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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第18部分

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f this nomination; he proposed to him the Abby de Vermond; librarian of the College des Quatre Nations。  The eulogistic manner in which he spoke of his protege procured the appointment for the latter on that very day; and the gratitude of the Abbe de Vermond towards the prelate was very fatal to France; inasmuch as after seventeen years of persevering attempts to bring him into the ministry; he succeeded at last in getting him named Comptroller…General and President of the Council。'Comte de Brienne; later Archbishop of Sens。'

This Abbe de Vermond directed almost all the Queen's actions。  He established his influence over her at an age when impressions are most durable; and it was easy to see that he had taken pains only to render himself beloved by his pupil; and had troubled himself very little with the care of instructing her。  He might have even been accused of having; by a sharp…sighted though culpable policy; purposely left her in ignorance。  Marie Antoinette spoke the French language with much grace; but wrote it less perfectly。  The Abbe de Vermond revised all the letters which she sent to Vienna。  The insupportable folly with which he boasted of it displayed the character of a man more flattered at being admitted into her intimate secrets than anxious to fulfil worthily the high office of her preceptor。

     'The Abbe de Vermond encouraged the impatience of etiquette shown by      Marie Antoinette while she was Dauphiness。  When she became Queen he      endeavoured openly to induce her to shake off the restraints she      still respected。  If he chanced to enter her apartment at the time      she was preparing to go out; 〃For whom;〃 he would say; in a tone of      raillery; 〃is this detachment of warriors which I found in the      court? Is it some general going to inspect his army?  Does all this      military display become a young Queen adored by her subjects?〃  He      would call to her mind the simplicity with which Maria Theresa      lived; the visits she made without guards; or even attendants; to      the Prince d'Esterhazy; to the Comte de Palfi; passing whole days      far from the fatiguing ceremonies of the Court。  The Abbe thus      artfully flattered the inclinations of Marie Antoinette; and showed      her how she might disguise; even from herself; her aversion for the      ceremonies observed by the descendants of Louis XIV。…MADAME CAMPAN。'

His pride received its birth at Vienna; where Maria Theresa; as much to give him authority with the Archduchess as to make herself acquainted with his character; permitted him to mix every evening with the private circle of her family; into which the future Dauphiness had been admitted for some time。  Joseph II。; the elder Archduchess; and a few noblemen honoured by the confidence of Maria Theresa; composed the party; and reflections on the world; on courts; and the duties of princes were the usual topics of conversation。  The Abbe de Vermond; in relating these particulars; confessed the means which he had made use of to gain admission into this private circle。  The Empress; meeting him at the Archduchess's; asked him if he had formed any connections in Vienna。 〃None; Madame;〃 replied he; 〃the apartment of the Archduchess and the hotel of the ambassador of France are the only places which the man honoured with the care of the Princess's education should frequent。〃 A month afterwards Maria Theresa; through a habit common enough among sovereigns; asked him the same question; and received precisely the same answer。  The next day he received an order to join the imperial family every evening。

It is extremely probable; from the constant and well…known intercourse between this man and Comte de Mercy; ambassador of the Empire during the whole reign of Louis XVI。; that he was useful to the Court of Vienna; and that he often caused the Queen to decide on measures; the consequences of which she did not consider。  Not of high birth; imbued with all the principles of the modern philosophy; and yet holding to the hierarchy of the Church more tenaciously than any other ecclesiastic; vain; talkative; and at the same time cunning and abrupt; very ugly and affecting singularity; treating the most exalted persons as his equals; sometimes even as his inferiors; the Abbe de Vermond received ministers and bishops when in his bath; but said at the same time that Cardinal Dubois was a fool; that a man such as he; having obtained power; ought to make cardinals; and refuse to be one himself。

Intoxicated with the reception he had met with at the Court of Vienna; and having till then seen nothing of high life; the Abbe de Vermond admired no other customs than those of the imperial family; he ridiculed the etiquette of the House of Bourbon incessantly; the young Dauphiness was constantly incited by his sarcasms to get rid of it; and it was he who first induced her to suppress an infinity of practices of which he could discern neither the prudence nor the political aim。  Such is the faithful portrait of that man whom the evil star of Marie Antoinette had reserved to guide her first steps upon a stage so conspicuous and so full of danger as that of the Court of Versailles。

It will be thought; perhaps; that I draw the character of the Abbe de Vermond too unfavourably; but how can I view with any complacency one who; after having arrogated to himself the office of confidant and sole counsellor of the Queen; guided her with so little prudence; and gave us the mortification of seeing that Princess blend; with qualities which charmed all that surrounded her; errors alike injurious to her glory and her happiness?

While M。 de Choiseul; satisfied with the person whom M。 de Brienne had presented; despatched him to Vienna with every eulogium calculated to inspire unbounded confidence; the Marquis de Durfort sent off a hairdresser and a few French fashions; and then it was thought sufficient pains had been taken to form the character of a princess destined to share the throne of France。

The marriage of Monseigneur the Dauphin with the Archduchess was determined upon during the administration of the Duc de Choiseul。 The Marquis de Durfort; who was to succeed the Baron de Breteuil in the embassy to Vienna; was appointed proxy for the marriage ceremony; but six months after the Dauphin's marriage the Duc de Choiseul was disgraced; and Madame de Marsan and Madame de Guemenee; who grew more powerful through the Duke's disgrace; conferred that embassy; upon Prince Louis de Rohan; afterwards cardinal and grand almoner。

Hence it will be seen that the Gazette de France is a sufficient answer to those libellers who dared to assert that the young Archduchess was acquainted with the Cardinal de Rohan before the period of her marriage。 A worse selection in itself; or one more disagreeable to Maria Theresa; than that which sent to her; in quality; of ambassador; a man so frivolous and so immoral as Prince Louis de Rohan; could not have been made。  He possessed but superficial knowledge upon any subject; and was totally ignorant of diplomatic affairs。  His reputation had gone before him to Vienna; and his mission opened under the most unfavourable auspices。  In want of money; and the House of Rohan 
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