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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第62部分

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〃What a detestable plot!〃  cried I。

〃Indeed; to say the truth; madame; I begin to be much alarmed; for his Eminence assured me that the Queen would wear the necklace on Whit… Sunday; but I did not see it upon her; and it was that which induced me to write to her Majesty。〃

He then asked me what he ought to do。  I advised him to go on to Versailles; instead of returning to Paris; whence he had just arrived; to obtain an immediate audience from the Baron de Breteuil; who; as head of the King's household; was the minister of the department to which Boehmer belonged; and to be circumspect; and I added that he appeared to me extremely culpable;not as a diamond merchant; but because being a sworn officer it was unpardonable of him to have acted without the direct orders of the King; the Queen; or the Minister。  He answered; that he had not acted without direct orders; that he had in his possession all the notes signed by the Queen; and that he had even been obliged to show them to several bankers in order to induce them to extend the time for his payments。  I urged his departure for Versailles; and he assured me he would go there immediately。  Instead of following my advice; he went to the Cardinal; and it was of this visit of Boehmer's that his Eminence made a memorandum; found in a drawer overlooked by the Abbe Georgel when he burnt; by order of the Cardinal; all the papers which the latter had at Paris。  The memorandum was thus worded: 〃On this day; 3d August; Boehmer went to Madame Campan's country house; and she told him that the Queen had never had his necklace; and that he had been deceived。〃

When Boehmer was gone; I wanted to follow him; and go to the Queen; my father…in…law prevented me; and ordered me to leave the minister to elucidate such an important affair; observing that it was an infernal plot; that I had given Boehmer the best advice; and had nothing more to do with the business。  Boehmer never said one word to me about the woman De Lamotte; and her name was mentioned for the first time by the Cardinal in his answers to the interrogatories put to him before the King。  After seeing the Cardinal; Boehmer went to Trianon; and sent a message to the Queen; purporting that I had advised him to come and speak to her。  His very words were repeated to her Majesty; who said; 〃He is mad; I have nothing to say to him; and will not see him。〃  Two or three days afterwards the Queen sent for me to Petit Trianon; to rehearse with me the part of Rosina; which she was to perform in the 〃Barbier de Seville。〃 I was alone with her; sitting upon her couch; no mention was made of anything but the part。  After we had spent an hour in the rehearsal; her Majesty asked me why I had sent Boehmer to her; saying he had been in my name to speak to her; and that she would not see him。  It was in this manner I learnt that he had not followed my advice in the slightest degree。  The change of my countenance; when I heard the man's name; was very perceptible; the Queen perceived it; and questioned me。  I entreated her to see him; and assured her it was of the utmost importance for her peace of mind; that there was a plot going on; of which she was not aware; and that it was a serious one; since engagements signed by herself were shown about to people who had lent Boehmer money。  Her surprise and vexation were great。  She desired me to remain at Trianon; and sent off a courier to Paris; ordering Boehmer to come to her upon some pretext which has escaped my recollection。  He came next morning; in fact it was the day on which the play was performed; and that was the last amusement the Queen allowed herself at that retreat。

The Queen made him enter her closet; and asked him by what fatality it was that she was still doomed to hear of his foolish pretence of selling her an article which she had steadily refused for several years。  He replied that he was compelled; being unable to pacify his creditors any longer。  〃What are your creditors to me?〃  said her Majesty。  Boehmer then regularly related to her all that he had been made to believe had passed between the Queen and himself through the intervention of the Cardinal。  She was equally incensed and surprised at each thing she heard。  In vain did she speak; the jeweller; equally importunate and dangerous; repeated incessantly; 〃Madame; there is no longer time for feigning; condescend to confess that you have my necklace; and let some assistance be given to me; or my bankruptcy will soon bring the whole to light。〃

It is easy to imagine how the Queen must have suffered。  On Boehmer's going away; I found her in an alarming condition; the idea that any one could have believed that such a man as the Cardinal possessed her full confidence; that she should have employed him to deal with a tradesman without the King's knowledge; for a thing which she had refused to accept from the King himself; drove her to desperation。  She sent first for the Abbe de Vermond; and then for the Baron de Breteuil。  Their hatred and contempt for the Cardinal made them too easily forget that the lowest faults do not prevent the higher orders of the empire from being defended by those to whom they have the honour to belong; that a Rohan; a Prince of the Church; however culpable he might be; would be sure to have a considerable party which would naturally be joined by all the discontented persons of the Court; and all the frondeurs of Paris。 They too easily believed that he would be stripped of all the advantages of his rank and order; and given up to the disgrace due to his irregular conduct; they deceived themselves。

I saw the Queen after the departure of the Baron and the Abbe; her agitation made me shudder。  〃Fraud must be unmasked;〃 said she; 〃when the Roman purple and the title of Prince cover a mere money…seeker; a cheat who dares to compromise the wife of his sovereign; France and all Europe should know it。〃  It is evident that from that moment the fatal plan was decided on。  The Queen perceived my alarm; I did not conceal it from her。 I knew too well that she had many enemies not to be apprehensive on seeing her attract the attention of the whole world to an intrigue that they would try to complicate still more。  I entreated her to seek the most prudent and moderate advice。  She silenced me by desiring me to make myself easy; and to rest satisfied that no imprudence would be committed。

On the following Sunday; the 15th of August; being the Assumption; at twelve o'clock; at the very moment when the Cardinal; dressed in his pontifical garments; was about to proceed to the chapel; he was sent for into the King's closet; where the Queen then was。

The King said to him; 〃You have purchased diamonds of Boehmer?〃

〃Yes; Sire。〃

〃What have you done with them?〃

〃I thought they had been delivered to the Queen。〃

〃Who commissioned you?〃

〃A lady; called the Comtesse de Lamotte…Valois; who handed me a letter from the Queen; and I thought I was gratifying her Majesty by taking this business on myself。〃

The Queen here interrupted him and said; 〃How; monsieur; could you believe that I should select you; to whom I have not spoken for eight years; to negotiate anything for me; and especially through the mediati
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