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confessio amantis-第97部分

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For sche fond non amendement
To syghen or to sobbe more:
So was ther guile under the gore。  5730
Nou leve we this king and queene;
And torne ayein to Philomene;
As I began to tellen erst。
Whan sche cam into prison ferst;
It thoghte a kinges douhter strange
To maken so soudein a change
Fro welthe unto so grete a wo;
And sche began to thenke tho;
Thogh sche be mouthe nothing preide;
Withinne hir herte thus sche seide:   5740
〃O thou; almyhty Jupiter;
That hihe sist and lokest fer;
Thou soffrest many a wrong doinge;
And yit it is noght thi willinge。
To thee ther mai nothing ben hid;
Thou wost hou it is me betid:
I wolde I hadde noght be bore;
For thanne I hadde noght forlore
Mi speche and mi virginite。
Bot; goode lord; al is in thee;    5750
Whan thou therof wolt do vengance
And schape mi deliverance。〃
And evere among this ladi wepte;
And thoghte that sche nevere kepte
To ben a worldes womman more;
And that sche wissheth everemore。
Bot ofte unto hir Soster diere
Hire herte spekth in this manere;
And seide; 〃Ha; Soster; if ye knewe
Of myn astat; ye wolde rewe;    5760
I trowe; and my deliverance
Ye wolde schape; and do vengance
On him that is so fals a man:
And natheles; so as I can;
I wol you sende som tokninge;
Wherof ye schul have knowlechinge
Of thing I wot; that schal you lothe;
The which you toucheth and me bothe。〃
And tho withinne a whyle als tyt
Sche waf a cloth of Selk al whyt   5770
With lettres and ymagerie;
In which was al the felonie;
Which Teres to hire hath do;
And lappede it togedre tho
And sette hir signet therupon
And sende it unto Progne anon。
The messager which forth it bar;
What it amonteth is noght war;
And natheles to Progne he goth
And prively takth hire the cloth;  5780
And wente ayein riht as he cam;
The court of him non hiede nam。
Whan Progne of Philomene herde;
Sche wolde knowe hou that it ferde;
And opneth that the man hath broght;
And wot therby what hath be wroght
And what meschief ther is befalle。
In swoune tho sche gan doun falle;
And efte aros and gan to stonde;
And eft sche takth the cloth on honde;   5790
Behield the lettres and thymages;
Bot ate laste; 〃Of suche oultrages;〃
Sche seith; 〃wepinge is noght the bote:〃
And swerth; if that sche live mote;
It schal be venged otherwise。
And with that sche gan hire avise
Hou ferst sche mihte unto hire winne
Hir Soster; that noman withinne;
Bot only thei that were suore;
It scholde knowe; and schop therfore  5800
That Teres nothing it wiste;
And yit riht as hirselven liste;
Hir Soster was delivered sone
Out of prison; and be the mone
To Progne sche was broght be nyhte。
Whan ech of other hadde a sihte;
In chambre; ther thei were al one;
Thei maden many a pitous mone;
Bot Progne most of sorwe made;
Which sihe hir Soster pale and fade   5810
And specheles and deshonoured;
Of that sche hadde be defloured;
And ek upon hir lord sche thoghte;
Of that he so untreuly wroghte
And hadde his espousaile broke。
Sche makth a vou it schal be wroke;
And with that word sche kneleth doun
Wepinge in gret devocioun:
Unto Cupide and to Venus
Sche preide; and seide thanne thus:   5820
〃O ye; to whom nothing asterte
Of love mai; for every herte
Ye knowe; as ye that ben above
The god and the goddesse of love;
Ye witen wel that evere yit
With al mi will and al my wit;
Sith ferst ye schopen me to wedde;
That I lay with mi lord abedde;
I have be trewe in mi degre;
And evere thoghte forto be;  5830
And nevere love in other place;
Bot al only the king of Trace;
Which is mi lord and I his wif。
Bot nou allas this wofull strif!
That I him thus ayeinward finde
The most untrewe and most unkinde
That evere in ladi armes lay。
And wel I wot that he ne may
Amende his wrong; it is so gret;
For he to lytel of me let;   5840
Whan he myn oughne Soster tok;
And me that am his wif forsok。〃
Lo; thus to Venus and Cupide
Sche preide; and furthermor sche cride
Unto Appollo the hiheste;
And seide; 〃O myghti god of reste;
Thou do vengance of this debat。
Mi Soster and al hire astat
Thou wost; and hou sche hath forlore
Hir maidenhod; and I therfore   5850
In al the world schal bere a blame
Of that mi Soster hath a schame;
That Teres to hire I sente:
And wel thou wost that myn entente
Was al for worschipe and for goode。
O lord; that yifst the lives fode
To every wyht; I prei thee hiere
Thes wofull Sostres that ben hiere;
And let ous noght to the ben lothe;
We ben thin oghne wommen bothe。〃   5860
Thus pleigneth Progne and axeth wreche;
And thogh hire Soster lacke speche;
To him that alle thinges wot
Hire sorwe is noght the lasse hot:
Bot he that thanne had herd hem tuo;
Him oughte have sorwed everemo
For sorwe which was hem betuene。
With signes pleigneth Philomene;
And Progne seith; 〃It schal be wreke;
That al the world therof schal speke。〃   5870
And Progne tho seknesse feigneth;
Wherof unto hir lord sche pleigneth;
And preith sche moste hire chambres kepe;
And as hir liketh wake and slepe。
And he hire granteth to be so;
And thus togedre ben thei tuo;
That wolde him bot a litel good。
Nou herk hierafter hou it stod
Of wofull auntres that befelle:
Thes Sostres; that ben bothe felle;…  5880
And that was noght on hem along;
Bot onliche on the grete wrong
Which Teres hem hadde do;…
Thei schopen forto venge hem tho。
This Teres be Progne his wif
A Sone hath; which as his lif
He loveth; and Ithis he hihte:
His moder wiste wel sche mihte
Do Teres no more grief
Than sle this child; which was so lief。  5890
Thus sche; that was; as who seith; mad
Of wo; which hath hir overlad;
Withoute insihte of moderhede
Foryat pite and loste drede;
And in hir chambre prively
This child withouten noise or cry
Sche slou; and hieu him al to pieces:
And after with diverse spieces
The fleissh; whan it was so toheewe;
Sche takth; and makth therof a sewe;  5900
With which the fader at his mete
Was served; til he hadde him ete;
That he ne wiste hou that it stod;
Bot thus his oughne fleissh and blod
Himself devoureth ayein kinde;
As he that was tofore unkinde。
And thanne; er that he were arise;
For that he scholde ben agrise;
To schewen him the child was ded;
This Philomene tok the hed   5910
Betwen tuo disshes; and al wrothe
Tho comen forth the Sostres bothe;
And setten it upon the bord。
And Progne tho began the word;
And seide; 〃O werste of alle wicke;
Of conscience whom no pricke
Mai stere; lo; what thou hast do!
Lo; hier ben nou we Sostres tuo;
O Raviner; lo hier thi preie;
With whom so falsliche on the weie    5920
Thou hast thi tirannye wroght。
Lo; nou it is somdel aboght;
And bet it schal; for of thi dede
The world schal evere singe and rede
In remembrance of thi defame:
For thou to love hast do such schame;
That it schal nevere be foryete。〃
With that he sterte up fro the mete;
And schof the bord unto the flor;
And cauhte a swerd anon and suor   5930
That thei scholde of his handes dye。
And thei unto the goddes crie
Begunne with so loude a stevene;
That thei were herd unto the hevene;
And in a twinclinge of an yhe
The goddes; that the meschief syhe;
Here formes changen alle thre。
Echon of hem in his degre
Was torned into brid
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