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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第45部分

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King's letters。  Messieurs de Maurepas and de Vergennes wished to get them out of his hands; as they were afraid he would print them。  This eccentric being had long solicited permission to return to France; but it was necessary to find a way of sparing the family he had offended the insult they would see in his return; he was therefore made to resume the costume of that sex to which in France everything is pardoned。  The desire to see his native land once more determined him to submit to the condition; but he revenged himself by combining the long train of his gown and the three deep ruffles on his sleeves with the attitude and conversation of a grenadier; which made him very disagreeable company。

     'The account given by Madame Campan of the Chevalier d'Eon is now      known to be incorrect in many particulars。  Enough details for most      readers will be found in the Duc de Broglie's 〃Secret of the King;〃      vol。  ii。; chaps。  vi。  and g。; and at p。  89; vol。  ii。  of that      work; where the Duke refers to the letter of most dubious      authenticity spoken of by Madame Campan。  The following details will      be sufficient for these memoirs: The Chevalier Charles d'Eon de      Beaumont (who was born in 1728) was an ex…captain of dragoons;      employed in both the open and secret diplomacy of Louis XV。  When at      the embassy in London he quarrelled with the ambassador; his      superior; the Comte de Guerchy (Marquis do Nangis); and used his      possession of papers concerning the secret diplomacy to shield      himself。  It was when hiding in London; in 1765; on account of this      business; that he seems first to have assumed woman's dress; which      he retained apparently chiefly from love of notoriety。  In 1775 a      formal agreement with the French Court; made by the instrumentality      of Beaumarchais; of all people in the world; permitted him to return      to France; retaining the dress of a woman。  He went back to France;      but again came to England; and died there; at his residence in      Millman Street; near the Foundling Hospital; May 22; 1710。  He had      been a brave and distinguished officer; but his form and a certain      coldness of temperament always remarked in him assisted him in his      assumption of another sex。  There appears to be no truth in the      story of his proceedings at the Russian Court; and his appearing in      female attire was a surprise to those who must have known of any      earlier affair of the sort。'

At last; the event so long desired by the Queen; and by all those who wished her well; took place; her Majesty became enceinte。  The King was in ecstasies。  Never was there a more united or happier couple。  The disposition of Louis XVI。 entirely altered; and became prepossessing and conciliatory; and the Queen was amply compensated for the uneasiness which the King's indifference during the early part of their union had caused her。

The summer of 1778 was extremely hot。  July and August passed; but the air was not cooled by a single storm。  The Queen spent whole days in close rooms; and could not sleep until she had breathed the fresh night air; walking with the Princesses and her brothers upon the terrace under her apartments。  These promenades at first gave rise to no remark; but it occurred to some of the party to enjoy the music of wind instruments during these fine summer nights。  The musicians belonging to the chapel were ordered to perform pieces suited to instruments of that description; upon steps constructed in the middle of the garden。  The Queen; seated on one of the terrace benches; enjoyed the effect of this music; surrounded by all the royal family with the exception of the King; who joined them but; twice; disliking to change his hour of going to bed。

Nothing could be more innocent than these parties; yet Paris; France; nay; all Europe; were soon canvassing them in a manner most disadvantageous to the reputation of Marie Antoinette。  It is true that all the inhabitants of Versailles enjoyed these serenades; and that there was a crowd near the spot from eleven at night until two or three in the morning。  The windows of the ground floor occupied by Monsieur and Madame 'The wife of Monsieur; the Comte de Provence。' were kept open; and the terrace was perfectly well lighted by the numerous wax candles burning in the two apartments。  Lamps were likewise placed in the garden; and the lights of the orchestra illuminated the rest of the place。

I do not know whether a few incautious women might not have ventured farther; and wandered to the bottom of the park; it may have been so; but the Queen; Madame; and the Comtesse d'Artois were always arm…in…arm; and never left the terrace。  The Princesses were not remarkable when seated on the benches; being dressed in cambric muslin gowns; with large straw hats and muslin veils; a costume universally adopted by women at that time; but when standing up their different figures always distinguished them; and the persons present stood on one side to let them pass。  It is true that when they seated themselves upon the benches private individuals would sometimes; to their great amusement; sit down by their side。

A young clerk in the War Department; either not knowing or pretending not to know the Queen; spoke to her of the beauty of the night; and the delightful effect of the music。  The Queen; fancying she was not recognised; amused herself by keeping up the incognito; and they talked of several private families of Versailles; consisting of persons belonging to the King's household or her own。  After a few minutes the Queen and Princesses rose to walk; and on leaving the bench curtsied to the clerk。  The young man knowing; or having subsequently discovered; that he had been conversing with the Queen; boasted of it in his office。 He was merely; desired to hold his tongue; and so little attention did he excite that the Revolution found him still only a clerk。

Another evening one of Monsieur's body…guard seated himself near the Princesses; and; knowing them; left the place where he was sitting; and placed himself before the Queen; to tell her that he was very fortunate in being able to seize an opportunity of imploring the kindness of his sovereign; that he was 〃soliciting at Court〃at the word soliciting the Queen and Princesses rose hastily and withdrew into Madame's apartment。 'Soulavie has most criminally perverted these two facts。…MADAME CAMPAN。'… I was at the Queen's residence that day。  She talked of this little occurrence all the time of her 'coucher'; though she only complained that one of Monsieur's guards should have had the effrontery to speak to her。 Her Majesty added that he ought to have respected her incognito; and that that was not the place where he should have ventured to make a request。 Madame had recognised him; and talked of making a complaint to his captain; the Queen opposed it; attributing his error to his ignorance and provincial origin。

The most scandalous libels were based on these two insignificant occurrences; which I have related with scrupulous exactness。  Nothing could be more false than those calumnies。  It must be confessed; however; that such meetings were liable to ill
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