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a collection of beatrix potter stories-第10部分

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quarrelled again at breakfast。 Old Mr。

Bouncer could no longer deny that

he had invited company into the

rabbit hole; but he refused to reply

to the questions and reproaches of

Flopsy。 The day passed heavily。

Old Mr。 Bouncer; very sulky;

was huddled up in a corner; barricaded

with a chair。 Flopsy had

taken away his pipe and hidden

the tobacco。 She had been having

a complete turn out and spring…

cleaning; to relieve her feelings。

She had just finished。 Old Mr。

Bouncer; behind his chair; was

wondering anxiously what she

would do next。

In Mr。 Tod's kitchen; amongst the

wreckage; Benjamin Bunny picked

his way to the oven nervously;

through a thick cloud of dust。 He

opened the oven door; felt inside;

and found something warm and

wriggling。 He lifted it out carefully;

and rejoined Peter Rabbit。

〃I've got them! Can we get away?

Shall we hide; Cousin Peter?〃

Peter pricked his ears; distant

sounds of fighting still echoed in

the wood。

Five minutes afterwards two

breathless rabbits came scuttering

away down Bull Banks; half carrying

half dragging a sack between

them; bumpetty bump over the

grass。 They reached home safely

and burst into the rabbit hole。

Great was old Mr。 Bouncer's

relief and Flopsy's joy when Peter

and Benjamin arrived in triumph

with the young family。 The rabbit…

babies were rather tumbled and

very hungry; they were fed and

put to bed。 They soon recovered。

A long new pipe and a fresh supply

of rabbit tobacco was presented to

Mr。 Bouncer。 He was rather upon

his dignity; but he accepted。

Old Mr。 Bouncer was forgiven;

and they all had dinner。 Then Peter

and Benjamin told their storybut

they had not waited long enough

to be able to tell the end of the

battle between Tommy Brock and

Mr。 Tod。







ONCE upon a time there

was a little girl called

Lucie; who lived at a farm

called Little…town。 She was

a good little girlonly she

was always losing her pocket…


One day little Lucie came

into the farm…yard crying

oh; she did cry so! 〃I've lost

my pocket…handkin! Three

handkins and a pinny! Have

YOU seen them; Tabby Kitten?〃

THE Kitten went on washing

her white paws; so

Lucie asked a speckled hen

〃Sally Henny…penny; has

YOU found three pocket…handkins?〃

But the speckled hen ran

into a barn; clucking

〃I go barefoot; barefoot;


AND then Lucie asked Cock

Robin sitting on a twig。

Cock Robin looked sideways

at Lucie with his bright black

eye; and he flew over a stile

and away。

Lucie climbed upon the stile

and looked up at the hill behind

Little…town…a hill that goes

upupinto the clouds as

though it had no top!

And a great way up the hillside

she thought she saw some

white things spread upon the


LUCIE scrambled up the

hill as fast as her stout

legs would carry her; she ran

along a steep path…wayup

and upuntil Littletown was

right away down belowshe

could have dropped a pebble

down the chimney!

PRESENTLY she came to

a spring; bubbling out

from the hill…side。

Some one had stood a tin

can upon a stone to catch the

waterbut the water was

already running over; for the

can was no bigger than an

egg…cup! And where the sand

upon the path was wetthere

were foot…marks of a VERY

small person。

Lucie ran on; and on。

THE path ended under a

big rock。 The grass was

short and green; and there

were clothes…props cut from

bracken stems; with lines of

plaited rushes; and a heap of

tiny clothes pinsbut no


But there was something

elsea door! straight into the

hill; and inside it some one

was singing

     〃Lily…white and clean; oh!

     With little frills between; oh!

     Smooth and hot…red rusty spot

     Never here be seen; oh!〃

LUCIE; knockedonce

twice; and interrupted

the song。 A little frightened

voice called out 〃Who's that?〃

Lucie opened the door: and

what do you think there was

inside the hill?a nice clean

kitchen with a flagged floor

and wooden beamsjust like

any other farm kitchen。 Only

the ceiling was so low that

Lucie's head nearly touched it;

and the pots and pans were

small; and so was everything


THERE was a nice hot

singey smell; and at the

table; with an iron in her hand

stood a very stout short person

staring anxiously at Lucie。

Her print gown was tucked

up; and she was wearing a

large apron over her striped

petticoat。 Her little black

nose went sniffle; sniffle; snuffle;

and her eyes went twinkle;

twinkle; and underneath her

capwhere Lucie had yellow

curlsthat little person had


〃WHO are you?〃 said

Lucie。 〃Have you

seen my pocket…handkins?〃

The little person made a

bob…curtsey〃Oh; yes; if you

please'm; my name is Mrs。

Tiggy…winkle; oh; yes if you

please'm; I'm an excellent clear…

starcher!〃 And she took

something out of a clothes…

basket; and spread it on the


〃WHAT'S that thing?〃

said Lucie〃that's

not my pocket…handkin?〃

〃Oh no; if you please'm;

that's a little scarlet waist…coat

belonging to Cock Robin!〃

And she ironed it and folded

it; and put it on one side。

THEN she took something

else off a clothes…horse

〃That isn't my pinny?〃 said


〃Oh no; if you please'm;

that's a damask table…cloth

belonging to Jenny Wren;

look how it's stained with

currant wine! It's very bad

to wash!〃 said Mrs。 Tiggy…



nose went sniffle; sniffle;

snuffle; and her eyes went

twinkle; twinkle; and she

fetched another hot iron from

the fire。

THERE'S one of my

pocket…handkins!〃 cried

Lucie〃and there's my pinny!〃

Mrs。 Tiggy…winkle ironed it;

and goffered it; and shook out

the frills。

〃Oh that IS lovely!〃 said


〃AND what are those long

yellow things with fingers

like gloves?〃

〃Oh; that's a pair of stockings

belonging to Sally Henny…

pennylook how she's worn

the heels out with scratching

in the yard! She'll very soon

go barefoot!〃 said Mrs。 Tiggy…


〃WHY; there's another

handkersniffbut it

isn't mine; it's red?〃

〃Oh no; if you please'm;

that one belongs to old Mrs。

Rabbit; and it DID so smell

of onions! I've had to wash

it separately; I can't get out

the smell。〃

〃There's another one of

mine;〃 said Lucie。

〃WHAT are those funny

little white things?〃

〃That's a pair of mittens

belonging to Tabby Kitten; I

only have to iron them; she

washes them herself。〃

〃There's my last pocket…

handkin!〃 said Lucie。

〃AND what are you dipping

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