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the memoirs of marie antoinette-第104部分

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The Princess wrote as I dictated; and occasionally looked at me with astonishment。  When I had done I entreated her to write in the margin that the lady alluded to was my declared enemy。  She embraced me; saying; 〃Ah! do not write it!  we should not record an unhappy circumstance which ought to be forgotten。〃  We came to a man of genius who was much attached to the Queen; and I described him as a man born solely to contradict; showing himself an aristocrat with democrats; and a democrat among aristocrats; but still a man of probity; and well disposed to his sovereign。  The Princess said she knew many persons of that disposition; and that she was delighted I had nothing to say against this man; because she herself had placed him about the Queen。

The whole of her Majesty's chamber; which consisted entirely of persons of fidelity; gave throughout all the dreadful convulsions of the Revolution proofs of the greatest prudence and self…devotion。  The same cannot be said of the antechambers。  With the exception of three or four; all the servants of that class were outrageous Jacobins; and I saw on those occasions the necessity of composing the private household of princes of persons completely separated from the class of the people。

The situation of the royal family was so unbearable during the months which immediately preceded the 10th of August that the Queen longed for the crisis; whatever might be its issue。  She frequently said that a long confinement in a tower by the seaside would seem to her less intolerable than those feuds in which the weakness of her party daily threatened an inevitable catastrophe。

     'A few days before the 10th of August the squabbles between the      royalists and the Jacobins; and between the Jacobins and the      constitutionalists; increased in warmth; among the latter those men      who defended the principles they professed with the greatest talent;      courage; and constancy were at the same time the most exposed to      danger。  Montjoie says: 〃The question of dethronement was discussed      with a degree of frenzy in the Assembly。  Such of the deputies as      voted against it were abused; ill treated; and surrounded by      assassins。  They had a battle to fight at every step they took; and      at length they did not dare to sleep in their own houses。  Of this      number were Regnault de Beaucaron; Froudiere; Girardin; and      Vaublanc。  Girardin complained of having been struck in one of the      lobbies of the Assembly。  A voice cried out to him; 'Say where were      you struck。'  'Where?' replied Girardin; 'what a question!  Behind。      Do assassins ever strike otherwise?〃'

Not only were their Majesties prevented from breathing the open air; but they were also insulted at the very foot of the altar。  The Sunday before the last day of the monarchy; while the royal family went through the gallery to the chapel; half the soldiers of the National Guard exclaimed; 〃Long live the King!〃 and the other half; 〃No; no King!  Down with the veto!〃 and on that day at vespers the choristers preconcerted to use loud and threatening emphasis when chanting the words; 〃Deposuit potentes de sede;〃 in the 〃Magnificat。〃  Incensed at such an irreverent proceeding; the royalists in their turn thrice exclaimed; 〃Et reginam;〃 after the 〃Domine salvum fac regem。〃  The tumult during the whole time of divine service was excessive。

At length the terrible night of the 10th of August; 1792; arrived。  On the preceding evening Potion went to the Assembly and informed it that preparations were making for an insurrection on the following day; that the tocsin would sound at midnight; and that he feared he had not sufficient means for resisting the attack which was about to take place。 Upon this information the Assembly passed to the order of the day。 Petion; however; gave an order for repelling force by force。

     'Petion was the Mayor of Paris; and Mandat on this day was      commandant of the National Guard。  Mandat was assassinated that      night。 〃Thiers;〃 vol。 i。; p。 260。'

M。 Mandat was armed with this order; and; finding his fidelity to the King's person supported by what he considered the law of the State; he conducted himself in all his operations with the greatest energy。  On the evening of the 9th I was present at the King's supper。  While his Majesty was giving me various orders we heard a great noise at the door of the apartment。  I went to see what was the cause of it; and found the two sentinels fighting。  One said; speaking of the King; that he was hearty in the cause of the constitution; and would defend it at the peril of his life; the other maintained that he was an encumbrance to the only constitution suitable to a free people。  They were almost ready to cut one another's throats。  I returned with a countenance which betrayed my emotion。  The King desired to know what was going forward at his door; I could not conceal it from him。  The Queen said she was not at all surprised at it; and that more than half the guard belonged to the Jacobin party。

The tocsin sounded at midnight。  The Swiss were drawn up like walls; and in the midst of their soldierlike silence; which formed a striking contrast with the perpetual din of the town guard; the King informed M。 de J…; an officer of the staff; of the plan of defence laid down by General Viomenil。  M。 de J… said to me; after this private conference; 〃Put your jewels and money into your pockets; our dangers are unavoidable; the means of defence are nil; safety might be obtained by some degree of energy in the King; but that is the only virtue in which he is deficient。〃

An hour after midnight the Queen and Madame Elisabeth said they would lie down on a sofa in a room in the entresols; the windows of which commanded the courtyard of the Tuileries。

The Queen told me the King had just refused to put on his quilted under… waistcoat; that he had consented to wear it on the 14th of July because he was merely going to a ceremony where the blade of an assassin was to be apprehended; but that on a day on which his party might fight against the revolutionists he thought there was something cowardly in preserving his life by such means。

During this time Madame Elisabeth disengaged herself from some of her clothing which encumbered her in order to lie down on the sofa: she took a cornelian pin out of her cape; and before she laid it down on the table she showed it to me; and desired me to read a motto engraved upon it round a stalk of lilies。  The words were; 〃Oblivion of injuries; pardon for offences。〃〃I much fear;〃 added that virtuous Princess; 〃this maxim has but little influence among our enemies; but it ought not to be less dear to us on that account。〃

     'The exalted piety of Madame Elisabeth gave to all she said and did      a noble character; descriptive of that of her soul。  On the day on      which this worthy descendant of Saint Louis was sacrificed; the      executioner; in tying her hands behind her; raised up one of the      ends of her handkerchief。  Madame Elisabeth; with calmness; and in a      voice which seemed not to belong to earth; said to him; 〃In the name      of modesty; cover my bosom。〃  I learned this from Mada
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