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confessio amantis-第95部分

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As it was set in ordinance;
Upon fortune here lot thei caste;
Til that Theses ate laste;    5310
Which was the kinges Sone there;
Amonges othre that ther were
In thilke yeer; as it befell;
The lot upon his chance fell。
He was a worthi kniht withalle;
And whan he sih this chance falle;
He ferde as thogh he tok non hiede;
Bot al that evere he mihte spiede;
With him and with his felaschipe
Forth into Crete he goth be Schipe;   5320
Wher that the king Mynos he soghte;
And profreth all that he him oghte
Upon the point of here acord。
This sterne king; this cruel lord
Tok every day on of the Nyne;
And put him to the discipline
Of Minotaure; to be devoured;
Bot Theses was so favoured;
That he was kept til ate laste。
And in the meene while he caste    5330
What thing him were best to do:
And fell that Adriagne tho;
Which was the dowhter of Mynos;
And hadde herd the worthi los
Of Theses and of his myht;
And syh he was a lusti kniht;
Hire hole herte on him sche leide;
And he also of love hir preide;
So ferforth that thei were al on。
And sche ordeigneth thanne anon    5340
In what manere he scholde him save;
And schop so that sche dede him have
A clue of thred; of which withinne
Ferst ate dore he schal beginne
With him to take that on ende;
That whan he wolde ayeinward wende;
He mihte go the same weie。
And over this; so as I seie;
Of pich sche tok him a pelote;
The which he scholde into the throte  5350
Of Minotaure caste rihte:
Such wepne also for him sche dighte;
That he be reson mai noght faile
To make an ende of his bataile;
For sche him tawhte in sondri wise;
Til he was knowe of thilke emprise;
Hou he this beste schulde quelle。
And thus; schort tale forto telle;
So as this Maide him hadde tawht;
Theses with this Monstre fawht;  5360
Smot of his hed; the which he nam;
And be the thred; so as he cam;
He goth ayein; til he were oute。
Tho was gret wonder al aboute:
Mynos the tribut hath relessed;
And so was al the werre cessed
Betwen Athene and hem of Crete。
Bot now to speke of thilke suete;
Whos beaute was withoute wane;
This faire Maiden Adriane;   5370
Whan that sche sih Theses sound;
Was nevere yit upon the ground
A gladder wyht that sche was tho。
Theses duelte a dai or tuo
Wher that Mynos gret chiere him dede:
Theses in a prive stede
Hath with this Maiden spoke and rouned;
That sche to him was abandouned
In al that evere that sche couthe;
So that of thilke lusty youthe  5380
Al prively betwen hem tweie
The ferste flour he tok aweie。
For he so faire tho behihte
That evere; whil he live mihte;
He scholde hire take for his wif;
And as his oghne hertes lif
He scholde hire love and trouthe bere;
And sche; which mihte noght forbere;
So sore loveth him ayein;
That what as evere he wolde sein   5390
With al hire herte sche believeth。
And thus his pourpos he achieveth;
So that assured of his trouthe
With him sche wente; and that was routhe。
Fedra hire yonger Soster eke;
A lusti Maide; a sobre; a meke;
Fulfild of alle curtesie;
For Sosterhode and compainie
Of love; which was hem betuene;
To sen hire Soster mad a queene;   5400
Hire fader lefte and forth sche wente
With him; which al his ferste entente
Foryat withinne a litel throwe;
So that it was al overthrowe;
Whan sche best wende it scholde stonde。
The Schip was blowe fro the londe;
Wherin that thei seilende were;
This Adriagne hath mochel fere
Of that the wynd so loude bleu;
As sche which of the See ne kneu;  5410
And preide forto reste a whyle。
And so fell that upon an yle;
Which Chyo hihte; thei ben drive;
Where he to hire his leve hath yive
That sche schal londe and take hire reste。
Bot that was nothing for the beste:
For whan sche was to londe broght;
Sche; which that time thoghte noght
Bot alle trouthe; and tok no kepe;
Hath leid hire softe forto slepe;  5420
As sche which longe hath ben forwacched;
Bot certes sche was evele macched
And fer from alle loves kinde;
For more than the beste unkinde
Theses; which no trouthe kepte;
Whil that this yonge ladi slepte;
Fulfild of his unkindeschipe
Hath al foryete the goodschipe
Which Adriane him hadde do;
And bad unto the Schipmen tho   5430
Hale up the seil and noght abyde;
And forth he goth the same tyde
Toward Athene; and hire alonde
He lefte; which lay nyh the stronde
Slepende; til that sche awok。
Bot whan that sche cast up hire lok
Toward the stronde and sih no wyht;
Hire herte was so sore aflyht;
That sche ne wiste what to thinke;
Bot drouh hire to the water brinke;   5440
Wher sche behield the See at large。
Sche sih no Schip; sche sih no barge
Als ferforth as sche mihte kenne:
〃Ha lord;〃 sche seide; 〃which a Senne;
As al the world schal after hiere;
Upon this woful womman hiere
This worthi kniht hath don and wroght!
I wende I hadde his love boght;
And so deserved ate nede;
Whan that he stod upon his drede;  5450
And ek the love he me behihte。
It is gret wonder hou he mihte
Towardes me nou ben unkinde;
And so to lete out of his mynde
Thing which he seide his oghne mouth。
Bot after this whan it is couth
And drawe into the worldes fame;
It schal ben hindringe of his name:
For wel he wot and so wot I;
He yaf his trouthe bodily;   5460
That he myn honour scholde kepe。〃
And with that word sche gan to wepe;
And sorweth more than ynouh:
Hire faire tresces sche todrouh;
And with hirself tok such a strif;
That sche betwen the deth and lif
Swounende lay fulofte among。
And al was this on him along;
Which was to love unkinde so;
Wherof the wrong schal everemo      5470
Stonde in Cronique of remembrance。
And ek it asketh a vengance
To ben unkinde in loves cas;
So as Theses thanne was;
Al thogh he were a noble kniht;
For he the lawe of loves riht
Forfeted hath in alle weie;
That Adriagne he putte aweie;
Which was a gret unkinde dede:
And after this; so as I rede;   5480
Fedra; the which hir Soster is;
He tok in stede of hire; and this
Fel afterward to mochel teene。
For thilke vice of which I meene;
Unkindeschipe; where it falleth;
The trouthe of mannes herte it palleth;
That he can no good dede aquite:
So mai he stonde of no merite
Towardes god; and ek also
Men clepen him the worldes fo;  5490
For he nomore than the fend
Unto non other man is frend;
Bot al toward himself al one。
Forthi; mi Sone; in thi persone
This vice above all othre fle。
Mi fader; as ye techen me;
I thenke don in this matiere。
Bot over this nou wolde I hiere;
Wherof I schal me schryve more。
Mi goode Sone; and for thi lore;   5500
After the reule of coveitise
I schal the proprete devise
Of every vice by and by。
Nou herkne and be wel war therby。
In the lignage of Avarice;
Mi Sone; yit ther is a vice;
His rihte name it is Ravine;
Which hath a route of his covine。
Ravine among the maistres duelleth;
And with his servantz; as men telleth;   5510
Extorcion is nou withholde:
Ravine of othre mennes folde
Makth his larder and paieth noght;
For wher as evere it mai be soght;
In his hous ther schal nothing lacke;
And that fulofte abyth the packe
Of povere men that duelle aboute。
Thus stant the comun poeple in doute;
Which can do non amendement;
For whanne him faileth paiement;   
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