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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第6部分

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say; 'I am in case in the forest of St。 Germain。'  In the evening they always brought the Queen a large bowl of broth; a cold roast fowl; one bottle of wine; one of orgeat; one of lemonade; and some other articles; which were called the 'in case' for the night。  An old medical gentleman; who had been physician in ordinary to Louis XIV。; and was still living at the time of the marriage of Louis XV。; told M。 Campan's father an anecdote which seems too remarkable to have remained unknown; nevertheless he was a man of honour; incapable of inventing this story。 His name was Lafosse。  He said that Louis XIV。 was informed that the officers of his table evinced; in the most disdainful and offensive manner; the mortification they felt at being obliged to eat at the table of the comptroller of the kitchen along with Moliere; valet de chambre to his Majesty; because Moliere had performed on the stage; and that this celebrated author consequently declined appearing at that table。  Louis XIV。; determined to put an end to insults which ought never to have been offered to one of the greatest geniuses of the age; said to him one morning at the hour of his private levee; 'They say you live very poorly here; Moliere; and that the officers of my chamber do not find you good enough to eat with them。  Perhaps you are hungry; for my part I awoke with a very good appetite this morning: sit down at this table。  Serve up my 'in case' for the night there。'  The King; then cutting up his fowl; and ordering Moliere to sit down; helped him to a wing; at the same time taking one for himself; and ordered the persons entitled to familiar entrance; that is to say the most distinguished and favourite people at Court; to be admitted。  'You see me;' said the King to them; 'engaged in entertaining Moliere; whom my valets de chambre do not consider sufficiently good company for them。'  From that time Moliere never had occasion to appear at the valets' table; the whole Court was forward enough to send him invitations。

〃M。 de Lafosse used also to relate that a brigade…major of the Body Guard; being ordered to place the company in the little theatre at Versailles; very roughly turned out one of the King's comptrollers who had taken his seat on one of the benches; a place to which his newly acquired office entitled him。  In vain he insisted on his quality and his right。  The altercation was ended by the brigade…major in these words: 'Gentlemen Body Guards; do your duty。'  In this case their duty was to turn the offender out at the door。  This comptroller; who had paid sixty or eighty thousand francs for his appointment; was a man of a good family; and had had the honour of serving his Majesty five and twenty years in one of his regiments; thus ignominiously driven out of the hall; he placed himself in the King's way in the great hall of the Guards; and; bowing to his Majesty; requested him to vindicate the honour of an old soldier who had wished to end his days in his Prince's civil employment; now that age had obliged him to relinquish his military service。  The King stopped; heard his story; and then ordered him to follow him。  His Majesty attended the representation in a sort of amphitheatre; in which his armchair was placed; behind him was a row of stools for the captain of the Guards; the first gentleman of the chamber; and other great officers。  The brigade…major was entitled to one of these places; the King stopped opposite the seat which ought to have been occupied by that officer and said to the comptroller; 'Take; monsieur; for this evening; the place near my person of him who has offended you; and let the expression of my displeasure at this unjust affront satisfy you instead of any other reparation:

〃During the latter years of the reign of Louis XIV。 he never went out but in a chair carried by porters; and he showed a great regard for a man named D'Aigremont; one of those porters who always went in front and opened the door of the chair。  The slightest preference shown by sovereigns; even to the meanest of their servants; never fails to excite observation。

     'People of the very first rank did not disdain to descend to the      level of D'Aigremont。  〃Lauzun;〃 said the Duchesse d'Orleans in her      〃Memoirs;〃 〃sometimes affects stupidity in order to show people      their own with impunity; for he is very malicious。  In order to make      Marechal de Tease feel the impropriety of his familiarity with      people of the common sort; he called out; in the drawing…room at      Marly; 'Marechal; give me a pinch of snuff; some of your best; such      as you take in the morning with Monsieur d'Aigremont; the      chairman。'〃NOTE BY THE EDITOR。'

The King had done something for this man's numerous family; and frequently talked to him。  An abbe belonging to the chapel thought proper to request D'Aigremont to present a memorial to the King; in which he requested his Majesty to grant him a benefice。  Louis XIV。  did not approve of the liberty thus taken by his chairman; and said to him; in a very angry tone; 'D'Aigremont; you have been made to do a very unbecoming act; and I am sure there must be simony in the case。''No; Sire; there is not the least ceremony in the case; I assure you;' answered the poor man; in great consternation; 'the abbe only said he would give me a hundred Louis。''D'Aigremont;' said the King; 'I forgive you on account of your ignorance and candour。  I will give you the hundred Louis out of my privy purse; but I will discharge you the very next time you venture to present a memorial to me。'

〃Louis XIV。 was very kind to those of his servants who were nearest his person; but the moment he assumed his royal deportment; those who were most accustomed to see him in his domestic character were as much intimidated as if they were appearing in his presence for the first time in their lives。  Some of the members of his Majesty's civil household; then called 'commensalite'; enjoying the title of equerry; and the privileges attached to officers of the King's household; had occasion to claim some prerogatives; the exercise of which the municipal body of St。 Germain; where they resided; disputed with them。  Being assembled in considerable numbers in that town; they obtained the consent of the minister of the household to allow them to send a deputation to the King; and for that purpose chose from amongst them two of his Majesty's valets de chambre named Bazire and Soulaigre。  The King's levee being over; the deputation of the inhabitants of the town of St。 Germain was called in。 They entered with confidence; the King looked at them; and assumed his imposing attitude。  Bazire; one of these valets de chambre; was about to speak; but Louis the Great was looking on him。  He no longer saw the Prince he was accustomed to attend at home; he was intimidated; and could not find words; he recovered; however; and began as usual with the word Sire。  But timidity again overpowered him; and finding himself unable to recollect the slightest particle of what he came to say; he repeated the word Sire several times; and at length concluded by paying; 'Sire; here is Soulaigre。'  Soulaigre; who was very angry with Bazire; and expected to acquit himself much better;
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