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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第76部分

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 air of truth which always carries conviction。  The ferocious horde instantly rushed towards the oeil…de…boeuf; hoping; no doubt; to intercept her on her way。

Many have asserted that they recognised the Duc d'Orleans in a greatcoat and slouched hat; at half…past four in the morning; at the top of the marble staircase; pointing out with his hand the guard…room; which led to the Queen's apartments。  This fact was deposed to at the Chatelet by several individuals in the course of the inquiry instituted respecting the transactions of the 5th and 6th of October。

     'The National Assembly was sitting when information of the march of      the Parisians was given to it by one of the deputies who came from      Paris。  A certain number of the members were no strangers; to this      movement。  It appears that Mirabeau wished to avail himself of it to      raise the Duc d'Orleans to the throne。  Mounier; who presided over      the National Assembly; rejected the idea with horror。  〃My good      man;〃 said Mirabeau to him; 〃what difference will it make to you to      have Louis XVII。 for your King instead of Louis XVI。?〃 (The Duc      d'Orleans was baptised Louis。)'

The prudence and honourable feeling of several officers of the Parisian guards; and the judicious conduct of M。 de Vaudreuil; lieutenant…general of marine; and of M。 de Chevanne; one of the King's Guards; brought about an understanding between the grenadiers of the National Guard of Paris and the King's Guard。  The doors of the oeil…de…boeuf were closed; and the antechamber which precedes that room was filled with grenadiers who wanted to get in to massacre the Guards。  M。 de Chevanne offered himself to them as a victim if they wished for one; and demanded what they would have。  A report had been spread through their ranks that the Body Guards set them at defiance; and that they all wore black cockades。  M。 de Chevanne showed them that he wore; as did the corps; the cockade of their uniform; and promised that the Guards should exchange it for that of the nation。  This was done; they even went so far as to exchange their grenadiers' caps for the hats of the Body Guards; those who were on guard took off their shoulder…belts; embraces and transports of fraternisation instantly succeeded to the savage eagerness to murder the band which had shown so much fidelity to its sovereign。  The cry was now 〃Vivent le Roi; la Nation; et les Gardes…du…corps!〃

The army occupied the Place d'Armes; all the courtyards of the Chateau; and the entrance to the avenue。  They called for the Queen to appear in the balcony: she came forward with Madame and the Dauphin。  There was a cry of 〃No children!〃  Was this with a view to deprive her of the interest she inspired; accompanied as she was by her young family; or did the leaders of the democrats hope that some madman would venture to aim a mortal blow at her person?  The unfortunate Princess certainly was impressed with the latter idea; for she sent away her children; and with her hands and eyes raised towards heaven; advanced upon the balcony like a self…devoted victim。

A few voices shouted 〃To Paris!〃  The exclamation soon became general。 Before the King agreed to this removal he wished to consult the National Assembly; and caused that body to be invited to sit at the Chateau。 Mirabeau opposed this measure。  While these discussions were going forward it became more and more difficult to restrain the immense disorderly multitude。  The King; without consulting any one; now said to the people: 〃You wish; my children; that I should follow you to Paris: I consent; but on condition that I shall not be separated from my wife and family。〃  The King added that he required safety also for his Guards; he was answered by shouts of 〃Vivo le Roi!  Vivent les Gardes…du…corps!〃 The Guards; with their hats in the air; turned so as to exhibit the。 cockade; shouted 〃Vive le Roi!  Vive la Nation!〃  shortly afterwards a general discharge of all the muskets took place; in token of joy。  The King and Queen set off from Versailles at one o'clock。  The Dauphin; Madame; the King's daughter; Monsieur; Madame;'Madame; here; the wife of Monsieur le Comte de Provence。' Madame Elisabeth; and Madame de Tourzel; were in the carriage; the Princesse de Chimay and the ladies of the bedchamber for the week; the King's suite and servants; followed in Court carriages; a hundred deputies in carriages; and the bulk of the Parisian army; closed the procession。

The poissardes went before and around the carriage of their Majesties; Crying; 〃We shall no longer want bread!  We have the baker; the baker's wife; and the baker's boy with us!〃  In the midst of this troop of cannibals the heads of two murdered Body Guards were carried on poles。 The monsters; who made trophies of them; conceived the horrid idea of forcing a wigmaker of Sevres to dress them up and powder their bloody locks。  The unfortunate man who was forced to perform this dreadful work died in consequence of the shock it gave him。

     'The King did not leave Versailles till one o'clock。  The Queen; the      Dauphin; Madame Royale; Monsieur; Madame Elisabeth; and Madame de      Tourzel were in his Majesty's carriage。  The hundred deputies in      their carriages came next。  A detachment of brigands; bearing the      heads of the two Body Guards in triumph; formed the advance guard;      and set out two hours earlier。  These cannibals stopped a moment at      Sevres; and carried their cruelty to the length of forcing an      unfortunate hairdresser to dress the gory heads; the bulk of the      Parisian army followed them closely。  The King's carriage was      preceded by the 'poissardes'; who had arrived the day before from      Paris; and a rabble of prostitutes; the vile refuse of their sex;      still drunk with fury and wine。  Several of them rode astride upon      cannons; boasting; in the most horrible songs; of the crimes they      had committed themselves; or seen others commit。  Those who were      nearest the King's carriage sang ballads; the allusions in which by      means of their vulgar gestures they applied to the Queen。  Wagons;      full of corn and flour;which had been brought into Versailles;      formed a train escorted by grenadiers; and surrounded by women and      bullies; some armed with pikes; and some carrying long branches of      poplar。  At some distance this part of the procession had a most      singular effect: it looked like a moving forest; amidst which shone      pike…heads and gun…barrels。  In the paroxysms of their brutal joy      the women stopped passengers; and; pointing to the King's carriage;      howled in their ears: 〃Cheer up; friends; we shall no longer be in      want of bread!  We bring you the baker; the baker's wife; and the      baker's little boy!〃  Behind his Majesty's carriage were several of      his faithful Guards; some on foot; and some on horseback; most of      them uncovered; all unarmed; and worn out with hunger and fatigue;      the dragoons; the Flanders regiment; the hundred Swiss; and the      National Guards preceded; accompanied; or followed the file of      carriages。  I witnessed this heartrending spectacle; I saw the      ominous procession。  I
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