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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第56部分

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c de Choiseul; were not disposed to render the ambassador any service。  The Queen succeeded in fixing the King's particular attention on this affair; and the innocence of the Duc de Guines triumphed through the equity of Louis XVI。

An incessant underhand war was carried on between the friends and partisans of M。 de Choiseul; who were called the Austrians; and those who sided with Messieurs d'Aiguillon; de Maurepas; and de Vergennes; who; for the same reason; kept up the intrigues carried on at Court and in Paris against the Queen。  Marie Antoinette; on her part; supported those who had suffered in this political quarrel; and it was this feeling which led her to ask for a revision of the proceedings against Messieurs de Bellegarde and de Monthieu。  The first; a colonel and inspector of artillery; and the second; proprietor of a foundry at St。 Etienne; were; under the Ministry of the Duc d'Aiguillon; condemned to imprisonment for twenty years and a day for having withdrawn from the arsenals of France; by order of the Duc de Choiseul; a vast number of muskets; as being of no value except as old iron; while in point of fact the greater part of those muskets were immediately embarked and sold to the Americans。  It appears that the Duc de Choiseul imparted to the Queen; as grounds of defence for the accused; the political views which led him to authorise that reduction and sale in the manner in which it had been executed。  It rendered the case of Messieurs de Bellegarde and de Monthieu more unfavourable that the artillery officer who made the reduction in the capacity of inspector was; through a clandestine marriage; brother…in…law of the owner of the foundry; the purchaser of the rejected arms。  The innocence of the two prisoners was; nevertheless; made apparent; and they came to Versailles with their wives and children to throw themselves at the feet of their benefactress。  This affecting scene took place in the grand gallery; at the entrance to the Queen's apartment。  She wished to restrain the women from kneeling; saying that they had only had justice done them; and that she ought to be congratulated upon the most substantial happiness attendant upon her station; that of laying just appeals before the King。

On every occasion; when the Queen had to speak in public; she used the most appropriate and elegant language; notwithstanding the difficulty a foreigner might be expected to experience。  She answered all addresses herself; a custom which she learned at the Court of Maria Theresa。  The Princesses of the House of Bourbon had long ceased to take the trouble of speaking in such cases。  Madame Addlaide blamed the Queen for not doing as they did; assuring her that it was quite sufficient to mutter a few words that might sound like an answer; while the addressers; occupied with what they had themselves been saying; would always take it for granted that a proper answer had been returned。  The Queen saw that idleness alone dictated such a proceeding; and that as the practice even of muttering a few words showed the necessity of answering in some way; it must be more proper to reply simply but clearly; and in the best style possible。  Sometimes indeed; when apprised of the subject of the address; she would write down her answer in the morning; not to learn it by heart; but in order to settle the ideas or sentiments she wished to introduce。

The influence of the Comtesse de Polignac increased daily; and her friends availed themselves of it to effect changes in the Ministry。 The dismissal of M。 de Montbarrey; a man without talents or character; was generally approved of。  It was rightly attributed to the Queen。  He had been placed in administration by M。 de Maurepas; and maintained by his aged wife; both; of course; became more inveterate than ever against the Queen and the Polignac circle。

The appointment of M。 de Segur to the place of Minister of War; and of M。 de Castries to that of Minister of Marine; were wholly the work of that circle。  The Queen dreaded making ministers; her favourite often wept when the men of her circle compelled her to interfere。  Men blame women for meddling in business; and yet in courts it is continually the men themselves who make use of the influence of the women in matters with which the latter ought to have nothing to do。

When M。 de Segur was presented to the Queen on his new appointment; she said to me; 〃You have just seen a minister of my making。  I am very glad; so far as regards the King's service; that he is appointed; for I think the selection a very good one; but I almost regret the part I have taken in it。  I take a responsibility upon myself。  I was fortunate in being free from any; and in order to relieve myself from this as much as possible I have just promised M。 de Segur; and that upon my word of honour; not to back any petition; nor to hinder any of his operations by solicitations on behalf of my proteges。〃

During the first administration of M。 Necker; whose ambition had not then drawn him into schemes repugnant to his better judgment; and whose views appeared to the Queen to be very judicious; she indulged in hopes of the restoration of the finances。  Knowing that M。 de Maurepas wished to drive M。 Necker to resign; she urged him to have patience until the death of an old man whom the King kept about him from a fondness for his first choice; and out of respect for his advanced age。  She even went so far as to tell him that M。 de Maurepas was always ill; and that his end could not be very distant。  M。 Necker would not wait for that event。  The Queen's prediction was fulfilled。  M。 de Maurepas ended his days immediately after a journey to Fontainebleau in 1781。

M。 Necker had retired。  He had been exasperated by a piece of treachery in the old minister; for which he could not forgive him。  I knew something of this intrigue at the time; it has since been fully explained to me by Madame la Marechale de Beauvau。  M。 Necker saw that his credit at Court was declining; and fearing lest that circumstance should injure his financial operations; he requested the King to grant him some favour which might show the public that he had not lost the confidence of his sovereign。  He concluded his letter by pointing out five requestssuch an office; or such a mark of distinction; or such a badge of honour; and so on; and handed it to M。 de Maurepas。  The or's were changed into and's; and the King was displeased at M。 Necker's ambition; and the assurance with which he displayed it。  Madame la Marechale de Beauvau assured me that the Marechal de Castries saw the minute of M。 Necker's letter; and that he likewise saw the altered copy。

The interest which the Queen took in M。 Necker died away during his retirement; and at last changed into strong prejudice against him。  He wrote too much about the measures he would have pursued; and the benefits that would have resulted to the State from them。  The ministers who succeeded him thought their operations embarrassed by the care that M。 Necker and his partisans incessantly took to occupy the public with his plans; his friends were too ardent。  The Queen discerned a party spirit in these combinations; and sided wholly with his enemies。

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