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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第74部分

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elves      and their constituents。  The people who were present at this noble      contest increased the intoxication of their new allies by their      shouts; and the deputies of the commons; seeing that this memorable      night would only afford them profit without honour; consoled their      self…love by wondering at what Nobility; grafted upon the Third      Estate; could do。  They named that night the 'night of dupes'; the      nobles called it the 'night of sacrifices'。〃NOTE BY THE EDITOR。'

The King sanctioned all that tended to the diminution of his own personal gratifications; but refused his consent to the other decrees of that tumultuous night; this refusal was one of the chief causes of the ferments of the month of October。

In the early part of September meetings were held at the Palais Royal; and propositions made to go to Versailles; it was said to be necessary to separate the King from his evil counsellors; and keep him; as well as the Dauphin; at the Louvre。  The proclamations by the officers of the commune for the restoration of tranquillity were ineffectual; but M。 de La Fayette succeeded this time in dispersing the populace。  The Assembly declared itself permanent; and during the whole of September; in which no doubt the preparations were made for the great insurrections of the following month; the Court was not disturbed。

The King had the Flanders regiment removed to Versailles; unfortunately the idea of the officers of that regiment fraternising with the Body Guards was conceived; and the latter invited the former to a dinner; which was given in the great theatre of Versailles; and not in the Salon of Hercules; as some chroniclers say。  Boxes were appropriated to various persons who wished to be present at this entertainment。  The Queen told me she had been advised to make her appearance on the occasion; but that under existing circumstances she thought such a step might do more harm than good; and that; moreover; neither she nor the King ought directly to have anything to do with such a festival。  She ordered me to go; and desired me to observe everything closely; in order to give a faithful account of the whole affair。

The tables were set out upon the stage; at them were placed one of the Body Guard and an officer of the Flanders regiment alternately。  There was a numerous orchestra in the room; and the boxes were filled with spectators。  The air; 〃O Richard; O mon Roi!〃 was played; and shouts of 〃Vive de Roi!〃 shook the roof for several minutes。  I had with me one of my nieces; and a young person brought up with Madame by her Majesty。 They were crying 〃Vive le Roi!〃 with all their might when a deputy of the Third Estate; who was in the next box to mine; and whom I had never seen; called to them; and reproached them for their exclamations; it hurt him; he said; to see young and handsome Frenchwomen brought up in such servile habits; screaming so outrageously for the life of one man; and with true fanaticism exalting him in their hearts above even their dearest relations; he told them what contempt worthy American women would feel on seeing Frenchwomen thus corrupted from their earliest infancy。  My niece replied with tolerable spirit; and I requested the deputy to put an end to the subject; which could by no means afford him any satisfaction; inasmuch as the young persons who were with me lived; as well as myself; for the sole purpose of serving and loving the King。  While I was speaking what was my astonishment at seeing the King; the Queen; and the Dauphin enter the chamber!  It was M。 de Luxembourg who had effected this change in the Queen's determination。

The enthusiasm became general; the moment their Majesties arrived the orchestra repeated the air I have just mentioned; and afterwards played a song in the 〃Deserter;〃 〃Can we grieve those whom we love?〃  which also made a powerful impression upon those present: on all sides were heard praises of their Majesties; exclamations of affection; expressions of regret for what they had suffered; clapping of hands; and shouts of 〃Vive le Roi! Vive la Reine! Vive le Dauphin!〃  It has been said that white cockades were worn on this occasion; that was not the case; the fact is; that a few young men belonging to the National Guard of Versailles; who were invited to the entertainment; turned the white lining of their national cockades outwards。  All the military men quitted the hall; and reconducted the King and his family to their apartments。  There was intoxication in these ebullitions of joy: a thousand extravagances were committed by the military; and many of them danced under the King's windows; a soldier belonging to the Flanders regiment climbed up to the balcony of the King's chamber in order to shout 〃Vive le Roi!〃  nearer his Majesty; this very soldier; as I have been told by several officers of the corps; was one of the first and most dangerous of their insurgents in the riots of the 5th and 6th of October。  On the same evening another soldier of that regiment killed himself with a sword。  One of my relations; chaplain to the Queen; who supped with me; saw him stretched out in a corner of the Place d'Armes; he went to him to give him spiritual assistance; and received his confession and his last sighs。 He destroyed himself out of regret at having suffered himself to be corrupted by the enemies of his King; and said that; since he had seen him and the Queen and the Dauphin; remorse had turned his brain。

I returned home; delighted with all that I had seen。

I found a great many people there。  M。 de Beaumetz; deputy for Arras; listened to my description with a chilling air; and; when I had finished; told me that all that had passed was terrific; that he knew the disposition of the Assembly; and that the greatest misfortunes would follow the drama of that night; and he begged my leave to withdraw that he might take time for deliberate reflection whether he should on the very next day emigrate; or pass over to the left side of the Assembly。 He adopted the latter course; and never appeared again among my associates。

On the 2d of October the military entertainment was followed up by a breakfast given at the hotel of the Body Guards。  It is said that a discussion took place whether they should not march against the Assembly; but I am utterly ignorant of what passed at that breakfast。  From that moment Paris was constantly in commotion; there were continual mobs; and the most virulent proposals were heard in all public places; the conversation was invariably about proceeding to Versailles。  The King and Queen did not seem apprehensive of such a measure; and took no precaution against it; even when the army had actually left Paris; on the evening of the 5th of October; the King was shooting at Meudon; and the Queen was alone in her gardens at Trianon; which she then beheld for the last time in her life。  She was sitting in her grotto absorbed in painful reflection; when she received a note from the Comte de Saint…Priest; entreating her to return to Versailles。  M。 de Cubieres at the same time went off to request the King to leave his sport and return to the palace; the King did so on horseback; and very leisurely。  A few minutes afterwards he
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