Church; and the prospect of living in safety with her aunts; whom she tenderly loved; were sacrificed by that virtuous Princess to her attachment to the King。

The oath required of priests by the civil constitution of the clergy introduced into France a division which added to the dangers by which the King was already surrounded。

     'The priests were required to swear to the civil constitution of the      clergy of 1790; by which all the former bishoprics and parishes were      remodelled; and the priests and bishops elected by the people。  Most      refused; and under the name of 'pretres insermentes' (as opposed to      the few who took the oath; 'pretres assermentes') were bitterly      persecuted。  A simple promise to obey the constitution of the State      was substituted by Napoleon as soon as he came to power。'

Mirabeau spent a whole night with the cure of St。 Eustache; confessor of the King and Queen; to persuade him to take the oath required by that constitution。  Their Majesties chose another confessor; who remained unknown。

A few months afterwards (2d April; 1791); the too celebrated Mirabeau; the mercenary democrat and venal royalist; terminated his career。  The Queen regretted him; and was astonished at her own regret; but she had hoped that he who had possessed adroitness and weight enough to throw everything into confusion would have been able by the same means to repair the mischief he had caused。  Much has been said respecting the cause of Mirabeau's death。  M。 Cabanis; his friend and physician; denied that he was poisoned。  M。 Vicq…d'Azyr assured the Queen that the 'proces… verbal' drawn up on the state of the intestines would apply just as well to a case of death produced by violent remedies as to one produced by poison。  He said; also; that the report had been faithful; but that it was prudent to conclude it by a declaration of natural death; since; in the critical state in which France then was; if a suspicion of foul play were admitted; a person innocent of any such crime might be sacrificed to public vengeance。

End of The Memoirs of Marie Antoinette; V5 by Madame Campan


Being the Historic Memoirs of Madam Campan; First Lady in Waiting to the Queen



IN the beginning of the spring of 1791; the King; tired of remaining at the Tuileries; wished to return to St。 Cloud。  His whole household had already gone; and his dinner was prepared there。  He got into his carriage at one; the guard mutinied; shut the gates; and declared they would not let him pass。  This event certainly proceeded from some suspicion of a plan to escape。  Two persons who drew near the King's carriage were very ill treated。  My father…in…law was violently laid hold of by the guards; who took his sword from him。  The King and his family were obliged to alight and return to their apartments。

They did not much regret this outrage in their hearts; they saw in it a justification; even in the eyes of the people; of their intention to leave Paris。

So early as the month of March in the same year; the Queen began to busy herself in preparing for her departure。  I spent that month with her; and executed a great number of secret orders which she gave me respecting the intended event。  It was with uneasiness that I saw her occupied with cares which seemed to me useless; and even dangerous; and I remarked to her that the Queen of France would find linen and gowns everywhere。 My observations were made in vain; she determined to have a complete wardrobe with her at Brussels; as well for her children as herself。 I went out alone and almost disguised to purchase the articles necessary and have them made up。

I ordered six chemises at the shop of one seamstress; six at that of another; gowns; combing cloths; etc。  My sister had a complete set of clothes made for Madame; by the measure of her eldest daughter; and I ordered clothes for the Dauphin from those of my son。  I filled a trunk with these things; and addressed them; by the Queen's orders; to one of her women; my aunt; Madame Cardon;a widow living at Arras; by virtue of an unlimited leave of absence;in order that she might be ready to start for Brussels; or any other place; as soon as she should be directed to do so。  This lady had landed property in Austrian Flanders; and could at any time quit Arras unobserved。

The Queen was to take only her first woman in attendance with her from Paris。  She apprised me that if I should not be on duty at the moment of departure; she would make arrangements for my joining her。  She determined also to take her travelling dressing…case。  She consulted me on her idea of sending it off; under pretence of making a present of it to the Archduchess Christina; Gouvernante of the Netherlands。  I ventured to oppose this plan strongly; and observed that; amidst so many people who watched her slightest actions; there would be found a sufficient number sharp…sighted enough to discover that it was only a pretext for sending away the property in question before her own departure; she p
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