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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第52部分

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          〃Eripuit coelo fulmen; sceptrumque tyrannis。〃

The King never declared his opinion upon an enthusiasm which his correct judgment no doubt led him to blame。  The Queen spoke out more plainly about the part France was taking respecting the independence of the American colonies; and constantly opposed it。  Far was she from foreseeing that a revolution atsuch a distance could excite one in which a misguided populace would drag her from her palace to a death equally unjust and cruel。  She only saw something ungenerous in the method which France adopted of checking the power of England。

However; as Queen of France; she enjoyed the sight of a whole people rendering homage to the prudence; courage; and good qualities of a young Frenchman; and she shared the enthusiasm inspired by the conduct and military success of the Marquis de La Fayette。  The Queen granted him several audiences on his first return from America; and; until the 10th of August; on which day my house was plundered; I preserved some lines from Gaston and Bayard; in which the friends of M。 de La Fayette saw the exact outline of his character; written by her own hand:

         〃Why talk of youth;           When all the ripe experience of the old           Dwells with him?  In his schemes profound and cool;           He acts with wise precaution; and reserves           For time of action his impetuous fire。           To guard the camp; to scale the leaguered wall;           Or dare the hottest of the fight; are toils           That suit th' impetuous bearing of his youth;           Yet like the gray…hair'd veteran he can shun           The field of peril。  Still before my eyes           I place his bright example; for I love           His lofty courage; and his prudent thought。           Gifted like him; a warrior has no age。〃

     'During the American war a general officer in the service of the      United States advanced with a score of men under the English      batteries to reconnoitre their position。  His aide…de…camp; struck      by a ball; fell at his side。  The officers and orderly dragoons fled      precipitately。  The general; though under the fire of the cannon;      approached the wounded man to see whether any help could be afforded      him。  Finding the wound had been mortal; he slowly rejoined the      group which had got out of the reach of the cannon。  This instance      of courage and humanity took place at the battle of Monmouth。      General Clinton; who commanded the English troops; knew that the      Marquis de La Fayette generally rode a white horse; it was upon a      white horse that the general officer who retired so slowly was      mounted; Clinton desired the gunners not to fire。  This noble      forbearance probably saved M。 de La Fayette's life; for he it was。      At that time he was but twenty…two years of age。 〃Historical      Anecdotes of the Reign of Louis XVI。〃

These lines had been applauded and encored at the French theatre; everybody's head was turned。  There was no class of persons that did not heartily approve of the support given openly by the French Government to the cause of American independence。  The constitution planned for the new nation was digested at Paris; and while liberty; equality; and the rights of man were commented upon by the Condorcets; Baillys; Mirabeaus; etc。; the minister Segur published the King's edict; which; by repealing that of 1st November; 1750; declared all officers not noble by four generations incapable of filling the rank of captain; and denied all military rank to the roturiers; excepting sons of the chevaliers de St。 Louis。

     'M。 de Segur;〃 says Chamfort; 〃having published an ordinance which      prohibited the admission of any other than gentlemen into the      artillery corps; and; on the other hand; none but well…educated      persons being proper for admission; a curious scene took place: the      Abbe Bossat; examiner of the pupils; gave certificates only to      plebeians; while Cherin gave them only to gentlemen。  Out of one      hundred pupils; there were not above four or five who were qualified      in both respects。〃'

The injustice and absurdity of this law was no doubt a secondary cause of the Revolution。  To understand the despair and rage with which this law inspired the Tiers Etat one should have belonged to that honourable class。  The provinces were full of roturier families; who for ages had lived as people of property upon their own domains; and paid the taxes。 If these persons had several sons; they would place one in the King's service; one in the Church; another in the Order of Malta as a chevalier servant d'armes; and one in the magistracy; while the eldest preserved the paternal manor; and if he were situated in a country celebrated for wine; he would; besides selling his own produce; add a kind of commission trade in the wines of the canton。  I have seen an individual of this justly respected class; who had been long employed in diplomatic business; and even honoured with the title of minister plenipotentiary; the son…in…law and nephew of colonels and town mayors; and; on his mother's side; nephew of a lieutenant…general with a cordon rouge; unable to introduce his sons as sous…lieutenants into a regiment of foot。

Another decision of the Court; which could not be announced by an edict; was that all ecclesiastical benefices; from the humblest priory up to the richest abbey; should in future be appanages of the nobility。  Being the son of a village surgeon; the Abbe de Vermond; who had great influence in the disposition of benefices; was particularly struck with the justice of this decree。

During the absence of the Abbe in an excursion he made for his health; I prevailed on the Queen to write a postscript to the petition of a cure; one of my friends; who was soliciting a priory near his curacy; with the intention of retiring to it。  I obtained it for him。  On the Abbe's return he told me very harshly that I should act in a manner quite contrary to the King's wishes if I again obtained such a favour; that the wealth of the Church was for the future to be invariably devoted to the support of the poorer nobility; that it was the interest of the State that it should be so; and a plebeian priest; happy in a good curacy; had only to remain curate。

Can we be astonished at the part shortly afterwards taken by the deputies of the Third Estate; when called to the States General?

End of The Memoirs of Marie Antoinette; V3 by Madame Campan


Being the Historic Memoirs of Madam Campan; First Lady in Waiting to the Queen



About the close of the last century several of the Northern sovereigns took a fancy for travelling。  Christian III。; King of Denmark; visited the Court of France in 1763; during the reign of Louis XV。  We have seen the King of Sweden and Joseph II。  at Versailles。  The Grand Duke of Russia (afterwards Paul I。); son of Catherine II。; and the Princess of Wurtemberg; his wife; likewise resolved to visit France。  They travelled under the titles of the Comte and Comtesse du Nord。  They were presented on the 20th of May; 17
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