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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第29部分

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s not generally made until the Queen was gone to mass。  Generally; excepting at St。  Cloud; where the Queen bathed in an apartment below her own; a slipper bath was rolled into her room; and her bathers brought everything that was necessary for the bath。  The Queen bathed in a large gown of English flannel buttoned down to the bottom;。  its sleeves throughout; as well as the collar; were lined with linen。  When she came out of the bath the first woman held up a cloth to conceal her entirely from the sight of her women; and then threw it over her shoulders。  The bathers wrapped her in it and dried her completely。  She then put on a long and wide open chemise; entirely trimmed with lace; and afterwards a white taffety bed… gown。  The wardrobe woman warmed the bed; the slippers were of dimity; trimmed with lace。  Thus dressed; the Queen went to bed again; and the bathers and servants of the chamber took away the bathing apparatus。  The Queen; replaced in bed; took a book or her tapestry work。  On her bathing mornings she breakfasted in the bath。  The tray was placed on the cover of the bath。  These minute details are given here only to do justice to the Queen's scrupulous modesty。  Her temperance was equally remarkable; she breakfasted on coffee or chocolate; at dinner ate nothing but white meat; drank water only; and supped on broth; a wing of a fowl; and small biscuits; which she soaked in a glass of water。

The tirewoman had under her order a principal under…tirewoman; charged with the care and preservation of all the Queen's dresses; two women to fold and press such articles as required it; two valets; and a porter of the wardrobe。  The latter brought every morning into the Queen's apartments baskets covered with taffety; containing all that she was to wear during the day; and large cloths of green taffety covering the robes and the full dresses。  The valet of the wardrobe on duty presented every morning a large book to the first femme de chambre; containing patterns of the gowns; full dresses; undresses; etc。  Every pattern was marked; to show to which sort it belonged。  The first femme de chambre presented this book to the Queen on her awaking; with a pincushion; her Majesty stuck pins in those articles which she chose for the day; …one for the dress; one for the afternoon…undress; and one for the full evening dress for card or supper parties in the private apartments。  The book was then taken back to the wardrobe; and all that was wanted for the day was soon after brought in in large taffety wrappers。  The wardrobe woman; who had the care of the linen; in her turn brought in a covered basket containing two or three chemises and handkerchiefs。  The morning basket was called pret du jour。  In the evening she brought in one containing the nightgown and nightcap; and the stockings for the next morning; this basket was called pret de la nuit。  They were in the department of the lady of honour; the tirewoman having nothing to do with the linen。  Nothing was put in order or taken care of by the Queen's women。  As soon as the toilet was over; the valets and porter belonging to the wardrobe were called in; and they carried all away in a heap; in the taffety wrappers; to the tirewoman's wardrobe; where all were folded up again; hung up; examined; and cleaned with so much regularity and care that even the cast…off clothes scarcely looked as if they had been worn。  The tirewoman's wardrobe consisted of three large rooms surrounded with closets; some furnished with drawers and others with shelves; there were also large tables in each of these rooms; on which the gowns and dresses were spread out and folded up。

For the winter the Queen had generally twelve full dresses; twelve undresses called fancy dresses; and twelve rich hoop petticoats for the card and supper parties in the smaller apartments。

She had as many for the summer; those for the spring served likewise for the autumn。  All these dresses were discarded at the end of each season; unless; indeed; she retained some that she particularly liked。  I am not speaking of muslin or cambric gowns; or others of the same kindthey were lately introduced; but such as these were not renewed at each returning season; they were kept several years。  The chief women were charged with the care and examination of the diamonds; this important duty was formerly confided to the tirewoman; but for many years had been included in the business of the first femmes de chambre。

The public toilet took place at noon。  The toilet…table was drawn forward into the middle of the room。  This piece of furniture was generally the richest and most ornamented of all in the apartment of the Princesses。 The Queen used it in the same manner and place for undressing herself in the evening。  She went to bed in corsets trimmed with ribbon; and sleeves trimmed with lace; and wore a large neck handkerchief。  The Queen's combing cloth was presented by her first woman if she was alone at the commencement of the toilet; or; as well as the other articles; by the ladies of honour if they were come。  At noon the women who had been in attendance four and twenty hours were relieved by two women in full dress; the first woman went also to dress herself。  The grandee entrees were admitted during the toilet; sofas were placed in circles for the superintendent; the ladies of honour; and tirewomen; and the governess of the children of France when she came there; the duties of the ladies of the bedchamber; having nothing to do with any kind of domestic or private functions; did not begin until the hour of going out to mass; they waited in the great closet; and entered when the toilet was over。  The Princes of the blood; captains of the Guards; and all great officers having the entry paid their court at the hour of the toilet。  The Queen saluted by nodding her head or bending her body; or leaning upon her toilet…table as if moving to rise; the last mode of salutation was for the Princes of the blood。  The King's brothers also came very generally to pay their respects to her Majesty while her hair was being dressed。  In the earlier years of the reign the first part of the dressing was performed in the bedchamber and according to the laws of etiquette; that is to say; the lady of honour put on the chemise and poured out the water for the hands; the tirewoman put on the skirt of the gown or full dress; adjusted the handkerchief; and tied on the necklace。  But when the young Queen became more seriously devoted to fashion; and the head…dress attained so extravagant a height that it became necessary to put on the chemise from below;when; in short; she determined to have her milliner; Mademoiselle Benin; with her whilst she was dressing; whom the ladies would have refused to admit to any share in the honour of attending on the Queen; the dressing in the bedchamber was discontinued; and the Queen; leaving her toilet; withdrew into her closet to dress。

On returning into her chamber; the Queen; standing about the middle of it; surrounded by the superintendent; the ladies of honour and tirewomen; her ladies of the palace; the chevalier d'honneur; the chief equerry; her clergy ready to attend her to mass; and the Princesses of the royal fam
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