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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第79部分

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to discover through that channel what was the private motive on which Luckner's hatred against her was founded。  On being questioned upon this point; he answered that Marechal de Segur had assured him he had proposed him for the command of a camp of observation; but that the Queen had made a bar against his name; and that this 'par'; as he called it; in his German accent; he could not forget。

The Queen ordered me to repeat this reply to the King myself; and said to him: 〃See; Sire; whether I was not right in telling you that your ministers; in order to give themselves full scope in the distribution of favours; persuaded the French that I interfered in everything; there was not a single license given out in the country for the sale of salt or tobacco but the people believed it was given to one of my favourites。〃

〃That is very; true;〃 replied the King; 〃but I find it very difficult to believe that Marechal de S4gur ever said any such thing to Luckner; he knew too well that you never interfered in the distribution of favours。

That Luckner is a good…for…nothing fellow; and Segur is a brave and honourable man who never uttered such a falsehood; however; you are right; and because you provided for a few dependents; you are most unjustly reported to have disposed of all offices; civil and military。〃

All the nobility who had not left Paris made a point of presenting themselves assiduously to the King; and there was a considerable influx to the Tuileries。  Marks of attachment were exhibited even in external symbols; the women wore enormous bouquets of lilies in their bosoms and upon their heads; and sometimes even bunches of white ribbon。  At the play there were often disputes between the pit and the boxes about removing these ornaments; which the people thought dangerous emblems。 National cockades were sold in every corner of Paris; the sentinels stopped all who did not wear them; the young men piqued themselves upon breaking through this regulation; which was in some degree sanctioned by the acquiescence of Louis XVI。  Frays took place; which were to be regretted; because they excited a spirit of lawlessness。  The King adopted conciliatory measures with the Assembly in order to promote tranquillity; the revolutionists were but little disposed to think him sincere; unfortunately the royalists encouraged this incredulity by incessantly repeating that the King was not free; and that all that he did was completely null; and in no way bound him for the time to come。 Such was the heat and violence of party spirit that persons the most sincerely attached to the King were not even permitted to use the language of reason; and recommend greater reserve in conversation。 People would talk and argue at table without considering that all the servants belonged to the hostile army; and it may truly be said there was as much imprudence and levity in the party assailed as there was cunning; boldness; and perseverance in that which made the attack。


In February; 1790; another matter gave the Court much uneasiness; a zealous individual of the name of Favras had conceived the scheme of carrying off the King; and affecting a counter…revolution。  Monsieur; probably out of mere benevolence; gave him some money; and thence arose a report that he thereby wished to favour the execution of the enterprise。 The step taken by Monsieur in going to the Hotel de Ville to explain himself on this matter was unknown to the Queen; it is more than probable that the King was acquainted with it。  When judgment was pronounced upon M。 de Favras the Queen did not conceal from me her fears about the confessions of the unfortunate man in his last moments。

I sent a confidential person to the Hotel de Ville; she came to inform the Queen that the condemned had demanded to be taken from Notre…Dame to the Hotel de Ville to make a final declaration; and give some particulars verifying it。  These particulars compromised nobody; Favras corrected his last will after writing it; and went to the scaffold with heroic courage and coolness。  The judge who read his condemnation to him told him that his life was a sacrifice which he owed to public tranquillity。  It was asserted at the time that Favras was given up as a victim in order to satisfy the people and save the Baron de Besenval; who was a prisoner in the Abbaye。

     'Thomas Mahy; Marquis de Favras; was accused in the month of      December; 1789; of having conspired against the Revolution。  Having      been arrested by order of the committee of inquiry of the National      Assembly; he was transferred to the Chatelet; where he defended      himself with much coolness and presence of mind; repelling the      accusations brought against him by Morel; Turcati; and Marquis; with      considerable force。  These witnesses declared he had imparted his      plan to them; it was to be carried into execution by 12;000 Swiss      and 12;000 Germans; who were to be assembled at Montargis; thence to      march upon Paris; carry off the King; and assassinate Bailly; La      Fayette; and Necker。  The greater number of these charges he denied;      and declared that the rest related only to the levy of a troop      intended to favour the revolution preparing in Brabant。  The judge      having refused to disclose who had denounced him; he complained to      the Assembly; which passed to the order of the day。  His death was      obviously inevitable。  During the whole time of the proceedings the      populace never ceased threatening the judges and shouting; 〃A la      lanterne!〃  It was even necessary to keep numerous troops and      artillery constantly ready to act in the courtyard of the Chatelet。      The judges; who had just acquitted M。 de Besenval in an affair      nearly similar; doubtless dreaded the effects of this fury。  When      they refused to hear Favras's witnesses in exculpation; he compared      them to the tribunal of the Inquisition。  The principal charge      against him was founded on a letter from M。 de Foucault; asking him;      〃where are your troops?  in which direction will they enter Paris?      I should like to be employed among them。〃  Favras was condemned to      make the 'amende honorable' in front of the Cathedral; and to be      hanged at the Place de Greve。  He heard this sentence with wonderful      calmness; and said to his judges; 〃I pity you much if the testimony      of two men is sufficient to induce you to condemn。〃  The judge      having said to him; 〃I have no other consolation to hold out to you      than that which religion affords;〃 he replied; nobly; 〃My greatest      consolation is that which I derive from my innocence。〃〃Biographic      Universelle〃'

On the morning of the Sunday following this execution M。 de la Villeurnoy came to my house to tell me that he was going that day to the public dinner of the King and Queen to present Madame de Favras and her son; both of them in mourning for the brave Frenchman who fell a sacrifice for his King; and that all the royalists expected to see the Queen load the unfortunate family with favours。  I did all that lay in my power to prevent this proceeding。  I foresaw the effect it would have upon the Queen's feeling heart; an
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