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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第114部分

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On the 11th December; at five o'clock in the morning; the prisoners heard the generale beaten throughout Paris; and cavalry and cannon entered the Temple gardens。  At nine the King and the Dauphin went as usual to breakfast with the Queen。  They were allowed to remain together for an hour; but constantly under the eyes of their republican guardians。  At last they were obliged to part; doubtful whether they would ever see each other again。  The little Prince; who remained with his father; and was ignorant of the new cause for anxiety; begged hard that the King would play at ninepins with him as usual。  Twice the Dauphin could not get beyond a certain number。  〃Each time that I get up to sixteen;〃 he said; with some vexation; 〃I lose the game。〃  The King did not reply; but Clery fancied the words made a painful impression on him。

At eleven; while the King was giving the Dauphin a reading lesson; two municipal officers entered and said they had come 〃to take young Louis to his mother。〃  The King inquired why; but was only told that such were the orders of the Council。  At one o'clock the Mayor of Paris; Chambon; accompanied by Chaumette; Procureur de la Commune; Santerre; commandant of the National Guard; and others; arrived at the Temple and read a decree to the King; which ordered that 〃Louis Capet〃 should be brought before the Convention。  〃Capet is not my name;〃 he replied; 〃but that of one of my ancestors。  I could have wished;〃 he added; 〃that you had left my son with me during the last two hours。  But this treatment is consistent with all I have experienced here。  I follow you; not because I recognise the authority of the Convention; but because I can be compelled to obey it。〃  He then followed the Mayor to a carriage which waited; with a numerous escort; at the gate of the Temple。  The family left behind were overwhelmed with grief and apprehension。  〃It is impossible to describe the anxiety we suffered;〃 says Madame Royale。  〃My mother used every endeavour with the officer who guarded her to discover what was passing; it was the first time she had condescended to question any of these men。  He would tell her nothing。〃

       Trial of the King。Parting of the Royal Family。Execution。

The crowd was immense as; on the morning of the 11th December; 1792; Louis XVI。 was driven slowly from the Temple to the Convention; escorted by cavalry; infantry; and artillery。  Paris looked like an armed camp: all the posts were doubled; the muster…roll of the National Guard was called over every hour; a picket of two hundred men watched in the court of each of the right sections; a reserve with cannon was stationed at the Tuileries; and strong detachments patroled the streets and cleared the road of all loiterers。  The trees that lined the boulevards; the doors and windows of the houses; were alive with gazers; and all eyes were fixed on the King。  He was much changed since his people last beheld him。 The beard he had been compelled to grow after his razors were taken from him covered cheeks; lips; and chin with light…coloured hair; which concealed the melancholy expression of his mouth; he had become thin; and his garments hung loosely on him; but his manner was perfectly collected and calm; and he recognised and named to the Mayor the various quarters through which he passed。  On arriving at the Feuillans he was taken to a room to await the orders of the Assembly。

It was about half…past two when the King appeared at the bar。  The Mayor and Generaux Santerre and Wittengoff were at his side。  Profound silence pervaded the Assembly。  All were touched by the King's dignity and the composure of his looks under so great a reverse of fortune。  By nature he had been formed rather to endure calamity with patience than to contend against it with energy。  The approach of death could not disturb his serenity。

〃Louis; you may be seated;〃 said Barere。  〃Answer the questions that shall be put to you。〃  The King seated himself and listened to the reading of the 'acte enonciatif'; article by article。  All the faults of the Court were there enumerated and imputed to Louis XVI。 personally。 He was charged with the interruption of the sittings of the 20th of June; 1789; with the Bed of Justice held on the 23d of the same month; the aristocratic conspiracy thwarted by the insurrection of the 14th of July; the entertainment of the Life Guards; the insults offered to the national cockade; the refusal to sanction the Declaration of Rights; as well as several constitutional articles; lastly; all the facts which indicated a new conspiracy in October; and which were followed by the scenes of the 5th and 6th; the speeches of reconciliation which had succeeded all these scenes; and which promised a change that was not sincere; the false oath taken at the Federation of the 14th of July; the secret practices of Talon and Mirabeau to effect a counter…revolution; the money spent in bribing a great number of deputies; the assemblage of the 〃knights of the dagger〃 on the 28th of February; 1791; the flight to Varennes; the fusilade of the Champ de Mars; the silence observed respecting the Treaty of Pilnitz; the delay in the promulgation of the decree which incorporated Avignon with France; the commotions at Nimes; Montauban; Mende; and Jales; the continuance of their pay to the emigrant Life Guards and to the disbanded Constitutional Guard; the insufficiency of the armies assembled on the frontiers; the refusal to sanction the decree for the camp of twenty thousand men; the disarming of the fortresses; the organisation of secret societies in the interior of Paris; the review of the Swiss and the garrison of the palace on the 10th August; the summoning the Mayor to the Tuileries; and lastly; the effusion of blood which had resulted from these military dispositions。  After each article the President paused; and said; 〃What have you to answer?〃  The King; in a firm voice; denied some of the facts; imputed others to his ministers; and always appealed to the constitution; from which he declared he had never deviated。  His answers were very temperate; but on the charge; 〃You spilt the blood of the people on the 10th of August;〃 he exclaimed; with emphasis; 〃No; monsieur; no; it was not I。〃

All the papers on which the act of accusation was founded were then shown to the King; and he disavowed some of them and disputed the existence of the iron chest; this produced a bad impression; and was worse than useless; as the fact had been proved。

     'A secret closet which the King had directed to be constructed in a      wall in the Tuileries。  The door was of iron; whence it was      afterwards known by the name of the iron chest。  See Thiers; and      Scott。'

Throughout the examination the King showed great presence of mind。 He was careful in his answers never to implicate any members of the constituent; and legislative Assemblies; many who then sat as his judges trembled lest he should betray them。  The Jacobins beheld with dismay the profound impression made on the Convention by the firm but mild demeanour of the sovereign。  The most violent of the party proposed that he should be hanged that very night; a laugh as of demons followed the proposal from the ben
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