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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第121部分

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erson who; he said; wished to see her out of curiosity。  This man; a courageous emigrant; threw to her a carnation; in which was enclosed a slip of very fine paper with these words: 〃Your friends are ready;〃false hope; and equally dangerous for her who received it; and for him who gave it!  Michonnis and the emigrant were detected and forthwith apprehended; and the vigilance exercised in regard to the unfortunate prisoner became from that day more rigorous than ever。

     'The Queen was lodged in a room called the council chamber; which      was considered as the moat unwholesome apartment in the Conciergerie      on account of its dampness and the bad smells by which it was      continually affected。  Under pretence of giving her a person to wait      upon her they placed near her a spy;a man of a horrible      countenance and hollow; sepulchral voice。  This wretch; whose name      was Barassin; was a robber and murderer by profession。  Such was the      chosen attendant on the Queen of France!  A few days before her      trial this wretch was removed and a gendarme placed in her chamber;      who watched over her night and day; and from whom she was not      separated; even when in bed; but by a ragged curtain。  In this      melancholy abode Marie Antoinette had no other dress than an old      black gown; stockings with holes; which she was forced to mend every      day; and she was entirely destitute of shoes。DU  BROCA。'

Gendarmes were to mount guard incessantly at the door of her prison; and they were expressly forbidden to answer anything that she might say to them。

That wretch Hebert; the deputy of Chaumette; and editor of the disgusting paper Pere Duchesne; a writer of the party of which Vincent; Ronsin; Varlet; and Leclerc were the leadersHebert had made it his particular business to torment the unfortunate remnant of the dethroned family。 He asserted that the family of the tyrant ought not to be better treated than any sans…culotte family; and he had caused a resolution to be passed by which the sort of luxury in which the prisoners in the Temple were maintained was to be suppressed。  They were no longer to be allowed either poultry or pastry; they were reduced to one sort of aliment for breakfast; and to soup or broth and a single dish for dinner; to two dishes for supper; and half a bottle of wine apiece。  Tallow candles were to be furnished instead of wag; pewter instead of silver plate; and delft ware instead of porcelain。  The wood and water carriers alone were permitted to enter their room; and that only accompanied by two commissioners。  Their food was to be introduced to them by means of a turning box。  The numerous establishment was reduced to a cook and an assistant; two men…servants; and a woman…servant to attend to the linen。

As soon as this resolution was passed; Hebert had repaired to the Temple and inhumanly taken away from the unfortunate prisoners even the most trifling articles to which they attached a high value。  Eighty Louis which Madame Elisabeth had in reserve; and which she had received from Madame de Lamballe; were also taken away。  No one is more dangerous; more cruel; than the man without acquirements; without education; clothed with a recent authority。  If; above all; he possess a base nature; if; like Hebert; who was check…taker at the door of a theatre; and embezzled money out of the receipts; he be destitute of natural morality; and if he leap all at once from the mud of his condition into power; he is as mean as he is atrocious。  Such was Hebert in his conduct at the Temple。  He did not confine himself to the annoyances which we have mentioned。  He and some others conceived the idea of separating the young Prince from his aunt and sister。  A shoemaker named Simon and his wife were the instructors to whom it was deemed right to consign him for the purpose of giving him a sans…cullotte education。  Simon and his wife were shut up in the Temple; and; becoming prisoners with the unfortunate child; were directed to bring him up in their own way。  Their food was better than that of the Princesses; and they shared the table of the municipal commissioners who were on duty。  Simon was permitted to go down; accompanied by two commissioners; to the court of the Temple; for the purpose of giving the Dauphin a little exercise。

Hebert conceived the infamous idea of wringing from this boy revelations to criminate his unhappy mother。  Whether this wretch imputed to the child false revelations; or abused his; tender age and his condition to extort from him what admissions soever he pleased; he obtained a revolting deposition; and as the youth of the Prince did not admit of his being brought before the tribunal; Hebert appeared and detailed the infamous particulars which he had himself either dictated or invented。

It was on the 14th of October that Marie Antoinette appeared before her judges。  Dragged before the sanguinary tribunal by inexorable revolutionary vengeance; she appeared there without any chance of acquittal; for it was not to obtain her acquittal that the Jacobins had brought her before it。  It was necessary; however; to make some charges。 Fouquier therefore collected the rumours current among the populace ever since the arrival of the Princess in France; and; in the act of accusation; he charged her with having plundered the exchequer; first for her pleasures; and afterwards in order to transmit money to her brother; the Emperor。  He insisted on the scenes of the 5th and 6th of October; and on the dinners of the Life Guards; alleging that she had at that period framed a plot; which obliged the people to go to Versailles to frustrate it。  He afterwards accused her of having governed her husband; interfered in the choice of ministers; conducted the intrigues with the deputies gained by the Court; prepared the journey to Varennes; provoked the war; and transmitted to the enemy's generals all our plans of campaign。  He further accused her of having prepared a new conspiracy on the 10th of August; of having on that day caused the people to be fired upon; having induced her husband to defend himself by taxing him with cowardice; lastly; of having never ceased to plot and correspond with foreigners since her captivity in the Temple; and of having there treated her young son as King。  We here observe how; on the terrible day of long… deferred vengeance; when subjects at length break forth and strike such of their princes as have not deserved the blow; everything is distorted and converted into crime。  We see how the profusion and fondness for pleasure; so natural to a young princess; how her attachment to her native country; her influence over her husband; her regrets; always more indiscreet in a woman than a man; nay; even her bolder courage; appeared to their inflamed or malignant imaginations。

It was necessary to produce witnesses。  Lecointre; deputy of Versailles; who had seen what had passed on the 5th and 6th of October; Hebert; who had frequently visited the Temple; various clerks in the ministerial offices; and several domestic servants of the old Court were summoned。。 Admiral d'Estaing; formerly commandant of the guard of Versailles; Manuel; the ex…procureur of the Commune;
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