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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第130部分

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t the wax might be melted down and sold; the produce made      one poor family 〃passing rich with forty pounds a year。〃See 〃Filia      Dolorosa;〃 vol。 ii。; p。 239。'

Her somewhat austere goodness was not of a nature to make her popular。 The few who really understood her loved her; but the majority of her pleasure…seeking subjects regarded her either with ridicule or dread。 She is said to have taken no part in politics; and to have exerted no influence in public affairs; but her sympathies were well known; and 〃the very word liberty made her shudder;〃 like Madame Roland; she had seen 〃so many crimes perpetrated under that name。〃

The claims of three pretended DauphinsHervagault; the son of the tailor of St。 Lo; Bruneau; son of the shoemaker of Vergin; and Naundorf or Norndorff; the watchmaker somewhat troubled her peace; but never for a moment obtained her sanction。  Of the many other pseudo…Dauphins (said to number a dozen and a half) not even the names remain。  In February;1820; a fresh tragedy befell the royal family in the assassination of the Duc de Berri; brother…in…law of the Duchesse d'Angouleme; as he was seeing his wife into her carriage at the door of the Opera…house。  He was carried into the theatre; and there the dying Prince and his wife were joined by the Duchess; who remained till he breathed his last; and was present when he; too; was laid in the Abbey of St。 Denis。  She was present also when his son; the Duc de Bordeaux; was born; and hoped that she saw in him a guarantee for the stability of royalty in France。  In September; 1824; she stood by the death…bed of Louis XVIII。; and thenceforward her chief occupation was directing the education of the little Duc de Bordeaux; who generally resided with her at Villeneuve l'Etang; her country house near St。  Cloud。  Thence she went in July; 1830; to the Baths of Vichy; stopping at Dijon on her way to Paris; and visiting the theatre on the evening of the 27th。  She was received with 〃a roar of execrations and seditious cries;〃 and knew only too well what they signified。  She instantly left the theatre and proceeded to Tonnere; where she received news of the rising in Paris; and; quitting the town by night; was driven to Joigny with three attendants。  Soon after leaving that place it was thought more prudent that the party should separate and proceed on foot; and the Duchess and M。 de Foucigny; disguised as peasants; entered Versailles arm…in…arm; to obtain tidings of the King。 The Duchess found him at Rambouillet with her husband; the Dauphin; and the King met her with a request for 〃pardon;〃 being fully conscious; too late; that his unwise decrees and his headlong flight had destroyed the last hopes of his family。  The act of abdication followed; by which the prospect of royalty passed from the Dauphin and his wife; as well as from Charles X。 Henri V。  being proclaimed King; and the Duc d'Orleans (who refused to take the boy monarch under his personal protection) lieutenant…general of the kingdom。

Then began the Duchess's third expatriation。  At Cherbourg the royal family; accompanied by the little King without a kingdom; embarked in the 'Great Britain'; which stood out to sea。  The Duchess; remaining on deck for a last look at the coast of France; noticed a brig which kept; she thought; suspiciously near them。

〃Who commands that vessel?〃 she inquired。

〃Captain Thibault。〃

And what are his orders?〃

〃To fire into and sink the vessels in which we sail; should any attempt be made to return to France。〃

Such was the farewell of their subjects to the House of Bourbon。  The fugitives landed at Weymouth; the Duchesse d'Angouleme under the title of Comtesse de Marne; the Duchesse de Berri as Comtesse de Rosny; and her son; Henri de Bordeaux; as Comte de Chambord; the title he retained till his death; originally taken from the estate presented to him in infancy by his enthusiastic people。  Holyrood; with its royal and gloomy associations; was their appointed dwelling。  The Duc and Duchesse d'Angouleme; and the daughter of the Duc de Berri; travelled thither by land; the King and the young Comte de Chambord by sea。  〃I prefer my route to that of my sister;〃 observed the latter; because I shall see the coast of France again; and she will not。〃

The French Government soon complained that at Holyrood the exiles were still too near their native land; and accordingly; in 1832; Charles X。; with his son and grandson; left Scotland for Hamburg; while the Duchesse d'Angouleme and her niece repaired to Vienna。  The family were reunited at Prague in 1833; where the birthday of the Comte de Chambord was celebrated with some pomp and rejoicing; many Legitimists flocking thither to congratulate him on attaining the age of thirteen; which the old law of monarchical France had fixed as the majority of her princes。 Three years later the wanderings of the unfortunate family recommenced; the Emperor Francis II。 was dead; and his successor; Ferdinand; must visit Prague to be crowned; and Charles X。 feared that the presence of a discrowned monarch might be embarrassing on such an occasion。  Illness and sorrow attended the exiles on their new journey; and a few months after they were established in the Chateau of Graffenburg at Goritz; Charles X。 died of cholera; in his eightieth year。  At Goritz; also; on the 31st May; 1844; the Duchesse d'Angouleme; who had sat beside so many death…beds; watched over that of her husband。  Theirs had not been a marriage of affection in youth; but they respected each other's virtues; and to a great extent shared each other's tastes; banishment and suffering had united them very closely; and of late years they had been almost inseparable; walking; riding; and reading together。  When the Duchesse d'Angouleme had seen her husband laid by his father's side in the vault of the Franciscan convent; she; accompanied by her nephew and niece; removed to Frohsdorf; where they spent seven tranquil years。  Here she was addressed as 〃Queen〃 by her household for the first time in her life; but she herself always recognised Henri; Comte de Chambord; as her sovereign。  The Duchess lived to see the overthrow of Louis Philippe; the usurper of the inheritance of her family。  Her last attempt to exert herself was a characteristic one。  She tried to rise from a sick…bed in order to attend the memorial service held for her mother; Marie Antoinette; on the 16th October; the anniversary of her execution。  But her strength was not equal to the task; on the 19th she expired; with her hand in that of the Comte de Chambord; and on 28th October; 1851; Marie Therese Charlotte; Duchesse d'Angouleme; was buried in the Franciscan convent。

                        The Ceremony of Expiation。

〃In the spring of 1814 a ceremony took place in Paris at which I was present because there was nothing in it that could be mortifying to a French heart。  The death of Louis XVI。  had long been admitted to be one of the most serious misfortunes of the Revolution。  The Emperor Napoleon never spoke of that sovereign but in terms of the highest respect; and always prefixed the epithet unfortunate to his name。  The ceremony to which I allude was proposed by the Emperor of Russia and the Ki
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