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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第4部分

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the Parliaments; and the refusals to register the decrees for levying taxes; produced alarm with respect to the state of the finances。  This became the subject of conversation one evening at the coucher of Louis XV。  'You will see; Sire;' said a courtier; whose office placed him in close communication with the King; 'that all this will make it absolutely necessary to assemble the States General!'

The King; roused by this speech from the habitual apathy of his character; seized the courtier by the arm; and said to him; in a passion; 'Never repeat; these words。  I am not sanguinary; but had I a brother; and were he to dare to give me such advice; I would sacrifice him; within twenty…four hours; to the duration of the monarchy and the tranquillity of the kingdom。'

〃Several years prior to his death the Dauphin; the father of Louis XVI。; had confluent smallpox; which endangered his life; and after his convalescence he was long troubled with a malignant ulcer under the nose。 He was injudiciously advised to get rid of it by the use of extract of lead; which proved effectual; but from that time the Dauphin; who was corpulent; insensibly grew thin; and a short; dry cough evinced that the humour; driven in; had fallen on the lungs。  Some persons also suspected him of having taken acids in too great a quantity for the purpose of reducing his bulk。  The state of his health was not; however; such as to excite alarm。  At the camp at Compiegne; in July; 1764; the Dauphin reviewed the troops; and evinced much activity in the performance of his duties; it was even observed that he was seeking to gain the attachment of the army。  He presented the Dauphiness to the soldiers; saying; with a simplicity which at that time made a great sensation; 'Mes enfans; here is my wife。'  Returning late on horseback to Compiegne; he found he had taken a chill; the heat of the day had been excessive; the Prince's clothes had been wet with perspiration。  An illness followed; in which the Prince began to spit blood。  His principal physician wished to have him bled; the consulting physicians insisted on purgation; and their advice was followed。  The pleurisy; being ill cured; assumed and retained all the symptoms of consumption; the Dauphin languished from that period until December; 1765; and died at Fontainebleau; where the Court; on account of his condition; had prolonged its stay; which usually ended on the 2d of November。

〃The Dauphiness; his widow; was deeply afflicted; but the immoderate despair which characterised her grief induced many to suspect that the loss of the crown was an important part of the calamity she lamented。 She long refused to eat enough to support life; she encouraged her tears to flow by placing portraits of the Dauphin in every retired part of her apartments。  She had him represented pale; and ready to expire; in a picture placed at the foot of her bed; under draperies of gray cloth; with which the chambers of the Princesses were always hung in court mournings。  Their grand cabinet was hung with black cloth; with an alcove; a canopy; and a throne; on which they received compliments of condolence after the first period of the deep mourning。  The Dauphiness; some months before the end of her career; regretted her conduct in abridging it; but it was too late; the fatal blow had been struck。  It may also be presumed that living with a consumptive; man had contributed to her complaint。  This Princess had no opportunity of displaying her qualities; living in a Court in which she was eclipsed by the King and Queen; the only characteristics that could be remarked in her were her extreme attachment to her husband; and her great piety。

〃The Dauphin was little known; and his character has been much mistaken。 He himself; as he confessed to his intimate friends; sought to disguise it。  He one day asked one of his most familiar servants; 'What do they say in Paris of that great fool of a Dauphin?' The person interrogated seeming confused; the Dauphin urged him to express himself sincerely; saying; 'Speak freely; that is positively the idea which I wish people to form of me。'

〃As he died of a disease which allows the last moment to be anticipated long beforehand; he wrote much; and transmitted his affections and his prejudices to his son by secret notes。

〃Madame de Pompadour's brother received Letters of Nobility from his Majesty; and was appointed superintendent of the buildings and gardens。 He often presented to her Majesty; through the medium of his sister; the rarest flowers; pineapples; and early vegetables from the gardens of Trianon and Choisy。  One day; when the Marquise came into the Queen's apartments; carrying a large basket of flowers; which she held in her two beautiful arms; without gloves; as a mark of respect; the Queen loudly declared her admiration of her beauty; and seemed as if she wished to defend the King's choice; by praising her various charms in detail; in a manner that would have been as suitable to a production of the fine arts as to a living being。  After applauding the complexion; eyes; and fine arms of the favourite; with that haughty condescension which renders approbation more offensive than flattering; the Queen at length requested her to sing; in the attitude in which she stood; being desirous of hearing the voice and musical talent by which the King's Court had been charmed in the performances of the private apartments; and thus combining the gratification of the ears with that of the eyes。  The Marquise; who still held her enormous basket; was perfectly sensible of something offensive in this request; and tried to excuse herself from singing。  The Queen at last commanded her; she then exerted her fine voice in the solo of Armida'At length he is in my power。' The change in her Majesty's countenance was so obvious that the ladies present at this scene had the greatest difficulty to keep theirs。

〃The Queen was affable and modest; but the more she was thankful in her heart to Heaven for having placed her on the first throne in Europe; the more unwilling she was to be reminded of her elevation。  This sentiment induced her to insist on the observation of all the forms of respect due to royal birth; whereas in other princes the consciousness of that birth often induces them to disdain the ceremonies of etiquette; and to prefer habits of ease and simplicity。  There was a striking contrast in this respect between Maria Leczinska and Marie Antoinette; as has been justly and generally observed。  The latter unfortunate Queen; perhaps; carried her disregard of everything belonging to the strict forms of etiquette too far。  One day; when the Marechale de Mouchy was teasing her with questions relative to the extent to which she would allow the ladies the option of taking off or wearing their cloaks; and of pinning up the lappets of their caps; or letting them hang down; the Queen replied to her; in my presence: 'Arrange all those matters; madame; just as you please; but do not imagine that a queen; born Archduchess of Austria; can attach that importance to them which might be felt by a Polish princess who had become Queen of France。'

〃The virtues and information of the great are always evinced by their conduct
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