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confessio amantis-第98部分

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The goddes; that the meschief syhe;
Here formes changen alle thre。
Echon of hem in his degre
Was torned into briddes kinde;
Diverseliche; as men mai finde;    5940
After thastat that thei were inne;
Here formes were set atwinne。
And as it telleth in the tale;
The ferst into a nyhtingale
Was schape; and that was Philomene;
Which in the wynter is noght sene;
For thanne ben the leves falle
And naked ben the buisshes alle。
For after that sche was a brid;
Hir will was evere to ben hid;  5950
And forto duelle in prive place;
That noman scholde sen hir face
For schame; which mai noght be lassed;
Of thing that was tofore passed;
Whan that sche loste hir maidenhiede:
For evere upon hir wommanhiede;
Thogh that the goddes wolde hire change;
Sche thenkth; and is the more strange;
And halt hir clos the wyntres day。
Bot whan the wynter goth away;  5960
And that Nature the goddesse
Wole of hir oughne fre largesse
With herbes and with floures bothe
The feldes and the medwes clothe;
And ek the wodes and the greves
Ben heled al with grene leves;
So that a brid hire hyde mai;
Betwen Averil and March and Maii;
Sche that the wynter hield hir clos;
For pure schame and noght aros;    5970
Whan that sche seth the bowes thikke;
And that ther is no bare sticke;
Bot al is hid with leves grene;
To wode comth this Philomene
And makth hir ferste yeres flyht;
Wher as sche singeth day and nyht;
And in hir song al openly
Sche makth hir pleignte and seith; 〃O why;
O why ne were I yit a maide?〃
For so these olde wise saide;   5980
Which understoden what sche mente;
Hire notes ben of such entente。
And ek thei seide hou in hir song
Sche makth gret joie and merthe among;
And seith; 〃Ha; nou I am a brid;
Ha; nou mi face mai ben hid:
Thogh I have lost mi Maidenhede;
Schal noman se my chekes rede。〃
Thus medleth sche with joie wo
And with hir sorwe merthe also;    5990
So that of loves maladie
Sche makth diverse melodie;
And seith love is a wofull blisse;
A wisdom which can noman wisse;
A lusti fievere; a wounde softe:
This note sche reherceth ofte
To hem whiche understonde hir tale。
Nou have I of this nyhtingale;
Which erst was cleped Philomene;
Told al that evere I wolde mene;   6000
Bothe of hir forme and of hir note;
Wherof men mai the storie note。
And of hir Soster Progne I finde;
Hou sche was torned out of kinde
Into a Swalwe swift of winge;
Which ek in wynter lith swounynge;
Ther as sche mai nothing be sene:
Bot whan the world is woxe grene
And comen is the Somertide;
Than fleth sche forth and ginth to chide;   6010
And chitreth out in hir langage
What falshod is in mariage;
And telleth in a maner speche
Of Teres the Spousebreche。
Sche wol noght in the wodes duelle;
For sche wolde openliche telle;
And ek for that sche was a spouse;
Among the folk sche comth to house;
To do thes wyves understonde
The falshod of hire housebonde;    6020
That thei of hem be war also;
For ther ben manye untrewe of tho。
Thus ben the Sostres briddes bothe;
And ben toward the men so lothe;
That thei ne wole of pure schame
Unto no mannes hand be tame;
For evere it duelleth in here mynde
Of that thei founde a man unkinde;
And that was false Teres。
If such on be amonges ous    6030
I not; bot his condicion
Men sein in every region
Withinne toune and ek withoute
Nou regneth comunliche aboute。
And natheles in remembrance
I wol declare what vengance
The goddes hadden him ordeined;
Of that the Sostres hadden pleigned:
For anon after he was changed
And from his oghne kinde stranged;    6040
A lappewincke mad he was;
And thus he hoppeth on the gras;
And on his hed ther stant upriht
A creste in tokne he was a kniht;
And yit unto this dai men seith;
A lappewincke hath lore his feith
And is the brid falseste of alle。
Bewar; mi Sone; er thee so falle;
For if thou be of such covine;
To gete of love be Ravine    6050
Thi lust; it mai thee falle thus;
As it befell of Teres。
Mi fader; goddes forebode!
Me were levere be fortrode
With wilde hors and be todrawe;
Er I ayein love and his lawe
Dede eny thing or loude or stille;
Which were noght mi ladi wille。
Men sein that every love hath drede;
So folweth it that I hire drede;   6060
For I hire love; and who so dredeth;
To plese his love and serve him nedeth。
Thus mai ye knowen be this skile
That no Ravine don I wile
Ayein hir will be such a weie;
Bot while I live; I wol obeie
Abidinge on hire courtesie;
If eny merci wolde hir plie。
Forthi; mi fader; as of this
I wot noght I have don amis:    6070
Bot furthermore I you beseche;
Som other point that ye me teche;
And axeth forth; if ther be auht;
That I mai be the betre tauht。
Whan Covoitise in povere astat
Stant with himself upon debat
Thurgh lacke of his misgovernance;
That he unto his sustienance
Ne can non other weie finde
To gete him good; thanne as the blinde;  6080
Which seth noght what schal after falle;
That ilke vice which men calle
Of Robberie; he takth on honde;
Wherof be water and be londe
Of thing which othre men beswinke
He get him cloth and mete and drinke。
Him reccheth noght what he beginne;
Thurgh thefte so that he mai winne:
Forthi to maken his pourchas
He lith awaitende on the pas;   6090
And what thing that he seth ther passe;
He takth his part; or more or lasse;
If it be worthi to be take。
He can the packes wel ransake;
So prively berth non aboute
His gold; that he ne fint it oute;
Or other juel; what it be;
He takth it as his proprete。
In wodes and in feldes eke
Thus Robberie goth to seke;  6100
Wher as he mai his pourpos finde。
And riht so in the same kinde;
My goode Sone; as thou miht hiere;
To speke of love in the matiere
And make a verrai resemblance;
Riht as a thief makth his chevance
And robbeth mennes good aboute
In wode and field; wher he goth oute;
So be ther of these lovers some;
In wylde stedes wher thei come  6110
And finden there a womman able;
And therto place covenable;
Withoute leve; er that thei fare;
Thei take a part of that chaffare:
Yee; though sche were a Scheperdesse;
Yit wol the lord of wantounesse
Assaie; althogh sche be unmete;
For other mennes good is swete。
Bot therof wot nothing the wif
At hom; which loveth as hir lif    6120
Hir lord; and sitt alday wisshinge
After hir lordes hom comynge:
Bot whan that he comth hom at eve;
Anon he makth his wif beleve;
For sche noght elles scholde knowe:
He telth hire hou his hunte hath blowe;
And hou his houndes have wel runne;
And hou ther schon a merye Sunne;
And hou his haukes flowen wel;
Bot he wol telle her nevere a diel    6130
Hou he to love untrewe was;
Of that he robbede in the pas;
And tok his lust under the schawe
Ayein love and ayein his lawe。
Which thing; mi Sone; I thee forbede;
For it is an ungoodly dede。
For who that takth be Robberie
His love; he mai noght justefie
His cause; and so fulofte sithe
For ones that he hath be blithe    6140
He schal ben after sory thries。
Ensample of suche Robberies
I finde write; as thou schalt hiere;
Acordende unto this matiere。
I rede hou whilom was a Maide;
The faireste; as Ovide saide;
Which was in hire time tho;
And sche was of the chambre also
Of Pallas; which is
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