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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第125部分

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ing。〃  His features 〃recalled the somewhat effeminate look of Louis XV。; and the Austrian hauteur of Maria Theresa; his blue eyes; aquiline nose; elevated nostrils; well…defined mouth; pouting lips; chestnut hair parted in the middle and falling in thick curls on his shoulders; resembled his mother before her years of tears and torture。  All the beauty of his race; by both descents; seemed to reappear in him。〃'Lamartine'  For some time the care of his parents preserved his health and cheerfulness even in the Temple; but his constitution was weakened by the fever recorded by his sister; and his gaolers were determined that he should never regain strength。

〃What does the Convention intend to do with him?〃 asked Simon; when the innocent victim was placed in his clutches。  〃Transport him?〃


〃Kill him?〃


〃Poison him?〃


〃What; then?〃

〃Why; get rid of him。〃

For such a purpose they could not have chosen their instruments better。 〃Simon and his wife; cut off all those fair locks that had been his youthful glory and his mother's pride。  This worthy pair stripped him of the mourning he wore for his father; and as they did so; they called it 'playing at the game of the spoiled king。'  They alternately induced him to commit excesses; and then half starved him。  They beat him mercilessly; nor was the treatment by night less brutal than that by day。 As soon as the weary boy had sunk into his first profound sleep; they would loudly call him by name; 'Capet!  Capet!' Startled; nervous; bathed in perspiration; or sometimes trembling with cold; he would spring up; rush through the dark; and present himself at Simon's bedside; murmuring; tremblingly; 'I am here; citizen。''Come nearer; let me feel you。' He would approach the bed as he was ordered; although he knew the treatment that awaited him。  Simon would buffet him on the head; or kick him away; adding the remark; 'Get to bed again; wolfs cub; I only wanted to know that you were safe。'  On one of these occasions; when the child had fallen half stunned upon his own miserable couch; and lay there groaning and faint with pain; Simon roared out with a laugh; 'Suppose you were king; Capet; what would you do to me?' The child thought of his father's dying words; and said; 'I would forgive you。'〃''THIERS'

The change in the young Prince's mode of life; and the cruelties and caprices to which he was subjected; soon made him fall ill; says his sister。  〃Simon forced him to eat to excess; and to drink large quantities of wine; which he detested 。  。  。  。  He grew extremely fat without increasing in height or strength。〃  His aunt and sister; deprived of the pleasure of tending him; had the pain of hearing his childish voice raised in the abominable songs his gaolers taught him。  The brutality of Simon 〃depraved at once the body and soul of his pupil。  He called him the young wolf of the Temple。  He treated him as the young of wild animals are treated when taken from the mother and reduced to captivity;at once intimidated by blows and enervated by taming。  He punished for sensibility; he rewarded meanness; he encouraged vice; he made the child wait on him at table; sometimes striking him on the face with a knotted towel; sometimes raising the poker and threatening to strike him with it。〃

     'Simon left the Temple to become a municipal officer。  He was      involved in the overthrow of Robespierre; and guillotined the day      after him; 29th July; 1794。'

Yet when Simon was removed the poor young Prince's condition became even worse。  His horrible loneliness induced an apathetic stupor to which any suffering would have been preferable。  〃He passed his days without any kind of occupation; they did not allow him light in the evening。  His keepers never approached him but to give him food;〃 and on the rare occasions when they took him to the platform of the Tower; he was unable or unwilling to move about。  When; in November; 1794; a commissary named Gomin arrived at the Temple; disposed to treat the little prisoner with kindness; it was too late。  〃He took extreme care of my brother;〃 says Madame Royale。  〃For a long time the unhappy child had been shut up in darkness; and he was dying of fright。  He was very grateful for the attentions of Gomin; and became much attached to him。〃  But his physical condition was alarming; and; owing to Gomin's representations; a commission was instituted to examine him。  〃The commissioners appointed were Harmond; Mathieu; and Reverchon; who visited 'Louis Charles;' as he was now called; in the month of February; 1795。  They found the young Prince seated at a square deal table; at which he was playing with some dirty cards; making card houses and the like;the materials having been furnished him; probably; that they might figure in the report as evidences of indulgence。  He did not look up from the table as the commissioners entered。  He was in a slate…coloured dress; bareheaded; the room was reported as clean; the bed in good condition; the linen fresh; his clothes were also reported as new; but; in spite of all these assertions; it is well known that his bed had not been made for months; that he had not left his room; nor was permitted to leave it; for any purpose whatever; that it was consequently uninhabitable; and that he was covered with vermin and with sores。  The swellings at his knees alone were sufficient to disable him from walking。  One of the commissioners approached the young Prince respectfully。  The latter did not raise his head。  Harmond in a kind voice begged him to speak to them。  The eyes of the boy remained fixed on the table before him。  They told him of the kindly intentions of the Government; of their hopes that he would yet be happy; and their desire that he would speak unreservedly to the medical man that was to visit him。  He seemed to listen with profound attention; but not a single word passed his lips。  It was an heroic principle that impelled that poor young heart to maintain the silence of a mute in presence of these men。  He remembered too well the days when three other commissaries waited on him; regaled him with pastry and wine; and obtained from him that hellish accusation against the mother that he loved。  He had learnt by some means the import of the act; so far as it was an injury to his mother。  He now dreaded seeing again three commissaries; hearing again kind words; and being treated again with fine promises。  Dumb as death itself he sat before them; and remained motionless as stone; and as mute。〃 'THIERS'

His disease now made rapid progress; and Gomin and Lasne; superintendents of the Temple; thinking it necessary to inform the Government of the melancholy condition of their prisoner; wrote on the register: 〃Little Capet is unwell。〃  No notice was taken of this account; which was renewed next day in more urgent terms: 〃Little Capet is dangerously ill。〃  Still there was no word from beyond the walls。  〃We must knock harder;〃 said the keepers to each other; and they added; 〃It is feared he will not live;〃 to the words 〃dangerously ill。〃  At length; on Wednesday; 6th May; 1795; three days after the first report; the authorities appointed M。 Desault to give the invalid the assistance of hi
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