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a collection of beatrix potter stories-第13部分

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Mr。 Jeremy crossed his legs

up shorter; out of reach; and

went on eating his sandwich。

ONCE or twice something

moved about with a

rustle and a splash amongst

the rushes at the side of the


〃I trust that is not a rat;〃

said Mr。 Jeremy Fisher; 〃I

think I had better get away

from here。〃

MR。 JEREMY shoved the

boat out again a little

way; and dropped in the bait。

There was a bite almost

directly; the float gave a

tremendous bobbit!

〃A minnow! a minnow! I

have him by the nose!〃 cried

Mr。 Jeremy Fisher; jerking

up his rod。

BUT what a horrible

surprise! Instead of a

smooth fat minnow; Mr。

Jeremy landed little Jack

Sharp the stickleback; covered

with spines!

THE stickleback floundered

about the boat; pricking

and snapping until he was

quite out of breath。 Then he

jumped back into the water。

AND a shoal of other little

fishes put their heads

out; and laughed at Mr。

Jeremy Fisher。

AND while Mr。 Jeremy sat

disconsolately on the

edge of his boatsucking his

sore fingers and peering down

into the watera MUCH worse

thing happened; a really

FRIGHTFUL thing it would have

been; if Mr。 Jeremy had not

been wearing a macintosh!

A GREAT big enormous

trout came upker…

pflop…p…p…p! with a splash

and it seized Mr。 Jeremy with

a snap; 〃Ow! Ow! Ow!〃

and then it turned and dived

down to the bottom of the


BUT the trout was so displeased

with the taste of

the macintosh; that in less

than half a minute it spat him

out again; and the only thing

it swallowed was Mr。 Jeremy's


MR。 JEREMY bounced up

to the surface of the

water; like a cork and the

bubbles out of a soda water

bottle; and he swam with

all his might to the edge of

the pond。

HE scrambled out on the

first bank he came to;

and he hopped home across

the meadow with his

macintosh all in tatters。

〃WHAT a mercy that was

not a pike!〃 said

Mr。 Jeremy Fisher。 〃I have

lost my rod and basket; but

it does not much matter; for I

am sure I should never have

dared to go fishing again!〃

HE put some sticking

plaster on his fingers;

and his friends both came to

dinner。 He could not offer

them fish; but he had something

else in his larder。


wore his black and gold


AND Mr。 Alderman Ptolemy

Tortoise brought a salad

with him in a string bag。

AND instead of a nice dish

of minnowsthey had a

roasted grasshopper with

lady…bird sauce; which frogs

consider a beautiful treat; but

_I_ think it must have been








ONCE upon a time there was

a little fat comfortable

grey squirrel; called Timmy

Tiptoes。 He had a nest

thatched with leaves in the

top of a tall tree; and he

had a little squirrel wife called



enjoying the breeze; he

whisked his tail and chuckled

〃Little wife Goody; the nuts

are ripe; we must lay up a

store for winter and spring。〃

Goody Tiptoes was busy

pushing moss under the

thatch〃The nest is so

snug; we shall be sound asleep

all winter。〃 〃Then we shall

wake up all the thinner; when

there is nothing to eat in

spring…time;〃 replied prudent


WHEN Timmy and Goody

Tiptoes came to the

nut thicket; they found other

squirrels were there already。

Timmy took off his jacket

and hung it on a twig; they

worked away quietly by themselves。

EVERY day they made

several journeys and

picked quantities of nuts。

They carried them away in

bags; and stored them in

several hollow stumps near

the tree where they had built

their nest。

WHEN these stumps were

full; they began to

empty the bags into a hole

high up a tree; that had belonged

to a wood…pecker; the

nuts rattled downdown

down inside。

〃How shall you ever get

them out again? It is like a

money…box!〃 said Goody。

〃I shall be much thinner

before spring…time; my love;〃

said Timmy Tiptoes; peeping

into the hole。

THEY did collect quantities

because they did not

lose them! Squirrels who bury

their nuts in the ground lose

more than half; because they

cannot remember the place。

The most forgetful squirrel

in the wood was called Silvertail。

He began to dig; and

he could not remember。 And

then he dug again and found

some nuts that did not belong

to him; and there was a fight。

And other squirrels began to

dig;the whole wood was in



at this time a flock of

little birds flew by; from

bush to bush; searching for

green caterpillars and spiders。

There were several sorts of

little birds; twittering different


The first one sang

〃Who's bin digging…up MY

nuts? Who's…been…digging…

up MY nuts?〃

And another sang〃Little

bita bread and…NO…cheese!

Little bit…a…bread an'…NO…


THE squirrels followed and

listened。 The first little

bird flew into the bush where

Timmy and Goody Tiptoes

were quietly tying up their

bags; and it sang〃Who's…

bin digging…up MY nuts?

Who's been digging…up MY…


Timmy Tiptoes went on

with his work without

replying; indeed; the little bird

did not expect an answer。 It

was only singing its natural

song; and it meant nothing at


BUT when the other squirrels

heard that song; they

rushed upon Timmy Tiptoes

and cuffed and scratched him;

and upset his bag of nuts。

The innocent little bird which

had caused all the mischief;

flew away in a fright!

Timmy rolled over and over;

and then turned tail and fled

towards his nest; followed by

a crowd of squirrels shouting

〃Who's…been digging…up


THEY caught him and

dragged him up the very

same tree; where there was

the little round hole; and they

pushed him in。 The hole

was much too small for

Timmy Tiptoes' figure。 They

squeezed him dreadfully; it

was a wonder they did not

break his ribs。 〃We will

leave him here till he

confesses;〃 said Silvertail Squirrel;

and he shouted into the hole




no reply; he had tumbled

down inside the tree; upon

half a peck of nuts belonging

to himself。 He lay quite

stunned and still。


up the nut bags and went

home。 She made a cup of

tea for Timmy; but he didn't

come and didn't come。

Goody Tiptoes passed a

lonely and unhappy night。

Next morning she ventured

back to the nut…bushes to look

for him; but the other unkind

squirrels drove her away。

She wandered all over the

wood; calling

〃Timmy Tiptoes! Timmy

Tiptoes! Oh; where is Timmy


IN the meantime Timmy

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