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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第117部分

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 the Assembly; which wavered between the two parties。  Several members were successively heard; for and against the appeal to the people。  Brissot; Gensonne; Petion; supported it in their turn。  One speaker at length had a decisive influence on the question。  Barere; by his suppleness; and his cold and evasive eloquence; was the model and oracle of the centre。  He spoke at great length on the trial; reviewed it in all its bearingsof facts; of laws; and of policyand furnished all those weak minds; who only wanted specious reasons for yielding; with motives for the condemnation of the King。  From that moment the unfortunate King was condemned。  The discussion lasted till the 7th; and nobody would listen any longer to the continual repetition of the same facts and arguments。  It was therefore declared to be closed without opposition; but the proposal of a fresh adjournment excited a commotion among the most violent; and ended in a decree which fixed the 14th of January for putting the questions to the vote。

Meantime the King did not allow the torturing suspense to disturb his outward composure; or lessen his kindness to those around him。  On the morning after his second appearance at the bar of the Convention; the commissary Vincent; who had undertaken secretly to convey to the Queen a copy of the King's printed defence; asked for something which had belonged to him; to treasure as a relic; the King took off his neck handkerchief and gave it him; his gloves he bestowed on another municipal; who had made the same request。  〃On January 1st;〃 says Clery; 〃I approached the King's bed and asked permission to offer him my warmest prayers for the end of his misfortunes。  'I accept your good wishes with affection;' he replied; extending his hand to me。  As soon as he had risen; he requested a municipal to go and inquire for his family; and present them his good wishes for the new year。  The officers were moved by the tone in which these words; so heartrending considering the position of the King; were pronounced 。  。  。  。  The correspondence between their Majesties went on constantly。  The King being informed that Madame Royale was ill; was very uneasy for some days。  The Queen; after begging earnestly; obtained permission for M。 Brunnier; the medical attendant of the royal children; to come to the Temple。  This seemed to quiet him。〃

The nearer the moment which was to decide the King's fate approached; the greater became the agitation in; Paris。  〃A report was circulated that the atrocities of September were to be repeated there; and the prisoners and their relatives beset the deputies with supplications that they would snatch them from destruction。  The Jacobins; on their part; alleged that conspiracies were hatching in all quarters to save Louis XVI。  from punishment; and to restore royalty。  Their anger; excited by delays and obstacles; assumed a more threatening aspect; and the two parties thus alarmed one another by supposing that each harboured sinister designs。〃

On the 14th of January the Convention called for the order of the day; being the final judgment of Louis XVI。

〃The sitting of the Convention which concluded the trial;〃 says Hazlitt; 〃lasted seventy…two hours。  It might naturally be supposed that silence; restraint; a sort of religious awe; would have pervaded the scene。  On the contrary; everything bore the marks of gaiety; dissipation; and the most grotesque confusion。  The farther end of the hall was converted into boxes; where ladies; in a studied deshabille; swallowed ices; oranges; liqueurs; and received the salutations of the members who went and came; as on ordinary occasions。  Here the doorkeepers on the Mountain side opened and shut the boxes reserved for the mistresses of the Duc d'Orleans; and there; though every sound of approbation or disapprobation was strictly forbidden; you heard the long and indignant 'Ha; ha's!' of the mother…duchess; the patroness of the bands of female Jacobins; whenever her ears were not loudly greeted with the welcome sounds of death。  The upper gallery; reserved for the people; was during the whole trial constantly full of strangers of every description; drinking wine as in a tavern。

Bets were made as to the issue of the trial in all the neighbouring coffee…houses。  Ennui; impatience; disgust sat on almost every countenance。  The figures passing and repassing; rendered more ghastly by the pallid lights; and who in a slow; sepulchral voice pronounced only the wordDeath; others calculating if they should have time to go to dinner before they gave their verdict; women pricking cards with pins in order to count the votes; some of the deputies fallen asleep; and only waking up to give their sentence;all this had the appearance rather of a hideous dream than of a reality。〃

The Duc d'Orleans; when called on to give his vote for the death of his King and relation; walked with a faltering step; and a face paler than death itself; to the appointed place; and there read these words: 〃Exclusively governed by my duty; and convinced that all those who have resisted the sovereignty of the people deserve death; my vote is for death!〃  Important as the accession of the first Prince of the blood was to the Terrorist faction; his conduct in this instance was too obviously selfish and atrocious not to excite a general feeling of indignation; the agitation of the Assembly became extreme; it seemed as if by this single vote the fate of the monarch was irrevocably sealed。

The President having examined the register; the result of the scrutiny was proclaimed as follows

     Against an appeal to the people。。。。。。。。。。。 480      For an appeal to the people。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 283

     Majority for final judgment。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 197

The President having announced that he was about to declare the result of the scrutiny; a profound silence ensued; and he then gave in the following declaration: that; out of 719 votes; 366 were for DEATH; 319 were for imprisonment during the war; two for perpetual imprisonment; eight for a suspension of the execution of the sentence of death until after the expulsion of the family of the Bourbons; twenty…three were for not putting him to death until the French territory was invaded by any foreign power; and one was for a sentence of death; but with power of commutation of the punishment。

After this enumeration the President took off his hat; and; lowering his voice; said: 〃In consequence of this expression of opinion I declare that the punishment pronounced by the National Convention against Louis Capet is DEATH!〃

Previous to the passing of the sentence the President announced on the part of the Foreign Minister the receipt of a letter from the Spanish Minister relative to that sentence。  The Convention; however; refused to hear it。  'It will be remembered that a similar remonstrance was forwarded by the English Government。'

M。 de Malesherbes; according to his promise to the King; went to the Temple at nine o'clock on the morning of the 17th?。

     'Louis was fully prepared for his fate。  During the calling of the      votes he asked M。 de Malesherbes; 〃Have you not met near the Temple      the White Lady?〃〃 What do you mean?〃 replied he。  〃Do you 
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