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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第22部分

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ch he had conveyed to her under the specious excuse of anxiety for her august daughter; proofs of the enmity of a; party which had never approved of the alliance of the House of Bourbon with her own。

At this period the Dauphiness; though unable to obtain any influence over the heart of her husband; dreading Louis XV。; and justly mistrusting everything connected with Madame du Barry and the Duc d'Aiguillon; had not deserved the slightest reproach for that sort of levity which hatred and her misfortunes afterwards construed into crime。  The Empress; convinced of the innocence of Marie Antoinette; directed the Baron de Neni to solicit the recall of the Prince de Rohan; and to inform the Minister for Foreign Affairs of all the motives which made her require it; but the House of Rohan interposed between its protege and the Austrian envoy; and an evasive answer merely was given。

It was not until two months after the death of Louis XV。  that the Court of Vienna obtained his recall。  The avowed grounds for requiring it were; first; the public gallantries of Prince Louis with some ladies of the Court and others; secondly; his surliness and haughtiness towards other foreign ministers; which would have had more serious consequences; especially with the ministers of England and Denmark; if the Empress herself had not interfered; thirdly; his contempt for religion in a country where it was particularly necessary to show respect for it。 He had been seen frequently to dress himself in clothes of different colours; assuming the hunting uniforms of various noblemen whom he visited; with so much audacity that one day in particular; during the Fete…Dieu; he and all his legation; in green uniforms laced with gold; broke through a procession which impeded them; in order to make their way to a hunting party at the Prince de Paar's; and fourthly; the immense debts contracted by him and his people; which were tardily and only in part discharged。

The succeeding marriages of the Comte de Provence and the Comte d'Artois with two daughters of the King of Sardinia procured society for the Dauphiness more suitable to her age; and altered her mode of life。

A pair of tolerably fine eyes drew forth; in favour of the Comtesse de Provence; upon her arrival at Versailles; the only praises which could reasonably be bestowed upon her。  The Comtesse d'Artois; though not deformed; was very small; she had a fine complexion; her face; tolerably pleasing; was not remarkable for anything except the extreme length of the nose。  But being good and generous; she was beloved by those about her; and even possessed some influence so long as she was the only Princess who had produced heirs to the crown。

From this time the closest intimacy subsisted between the three young families。  They took their meals together; except on those days when they dined in public。  This manner of living en famille continued until the Queen sometimes indulged herself in going to dine with the Duchesse de Polignac; when she was governess; but the evening meetings at supper were never interrupted; they took place at the house of the Comtesse de Provence。  Madame Elisabeth made one of the party when she had finished her education; and sometimes Mesdames; the King's aunts; were invited。 The custom; which had no precedent at Court; was the work of Marie Antoinette; and she maintained it with the utmost perseverance。

The Court of Versailles saw no change in point of etiquette during the reign of Louis XV。  Play took place at the house of the Dauphiness; as being the first lady of the State。  It had; from the death of Queen Maria Leczinska to the marriage of the Dauphin; been held at the abode of Madame Adelade。  This removal; the result of an order of precedence not to be violated; was not the less displeasing to Madame Adelaide; who established a separate party for play in her apartments; and scarcely ever went to that which not only the Court in general; but also the royal family; were expected to attend。  The full…dress visits to the King on his 'debotter' were continued。  High mass was attended daily。  The airings of the Princesses were nothing more than rapid races in berlins; during which they were accompanied by Body Guards; equerries; and pages on horseback。  They galloped for some leagues from Versailles。  Calashes were used only in hunting。

The young Princesses were desirous to infuse animation into their circle of associates by something useful as well as pleasant。  They adopted the plan of learning and performing all the best plays of the French theatre。 The Dauphin was the only spectator。  The three Princesses; the two brothers of the King; and Messieurs Campan; father and son; were the sole performers; but they endeavoured to keep this amusement as secret as an affair of State; they dreaded the censure of Mesdames; and they had no doubt that Louis XV。 would forbid such pastimes if he knew of them。  They selected for their performance a cabinet in the entresol which nobody had occasion to enter。

A kind of proscenium; which could be taken down and shut up in a closet; formed the whole theatre。  The Comte de Provence always knew his part with imperturbable accuracy; the Comte d'Artois knew his tolerably well; and recited elegantly; the Princesses acted badly。  The Dauphiness acquitted herself in some characters with discrimination and feeling。 The chief pleasure of this amusement consisted in all the costumes being elegant and accurate。  The Dauphin entered into the spirit of these diversions; and laughed heartily at the comic characters as they came on the scene; from these amusements may be dated his discontinuance of the timid manner of his youth; and his taking pleasure in the society of the Dauphiness。

It was not till a long time afterwards that I learnt these particulars; M。 Campan having kept the secret; but an unforeseen event had well…nigh exposed the whole mystery。  One day the Queen desired M。 Campan to go down into her closet to fetch something that she had forgotten; he was dressed for the character of Crispin; and was rouged。  A private staircase led direct to the entresol through the dressing…room。  M。 Campan fancied he heard some noise; and remained still; behind the door; which was shut。  A servant belonging to the wardrobe; who was; in fact; on the staircase; had also heard some noise; and; either from fear or curiosity; he suddenly opened the door; the figure of Crispin frightened him so that he fell down backwards; shouting with his might; 〃Help! help!〃  My father…in…law raised him up; made him recognise his voice; and laid upon him an injunction of silence as to what he had seen。 He felt himself; however; bound to inform the Dauphiness of what had happened; and she was afraid that a similar occurrence might betray their amusements。  They were therefore discontinued。

The Princess occupied her time in her own apartment in the study of music and the parts in plays which she had to learn; the latter exercise; at least; produced the beneficial effect of strengthening her memory and familiarising her with the French language。

While Louis XV。  reigned; the enemies of Marie Antoinette made no attempt to change public opinion with regard to her。  She w
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