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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第78部分

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me。〃  A person who accompanied the monarch      said to the child; 〃Keep it all; my friend; the gentleman is not      chevalier; he is the eldest of the family。〃NOTE BY THE EDITOR。'

The day after the arrival of the Court at Paris; terrified at hearing some noise in the gardens of the Tuileries; the young prince threw himself into the arms of the Queen; crying out; 〃Grand…Dieu; mamma! will it be yesterday over again?〃  A few days after this affecting exclamation; he went up to the King; and looked at him with a pensive air。  The King asked him what he wanted; he answered; that he had something very serious to say to him。  The King having prevailed on him to explain himself; the young Prince asked why his people; who formerly loved him so well; were all at once angry with him; and what he had done to irritate them so much。  His father took him upon his knees; and spoke to him nearly as follows: 〃I wished; child; to render the people still happier than they were; I wanted money to pay the expenses occasioned by wars。  I asked my people for money; as my predecessors have always done; magistrates; composing the Parliament; opposed it; and said that my people alone had a right to consent to it。  I assembled the principal inhabitants of every town; whether distinguished by birth; fortune; or talents; at Versailles; that is what is called the States General。  When they were assembled they required concessions of me which I could not make; either with due respect for myself or with justice to you; who will be my successor; wicked men inducing the people to rise have occasioned the excesses of the last few days; the people must not be blamed for them。〃

The Queen made the young Prince clearly comprehend that he ought to treat the commanders of battalions; the officers of the National Guard; and all the Parisians who were about him; with affability; the child took great pains to please all those people; and when he had had an opportunity of replying obligingly to the mayor or members of the commune he came and whispered in his mother's ear; 〃Was that right?〃

He requested M。 Bailly to show him the shield of Scipio; which is in the royal library; and M。 Bailly asking him which he preferred; Scipio or Hannibal; the young Prince replied; without hesitation; that he preferred him who had defended his own country。  He gave frequent proofs of ready wit。  One day; while the Queen was hearing Madame repeat her exercises in ancient history; the young Princess could not at the moment recollect the name of the Queen of Carthage; the Dauphin was vexed at his sister's want of memory; and though he never spoke to her in the second person singular; he bethought himself of the expedient of saying to her; 〃But 'dis donc' the name of the Queen; to mamma; 'dis donc' what her name was。〃

Shortly after the arrival of the King and his family at Paris the Duchesse de Luynes came; in pursuance of the advice of a committee of the Constitutional Assembly; to propose to the Queen a temporary retirement from France; in order to leave the constitution to perfect itself; so that the patriots should not accuse her of influencing the King to oppose it。  The Duchess knew how far the schemes of the conspirers extended; and her attachment to the Queen was the principal cause of the advice she gave her。  The Queen perfectly comprehended the Duchesse de Luynes's motive; but replied that she would never leave either the King or her son; that if she thought herself alone obnoxious to public hatred she would instantly offer her life as a sacrifice;but that it was the throne which was aimed at; and that; in abandoning the King; she should be merely committing an act of cowardice; since she saw no other advantage in it than that of saving her own life。

One evening; in the month of November; 1790; I returned home rather late; I there found the Prince de Poix; he told me he came to request me to assist him in regaining his peace of mind; that at the commencement of the sittings of the National Assembly he had suffered himself to be seduced into the hope of a better order of things; that he blushed for his error; and that he abhorred plans which had already produced such fatal results; that he broke with the reformers for the rest of his life; that he had given in his resignation as a deputy of the National Assembly; and; finally; that he was anxious that the Queen should not sleep in ignorance of his sentiments。  I undertook his commission; and acquitted myself of it in the best way I could; but I was totally unsuccessful。  The Prince de Poix remained at Court; he there suffered many mortifications; never ceasing to serve the King in the most dangerous commissions with that zeal for which his house has always been distinguished。

When the King; the Queen; and the children were suitably established at the Tuileries; as well as Madame Elisabeth and the Princesse de Lamballe; the Queen resumed her usual habits; she employed her mornings in superintending the education of Madame; who received all her lessons in her presence; and she herself began to work large pieces of tapestry。 Her mind was too much occupied with passing events and surrounding dangers to admit her of applying herself to reading; the needle was the only employment which could divert her。

     'There was long preserved at Paris; in the house of Mademoiselle      Dubuquois; a tapestry…worker; a carpet worked by the Queen and      Madame Elisabeth for the large room of her Majesty's ground…floor      apartments at the Tuileries。  The Empress Josephine saw and admired      this carpet; and desired it might be taken care of; in the hope of      one day sending it to Madame MADAME CAMPAN。'

She received the Court twice a week before going to mass; and on those days dined in public with the King; she spent the rest of the time with her family and children; she had no concert; and did not go to the play until 1791; after the acceptation of the constitution。  The Princesse de Lamballe; however; had some evening parties in her apartments at the Tuileries; which were tolerably brilliant in consequence of the great number of persons who attended them。  The Queen was present at a few of these assemblies; but being soon convinced that her present situation forbade her appearing much in public; she remained at home; and conversed as she sat at work。  The sole topic of her discourse was; as may well be supposed; the Revolution。  She sought to discover the real opinions of the Parisians respecting her; and how she could have so completely lost the affections of the people; and even of many persons in the higher ranks。  She well knew that she ought to impute the whole to the spirit of party; to the hatred of the Duc d'Orleans; and the folly of the French; who desired to have a total change in the constitution; but she was not the less desirous of ascertaining the private feelings of all the people in power。

From the very commencement of the Revolution General Luckner indulged in violent sallies against her。  Her Majesty; knowing that I was acquainted with a lady who had been long connected with the General; desired me to discover through that channel what was the private motive on which Luckner's hatred against her w
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