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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第20部分

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of France。  The Princess; young; frank; volatile; and inexperienced; found herself without any other guide than the Abbe de Vermond; in a Court ruled by the enemy of the minister who had brought her there; and in the midst of people who hated Austria; and detested any alliance with the imperial house。

The Duc d'Aiguillon; the Duc de La Vauguyon; the Marechal de Richelieu; the Rohans; and other considerable families; who had made use of Madame du Barry to overthrow the Duke; could not flatter themselves; notwithstanding their powerful intrigues; with a hope of being able to break off an alliance solemnly announced; and involving such high political interests。  They therefore changed their mode of attack; and it will be seen how the conduct of the Dauphin served as a basis for their hopes。

The Dauphiness continually gave proofs of both sense and feeling。 Sometimes she even suffered herself to be carried away by those transports of compassionate kindness which are not to be controlled by the customs which rank establishes。

In consequence of the fire in the Place Louis XV。; which occurred at the time of the nuptial entertainments; the Dauphin and Dauphiness sent their; whole income for the year to the relief of the unfortunate families who lost their relatives on that disastrous day。

This was one of those ostentatious acts of generosity which are dictated by the policy of princes; at least as much as by their compassion; but the grief of Marie Antoinette was profound; and lasted several days; nothing could console her for the loss of so many innocent victims; she spoke of it; weeping; to her ladies; one of whom; thinking; no doubt; to divert her mind; told her that a great number of thieves had been found among the bodies; and that their pockets were filled with watches and other valuables。  〃They have at least been well punished;〃 added the person who related these particulars。  〃Oh; no; no; madame!〃 replied the Dauphiness; 〃they died by the side of honest people。〃

The Dauphiness had brought from Vienna a considerable number of white diamonds; the King added to them the gift of the diamonds and pearls of the late Dauphiness; and also put into her hands a collar of pearls; of a single row; the smallest of which was as large as a filbert; and which had been brought into France by Anne of Austria; and appropriated by that Princess to the use of the Queens and Dauphinesses of France。

The three Princesses; daughters of Louis XV。; joined in making her magnificent presents。  Madame Adelaide at the same time gave the young Princess a key to the private corridors of the Chateau; by means of which; without any suite; and without being perceived; she could get to the apartments of her aunts; and see them in private。  The Dauphiness; on receiving the key; told them; with infinite grace; that if they had meant to make her appreciate the superb presents they were kind enough to bestow upon her; they should not at the same time have offered her one of such inestimable value; since to that key she should be indebted for an intimacy and advice unspeakably precious at her age。  She did; indeed; make use of it very frequently; but Madame Victoire alone permitted her; so long as she continued Dauphiness; to visit her familiarly。  Madame Adelaide could not overcome her prejudices against Austrian princesses; and was wearied with the somewhat petulant gaiety of the Dauphiness。 Madame Victoire was concerned at this; feeling that their society and counsel would have been highly useful to a young person otherwise likely to meet with none but sycophants。  She endeavoured; therefore; to induce her to take pleasure in the society of the Marquise de Durfort; her lady of honour and favourite。  Several agreeable entertainments took place at the house of this lady; but the Comtesse de Noailles and the Abbe de Vermond soon opposed these meetings。

A circumstance which happened in hunting; near the village of Acheres; in the forest of Fontainebleau; afforded the young Princess an opportunity of displaying her respect for old age; and her compassion for misfortune。  An aged peasant was wounded by the stag; the Dauphiness jumped out of her calash; placed the peasant; with his wife and children; in it; had the family taken back to their cottage; and bestowed upon them every attention and every necessary assistance。  Her heart was always open to the feelings of compassion; and the recollection of her rank never restrained her sensibility。  Several persons in her service entered her room one evening; expecting to find nobody there but the officer in waiting; they perceived the young Princess seated by the side of this man; who was advanced in years; she had placed near him a bowl full of water; was stanching the blood which issued from a wound he had received in his hand with her handkerchief; which she had torn up to bind it; and was fulfilling towards him all the duties of a pious sister of charity。 The old man; affected even to tears; out of respect allowed his august mistress to act as she thought proper。  He had hurt himself in endeavouring to move a rather heavy piece of furniture at the Princess's request。

In the month of July; 1770; an unfortunate occurrence that took place in a family which the Dauphiness honoured with her favour contributed again to show not only her sensibility but also the benevolence of her disposition。  One of her women in waiting had a son who was an officer in the gens d'armes of the guard; this young man thought himself affronted by a clerk in the War Department; and imprudently sent him a challenge; he killed his adversary in the forest of Compiegne。  The family of the young man who was killed; being in possession of the challenge; demanded justice。  The King; distressed on account of several duels which had recently taken place; had unfortunately declared that he would show no mercy on the first event of that kind which could be proved; the culprit was therefore arrested。  His mother; in the deepest grief; hastened to throw herself at the feet of the Dauphiness; the Dauphin; and the young Princesses。  After an hour's supplication they obtained from the King the favour so much desired。  On the next day a lady of rank; while congratulating the Dauphiness; had the malice to add that the mother had neglected no means of success on the occasion; having solicited not only the royal family; but even Madame du Barry。  The Dauphiness replied that the fact justified the favourable opinion she had formed of the worthy woman; that the heart of a mother should hesitate at nothing for the salvation of her son; and that in her place; if she had thought it would be serviceable; she would have thrown herself at the feet of Zamor。

     'A little Indian who carried the Comtesse du Barry's train。  Louis      XV。  often amused himself with the little marmoset; and jestingly      made him Governor of Louveciennes; he received an annual income of      3;000 francs。'

Some time after the marriage entertainments the Dauphiness made her entry into Paris; and was received with transports of joy。  After dining in the King's apartment at the Tuileries; she was forced; by the reiterated shouts of the multitude; with whom the garden was fi
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