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a collection of beatrix potter stories-第11部分

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〃There's my last pocket…

handkin!〃 said Lucie。

〃AND what are you dipping

into the basin of starch?〃

〃They're little dicky shirt…

fronts belonging to Tom Titmouse

most terrible particular!〃

said Mrs。 Tiggy…winkle。

〃Now I've finished my ironing;

I'm going to air some clothes。〃

〃WHAT are these dear soft

fluffy things?〃 said


〃Oh those are wooly coats

belonging to the little lambs

at Skelghyl。〃

〃Will their jackets take off?〃

asked Lucy。

〃Oh yes; if you please'm;

look at the sheep…mark on the

shoulder。 And here's one

marked for Gatesgarth; and

three that come from Littletown。

They're ALWAYS marked

at washing!〃 said Mrs。 Tiggy…


AND she hung up all sorts

and sizes of clothes

small brown coats of mice;

and one velvety black mole…

skin waist…coat; and a red tail…

coat with no tail belonging to

Squirrel Nutkin; and a very

much shrunk blue jacket

belonging to Peter Rabbit; and

a petticoat; not marked; that

had gone lost in the washing

and at last the basket was


THEN Mrs。 Tiggy…winkle

made teaa cup for herself

and a cup for Lucie。 They

sat before the fire on a bench

and looked sideways at one

another。 Mrs。 Tiggy…winkle's

hand; holding the tea…cup; was

very very brown; and very very

wrinkly with the soap…suds;

and all through her gown and

her cap; there were HAIR…PINS

sticking wrong end out; so

that Lucie didn't like to sit

too near her。

WHEN they had finished

tea; they tied up the

clothes in bundles; and Lucie's

pocket…handkerchiefs were

folded up inside her clean

pinny; and fastened with a

silver safety…pin。

And then they made up the

fire with turf; and came out

and locked the door; and hid

the key under the door…sill。

THEN away down the hill

trotted Lucie and Mrs。

Tiggy…winkle with the bundles

of clothes!

All the way down the path

little animals came out of the

fern to meet them; the very

first that they met were Peter

Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny!

AND she gave them their

nice clean clothes; and

all the little animals and birds

were so very much obliged to

dear Mrs。 Tiggy…winkle。

SO that at the bottom of the

hill when they came to

the stile; there was nothing

left to carry except Lucie's

one little bundle。

LUCIE scrambled up the

stile with the bundle in

her hand; and then she turned

to say 〃Good…night;〃 and to

thank the washer…woman

But what a VERY odd thing!

Mrs。 Tiggy…winkle had not

waited either for thanks or for

the washing bill!

She was running running

running up the hilland

where was her white frilled

cap? and her shawl? and her

gownand her petticoat?

AND how small she had

grownand how brown

and covered with PRICKLES!

Why! Mrs。 Tiggy…winkle

was nothing but a HEDGEHOG。

     *  *   *   *

(Now some people say that little

Lucie had been asleep upon the stile

but then how could she have found

three clean pocket…handkins and a pinny;

pinned with a silver safety…pin?

And besides_I_ have seen that door

into the back of the hill called Cat

Bellsand besides _I_ am very well

acquainted with dear Mrs。 Tiggy…winkle!)



ONCE upon a time there was a

village shop。 The name over

the window was 〃Ginger and


It was a little small shop just the

right size for DollsLucinda and

Jane Doll…cook always bought their

groceries at Ginger and Pickles。

The counter inside was a

convenient height for rabbits。 Ginger

and Pickles sold red spotty pocket…

handkerchiefs at a penny three


They also sold sugar; and snuff

and galoshes。

In fact; although it was such a

small shop it sold nearly everything

except a few things that you

want in a hurrylike bootlaces;

hair…pins and mutton chops。

Ginger and Pickles were the

people who kept the shop。 Ginger

was a yellow tom…cat; and Pickles

was a terrier。

The rabbits were always a little

bit afraid of Pickles。

The shop was also patronized by

miceonly the mice were rather

afraid of Ginger。

Ginger usually requested Pickles

to serve them; because he said it

made his mouth water。

〃I cannot bear;〃 said he; 〃to see

them going out at the door carrying

their little parcels。〃

〃I have the same feeling about

rats;〃 replied Pickles; 〃but it

would never do to eat our own

customers; they would leave us and

go to Tabitha Twitchit's。〃

〃On the contrary; they would go

nowhere;〃 replied Ginger gloomily。

(Tabitha Twitchit kept the only

other shop in the village。 She did

not give credit。)

Ginger and Pickles gave unlimited


Now the meaning of 〃credit〃 is

thiswhen a customer buys a bar

of soap; instead of the customer

pulling out a purse and paying for

itshe says she will pay another


And Pickles makes a low bow and

says; 〃With pleasure; madam;〃

and it is written down in a book。

The customers come again and

again; and buy quantities; in spite

of being afraid of Ginger and


But there is no money in what

is called the 〃till。〃

The customers came in crowds

every day and bought quantities;

especially the toffee customers。

But there was always no money;

they never paid for as much as a

pennyworth of peppermints。

But the sales were enormous; ten

times as large as Tabitha Twitchit's。

As there was always no money;

Ginger and Pickles were obliged to

eat their own goods。

Pickles ate biscuits and Ginger

ate a dried haddock。

They ate them by candle…light

after the shop was closed。

When it came to Jan。 1st there

was still no money; and Pickles

was unable to buy a dog licence。

〃It is very unpleasant; I am

afraid of the police;〃 said Pickles。

〃It is your own fault for being

a terrier; _I_ do not require a licence;

and neither does Kep; the Collie


〃It is very uncomfortable; I am

afraid I shall be summoned。 I

have tried in vain to get a licence

upon credit at the Post Office;〃

said Pickles。 〃The place is full of

policeman。 I met one as I was

coming home。〃

〃Let us send in the bill again to

Samuel Whiskers; Ginger; he owes

22/9 for bacon。〃

〃I do not believe that he intends

to pay at all;〃 replied Ginger。

〃And I feel sure that Anna

Maria pockets things… Where

are all the cream crackers?〃

〃You have eaten them yourself;〃

replied Ginger。

Ginger and Pickles retired into

the back parlour。

They did accounts。 They added

up sums and sums; and sums。

〃Samuel Whiskers has run up

a bill as long as his tail; he has

had an ounce and three…quarters of

snuff since October。〃

〃What is seven pounds of butter

at 1/3; and a stick of seali
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