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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第7部分

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 Soulaigre。'  Soulaigre; who was very angry with Bazire; and expected to acquit himself much better; then began to speak; but he also; after repeating 'Sire' several times; found his embarrassment increasing upon him; until his confusion equalled that of his colleague; he therefore ended with 'Sire; here is Bazire。'  The King smiled; and answered; 'Gentlemen; I have been informed of the business upon which you have been deputed to wait on me; and I will take care that what is right shall be done。  I am highly satisfied with the manner in which you have fulfilled your functions as deputies。'〃

Mademoiselle Genet's education was the object of her father's particular attention。  Her progress in the study of music and of foreign languages was surprising; Albaneze instructed her in singing; and Goldoni taught her Italian。  Tasso; Milton; Dante; and even Shakespeare; soon became familiar to her。  But her studies were particularly directed to the acquisition of a correct and elegant style of reading。  Rochon de Chabannes; Duclos; Barthe; Marmontel; and Thomas took pleasure in hearing her recite the finest scenes of Racine。  Her memory and genius at the age of fourteen charmed them; they talked of her talents in society; and perhaps applauded them too highly。

She was soon spoken of at Court。  Some ladies of high rank; who took an interest in the welfare of her family; obtained for her the place of Reader to the Princesses。  Her presentation; and the circumstances which preceded it; left a strong impression on her mind。  〃I was then fifteen;〃 she says; 〃my father felt some regret at yielding me up at so early an age to the jealousies of the Court。  The day on which I first put on my Court dress; and went to embrace him in his study; tears filled his eyes; and mingled with the expression of his pleasure。  I possessed some agreeable talents; in addition to the instruction which it had been his delight to bestow on me。  He enumerated all my little accomplishments; to convince me of the vexations they would not fail to draw upon me。〃

Mademoiselle Genet; at fifteen; was naturally less of a philosopher than her father was at forty。  Her eyes were dazzled by the splendour which glittered at Versailles。  〃The Queen; Maria Leczinska; the wife of Louis XV。; died;〃 she says; 〃just before I was presented at Court。  The grand apartments hung with black; the great chairs of state; raised on several steps; and surmounted by a canopy adorned with Plumes; the caparisoned horses; the immense retinue in Court mourning; the enormous shoulder… knots; embroidered with gold and silver spangles; which decorated the coats of the pages and footmen;all this magnificence had such an effect on my senses that I could scarcely support myself when introduced to the Princesses。  The first day of my reading in the inner apartment of Madame Victoire I found it impossible to pronounce more than two sentences; my heart palpitated; my voice faltered; and my sight failed。  How well understood was the potent magic of the grandeur and dignity which ought to surround sovereigns!  Marie Antoinette; dressed in white; with a plain straw hat; and a little switch in her hand; walking on foot; followed by a single servant; through the walks leading to the Petit Trianon; would never have thus disconcerted me; and I believe this extreme simplicity was the first and only real mistake of all those with which she is reproached。〃

When once her awe and confusion had subsided; Mademoiselle Genet was enabled to form a more accurate judgment of her situation。  It was by no means attractive; the Court of the Princesses; far removed from the revels to which Louie XV。 was addicted; was grave; methodical; and dull。 Madame Adelaide; the eldest of the Princesses; lived secluded in the interior of her apartments; Madame Sophie was haughty; Madame Louise a devotee。  Mademoiselle Genet never quitted the Princesses' apartments; but she attached herself most particularly to Madame Victoire。  This Princess had possessed beauty; her countenance bore an expression of benevolence; and her conversation was kind; free; and unaffected。  The young reader excited in her that feeling which a woman in years; of an affectionate disposition; readily extends to young people who are growing up in her sight; and who possess some useful talents。  Whole days were passed in reading to the Princess; as she sat at work in her apartment。 Mademoiselle Genet frequently saw there Louis XV。; of whom she has related the following anecdote:

〃One day; at the Chateau of Compiegne; the King came in whilst I was reading to Madame。  I rose and went into another room。  Alone; in an apartment from which there was no outlet; with no book but a Massillon; which I had been reading to the Princess; happy in all the lightness and gaiety of fifteen; I amused myself with turning swiftly round; with my court hoop; and suddenly kneeling down to see my rose…coloured silk petticoat swelled around me by the wind。  In the midst of this grave employment enters his Majesty; followed by one of the Princesses。  I attempt to rise; my feet stumble; and down I fall in the midst of my robes; puffed out by the wind。  'Daughter;' said Louis XV。; laughing heartily; 'I advise you to send back to school a reader who makes cheeses。'〃  The railleries of Louis XV。 were often much more cutting; as Mademoiselle Genet experienced on another occasion; which; thirty years afterwards; she could not relate without an emotion of fear。 〃Louis XV。;〃 she said; 〃had the most imposing presence。  His eyes remained fixed upon you all the time he was speaking; and; notwithstanding the beauty of his features; he inspired a sort of fear。 I was very young; it is true; when he first spoke to me; you shall judge whether it was in a very gracious manner。  I was fifteen。  The King was going out to hunt; and a numerous retinue followed him。  As he stopped opposite me he said; 'Mademoiselle Genet; I am assured you are very learned; and understand four or five foreign languages。''I know only two; Sire;' I answered; trembling。  'Which are they?' English and Italian。''Do you speak them fluently?' Yes; Sire; very fluently。' 'That is quite enough to drive a husband mad。'  After this pretty compliment the King went on; the retinue saluted me; laughing; and; for my part; I remained for some moments motionless with surprise and confusion。〃

At the time when the French alliance was proposed by the Duc de Choiseul there was at Vienna a doctor named Gassner;'Jean Joseph Gassner; a pretender to miraculous powers。' who had fled thither to seek an asylum against the persecutions of his sovereign; one of the ecclesiastical electors。  Gassner; gifted with an extraordinary warmth of imagination; imagined that he received inspirations。  The Empress protected him; saw him occasionally; rallied him on his visions; and; nevertheless; heard them with a sort of interest。  〃Tell me;〃said she to him one day; 〃whether my Antoinette will be happy。〃  Gassner turned pale; and remained silent。  Being still pressed by the Empress; and wishing to give a general expression to the idea with which he seemed deeply occupied; 〃Madame;〃 he replied; 〃there are crosses for all shoulders。〃

The occurrences at the Pla
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