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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第109部分

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be suspected of evil designs; and that no political opinion could afford a ground of objection to these solicitations。  Seeing that the well…meaning man did not succeed; I thought to do more in person; but Petion persisted in his refusal; and threatened to send me to La Force。 Thinking to give me a kind of consolation; he added I might be certain that all those who were then with Louis XVI。 and his family would not stay with them long。  And in fact; two or three days afterwards the Princesse de Lamballe; Madame de Tourzel; her daughter; the Queen's first woman; the first woman of the Dauphin and of Madame; M。 de Chamilly; and M。 de Hue were carried off during the night and transferred to La Force。 After the departure of the King and Queen for the Temple; my sister was detained a prisoner in the apartments their Majesties had quitted for twenty…four hours。

From this time I was reduced to the misery of having no further intelligence of my august and unfortunate mistress but through the medium of the newspapers or the National Guard; who did duty at the Temple。

The King and Queen said nothing to me at the Feuillans about the portfolio which had been deposited with me; no doubt they expected to see me again。  The minister Roland and the deputies composing the provisional government were very intent on a search for papers belonging to their Majesties。  They had the whole of the Tuileries ransacked。  The infamous Robespierre bethought himself of M。 Campan; the Queen's private secretary; and said that his death was feigned; that he was living unknown in some obscure part of France; and was doubtless the depositary of all the important papers。  In a great portfolio belonging to the King there had been found a solitary letter from the Comte d'Artois; which; by its date; and the subjects of which it treated; indicated the existence of a continued correspondence。  (This letter appeared among the documents used on the trial of Louis XVI。)  A former preceptor of my son's had studied with Robespierre; the latter; meeting him in the street; and knowing the connection which had subsisted between him and the family of M。 Campan; required him to say; upon his honour; whether he was certain of the death of the latter。  The man replied that M。 Campan had died at La Briche in 1791; and that he had seen him interred in the cemetery of Epinay。  〃well; then;〃 resumed Robespierre; 〃bring me the certificate of his burial at twelve to…morrow; it is a document for which I have pressing occasion。〃  Upon hearing the deputy's demand I instantly sent for a certificate of M。 Campan's burial; and Robespierre received it at nine o'clock the next morning。  But I considered that; in thinking of my father…in…law; they were coming very near me; the real depositary of these important papers。  I passed days and nights in considering what I could do for the best under such circumstances。

I was thus situated when the order to inform against those who had been denounced as suspected on the 10th of August led to domiciliary visits。 My servants were told that the people of the quarter in which I lived were talking much of the search that would be made in my house; and came to apprise me of it。  I heard that fifty armed men would make themselves masters of M。 Auguies house; where I then was。  I had just received this intelligence when M。 Gougenot; the King's maitre d'hotel and receiver… general of the taxes; a man much attached to his sovereign; came into my room wrapped in a ridingcloak; under which; with great difficulty; he carried the King's portfolio; which I had entrusted to him。  He threw it down at my feet; and said to me; 〃There is your deposit; I did not receive it from our unfortunate King's own hands; in delivering it to you I have executed my trust。〃  After saying this he was about to withdraw。 I stopped him; praying him to consult with me what I ought to do in such a trying emergency。  He would not listen to my entreaties; or even hear me describe the course I intended to pursue。  I told him my abode was about to be surrounded; I imparted to him what the Queen had said to me about the contents of the portfolio。  To all this he answered; 〃There it is; decide for yourself; I will have no hand in it。〃  Upon that I remained a few seconds thinking; and my conduct was founded upon the following reasons。  I spoke aloud; although to myself; I walked about the room with agitated steps; M。 Gougenot was thunderstruck。  〃Yes;〃 said I; 〃when we can no longer communicate with our King and receive his orders; however attached we may be to him; we can only serve him according to the best of our own judgment。  The Queen said to me; 'This portfolio contains scarcely anything but documents of a most dangerous description in the event of a trial taking place; if it should fall into the hands of revolutionary persons。'  She mentioned; too; a single document which would; under the same circumstances; be useful。  It is my duty to interpret her words; and consider them as orders。  She meant to say; 'You will save such a paper; you will destroy the rest if they are likely to be taken from you。'  If it were not so; was there any occasion for her to enter into any detail as to what the portfolio contained?  The order to keep it was sufficient。  Probably it contains; moreover; the letters of that part of the family which has emigrated; there is nothing which may have been foreseen or decided upon that can be useful now; and there can be no political thread which has not been cut by the events of the 10th of August and the imprisonment of the King。  My house is about to be surrounded; I cannot conceal anything of such bulk; I might; then; through want of foresight; give up that which would cause the condemnation of the King。  Let us open the portfolio; save the document alluded to; and destroy the rest。〃  I took a knife and cut open one side of the portfolio。  I saw a great number of envelopes endorsed by the King's own hand。  M。 Gougenot found there the former seals of the King;

     'No doubt it was in order to have the ancient seals ready at a      moment's notice; in case of a counter…revolution; that the Queen      desired me not to quit the Tuileries。  M。 Gougenot threw the seals      into the river; one from above the Pont Neuf; and the other from      near the Pont Royal。MADAME CAMPAN。'

such as they were before the Assembly had changed the inscription。  At this moment we heard a great noise; he agreed to tie up the portfolio; take it again under his cloak; and go to a safe place to execute what I had taken upon me to determine。  He made me swear; by all I held most sacred; that I would affirm; under every possible emergency; that the course I was pursuing had not been dictated to me by anybody; and that; whatever might be the result; I would take all the credit or all the blame upon myself。  I lifted up my hand and took the oath he required; he went out。  Half an hour afterwards a great number of armed men came to my house; they placed sentinels at all the outlets; they broke open secretaires and closets of which they had not the keys; they 'searched the flower…pots and boxes; they examined the cellars; and the commandant repeatedly said; 〃Look particularly for papers。
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