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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第19部分

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 his mission opened under the most unfavourable auspices。  In want of money; and the House of Rohan being unable to make him any considerable advances; he obtained from his Court a patent which authorised him to borrow the sum of 600;000 livres upon his benefices; ran in debt above a million; and thought to dazzle the city and Court of Vienna by the most indecent and ill…judged extravagance。  He formed a suite of eight or ten gentlemen; of names sufficiently high…sounding; twelve pages equally well born; a crowd of officers and servants; a company of chamber musicians; etc。  But this idle pomp did not last; embarrassment and distress soon showed themselves; his people; no longer receiving pay; in order to make money; abused the privileges of ambassadors; and smuggled

     'I have often heard the Queen say that; at Vienna; in the office of      the secretary of the Prince de Rohan; there were sold in one year      more silk stockings than at Lyons and Paris together。 MADAME      CAMPAN。'

with so much effrontery that Maria Theresa; to put a stop to it without offending the Court of France; was compelled to suppress the privileges in this respect of all the diplomatic bodies; a step which rendered the person and conduct of Prince Louis odious in every foreign Court。  He seldom obtained private audiences from the Empress; who did not esteem him; and who expressed herself without reserve upon his conduct both as a bishop and as an ambassador。  He thought to obtain favour by assisting to effect the marriage of the Archduchess Elizabeth; the elder sister of Marie Antoinette; with Louis XV。; an affair which was awkwardly undertaken; and of which Madame du Barry had no difficulty in causing the failure。  I have deemed it my duty to omit no particular of the moral and political character of a man whose existence was subsequently so injurious to the reputation of Marie Antoinette。


A superb pavilion had been prepared upon the frontier near Kehl。  It consisted of a vast salon; connected with two apartments; one of which was assigned to the lords and ladies of the Court of Vienna; and the other to the suite of the Dauphiness; composed of the Comtesse de Noailles; her lady of honour; the Duchesse de Cosse; her dame d'atours; four ladies of the palace; the Comte de Saulx…Tavannes; chevalier d'honneur; the Comte de Tesse; first equerry; the Bishop of Chartres; first almoner; the officers of the Body Guard; and the equerries。

When the Dauphiness had been entirely undressed; in order that she might retain nothing belonging to a foreign Court (an etiquette always observed on such an occasion); the doors were opened; the young Princess came forward; looking round for the Comtesse de Noailles; then; rushing into her arms; she implored her; with tears in her eyes; and with heartfelt sincerity; to be her guide and support。

While doing justice to the virtues of the Comtesse de Noailles; those sincerely attached to the Queen have always considered it as one of her earliest misfortunes not to have found; in the person of her adviser; a woman indulgent; enlightened; and administering good advice with that amiability which disposes young persons to follow it。  The Comtesse de Noailles had nothing agreeable in her appearance; her demeanour was stiff and her mien severe。  She was perfect mistress of etiquette; but she wearied the young Princess with it; without making her sensible of its importance。  It would have been sufficient to represent to the Dauphiness that in France her dignity depended much upon customs not necessary at Vienna to secure the respect and love of the good and submissive Austrians for the imperial family; but the Dauphiness was perpetually tormented by the remonstrances of the Comtesse de Noailles; and at the same time was led by the Abbe de Vermond to ridicule both the lessons upon etiquette and her who gave them。  She preferred raillery to argument; and nicknamed the Comtesse de Noailles Madame l'Etiquette。

The fetes which were given at Versailles on the marriage of the Dauphin were very splendid。  The Dauphiness arrived there at the hour for her toilet; having slept at La Muette; where Louis XV。 had been to receive her; and where that Prince; blinded by a feeling unworthy of a sovereign and the father of a family; caused the young Princess; the royal family; and the ladies of the Court; to sit down to supper with Madame du Barry。

The Dauphiness was hurt at this conduct; she spoke of it openly enough to those with whom she was intimate; but she knew how to conceal her dissatisfaction in public; and her behaviour showed no signs of it。

She was received at Versailles in an apartment on the ground floor; under that of the late Queen; which was not ready for her until six months after her marriage。

The Dauphiness; then fifteen years of age; beaming with freshness; appeared to all eyes more than beautiful。  Her walk partook at once of the dignity of the Princesses of her house; and of the grace of the French; her eyes were mild; her smile amiable。  When she went to chapel; as soon as she had taken the first few steps in the long gallery; she discerned; all the way to its extremity; those persons whom she ought to salute with the consideration due to their rank; those on whom she should bestow an inclination of the head; and lastly; those who were to be satisfied with a smile; calculated to console them for not being entitled to greater honours。

Louis XV。 was enchanted with the young Dauphiness; all his conversation was about her graces; her vivacity; and the aptness of her repartees。 She was yet more successful with the royal family when they beheld her shorn of the splendour of the diamonds with which she had been adorned during the first days of her marriage。  When clothed in a light dress of gauze or taffety she was compared to the Venus dei Medici; and the Atalanta of the Marly Gardens。  Poets sang her charms; painters attempted to copy her features。  One artist's fancy led him to place the portrait of Marie Antoinette in the heart of a full…blown rose。  His ingenious idea was rewarded by Louis XV。

The King continued to talk only of the Dauphiness; and Madame du Barry ill…naturedly endeavoured to damp his enthusiasm。  Whenever Marie Antoinette was the topic; she pointed out the irregularity of her features; criticised the 'bons mots' quoted as hers; and rallied the King upon his prepossession in her favour。  Madame du Barry was affronted at not receiving from the Dauphiness those attentions to which she thought herself entitled; she did not conceal her vexation from the King; she was afraid that the grace and cheerfulness of the young Princess would make the domestic circle of the royal family more agreeable to the old sovereign; and that he would escape her chains; at the same time; hatred to the Choiseul party contributed powerfully to excite the enmity of the favourite。

The fall of that minister took place in November; 1770; six months after his long influence in the Council had brought about the alliance with the House of Austria and the arrival of Marie Antoinette at the Court of France。  The Princess; young; frank; volatile; and inexperienced; found herself without any other
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