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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第48部分

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uc de Guiche; and captain of the King's Guards; in reversion after the Duc de Villeroi。 The Duchesse de Civrac; Madame Victoire's dame d'honneur; had been promised the place for the Duc de Lorges; her son。  The number of discontented families at Court increased。

The title of favourite was too openly given to the Comtesse Jules by her friends。  The lot of the favourite of a queen is not; in France; a happy one; the favourites of kings are treated; out of gallantry; with much greater indulgence。

A short time after the birth of Madame the Queen became again enceinte; she had mentioned it only to the King; to her physician; and to a few persons honoured with her intimate confidence; when; having overexerted her strength in pulling lip one of the glasses of her carriage; she felt that she had hurt herself; and eight days afterwards she miscarried。  The King spent the whole morning at her bedside; consoling her; and manifesting the tenderest concern for her。  The Queen wept exceedingly; the King took her affectionately in his arms; and mingled his tears with hers。  The King enjoined silence among the small number of persons who were informed of this unfortunate occurrence; and it remained generally unknown。  These particulars furnish an accurate idea of the manner in which this august couple lived together。

The Empress Maria Theresa did not enjoy the happiness of seeing her daughter give an heir to the crown of France。  That illustrious Princess died at the close of 1780; after having proved by her example that; as in the instance of Queen Blanche; the talents of a sovereign might be blended with the virtues of a pious princess。  The King was deeply affected at the death of the Empress; and on the arrival of the courier from Vienna said that he could not bring himself to afflict the Queen by informing her of an event which grieved even him so much。  His Majesty thought the Abbe de Vermond; who had possessed the confidence of Maria Theresa during his stay at Vienna; the most proper person to discharge this painful duty。  He sent his first valet de chambre; M。 de Chamilly; to the Abbe on the evening of the day he received the despatches from Vienna; to order him to come the next day to the Queen before her breakfast hour; to acquit himself discreetly of the afflicting commission with which he was charged; and to let his Majesty know the moment of his entering the Queen's chamber。  It was the King's intention to be there precisely a quarter of an hour after him; and he was punctual to his time; he was announced; the Abbe came out; and his Majesty said to him; as he drew up at the door to let him pass; 〃I thank you; Monsieur l'Abbe; for the service you have just done me。〃  This was the only time during nineteen years that the King spoke to him。

Within an hour after learning the event the Queen put on temporary mourning; while waiting until her Court mourning should be ready; she kept herself shut up in her apartments for several days; went out only to mass; saw none but the royal family; and received none but the Princesse de Lamballe and the Duchesse de Polignac。  She talked incessantly of the courage; the misfortunes; the successes; and the virtues of her mother。 The shroud and dress in which Maria Theresa was to be buried; made entirely by her own hands; were found ready prepared in one of her closets。  She often regretted that the numerous duties of her august mother had prevented her from watching in person over the education of her daughters; and modestly said that she herself would have been more worthy if she had had the good fortune to receive lessons directly from a sovereign so enlightened and so deserving of admiration。

The Queen told me one day that her mother was left a widow at an age when her beauty was yet striking; that she was secretly informed of a plot laid by her three principal ministers to make themselves agreeable to her; of a compact made between them; that the losers should not feel any jealousy towards him who should be fortunate enough to gain his sovereign's heart; and that they had sworn that the successful one should be always the friend of the other two。  The Empress being assured of this scheme; one day after the breaking up of the council over which she had presided; turned the conversation upon the subject of female sovereigns; and the duties of their sex and rank; and then applying her general reflections to herself in particular; told them that she hoped to guard herself all her life against weaknesses of the heart; but that if ever an irresistible feeling should make her alter her resolution; it should be only in favour of a man proof against ambition; not engaged in State affairs; but attached only to a private life and its calm enjoyments;in a word; if her heart should betray her so far as to lead her to love a man invested with any important office; from the moment he should discover her sentiments he would forfeit his place and his influence with the public。  This was sufficient; the three ministers; more ambitious than amorous; gave up their projects for ever。

On the 22d of October; 1781; the Queen gave birth to a Dauphin。 'The first Dauphin; Louis; born 1781; died 1789。'  So deep a silence prevailed in the room that the Queen thought her child was a daughter; but after the Keeper of the Seals had declared the sex of the infant; the King went up to the Queen's bed; and said to her; 〃Madame; you have fulfilled my wishes and those of France:; you are the mother of a Dauphin。〃  The King's joy was boundless; tears streamed from his eyes; he gave his hand to every one present; and his happiness carried away his habitual reserve。  Cheerful and affable; he was incessantly taking occasion to introduce the words; 〃my son;〃 or 〃the Dauphin。〃  As soon as the Queen was in bed; she wished to see the long…looked…for infant。  The Princesse de Guemenee brought him to her。  The Queen said there was no need for commending him to the Princess; but in order to enable her to attend to him more freely; she would herself share the care of the education of her daughter。  When the Dauphin was settled in his apartment; he received the customary homages and visits。  The Duc d'Angouleme;  meeting his father at the entrance of the Dauphin's apartment; said to him; 〃Oh; papa! how little my cousin is!〃〃The day will come when you will think him great enough; my dear;〃 answered the Prince; almost involuntarily。'Eldest son of the Comte d'Artois; and till the birth of the Dauphin with near prospects of the succession。'

The birth of the Dauphin appeared to give joy to all classes。  Men stopped one another in the streets; spoke without being acquainted; and those who were acquainted embraced each other。  In the birth of a legitimate heir to the sovereign every man beholds a pledge of prosperity and tranquillity 。

     'M。 Merard de Saint Just made a quatrain on the birth of the Dauphin      to the following effect:

          〃This infant Prince our hopes are centred in;           will doubtless make us happy; rich; and free;           And since with somebody he must begin;           My fervent prayer isthat it may be me!〃


The rejoicings were splendid and ingenious。  The artifi
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