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confessio amantis-第91部分

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I biede nevere as to my del
Bot of the hole an halvendel;
That is non excess; as me thenketh。
Bot natheles it me forthenketh;
For wel I wot that wol noght be;
For every day the betre I se    4460
That hou so evere I yive or lene
Mi love in place ther I mene;
For oght that evere I axe or crave;
I can nothing ayeinward have。
Bot yit for that I wol noght lete;
What so befalle of mi beyete;
That I ne schal hire yive and lene
Mi love and al mi thoght so clene;
That toward me schal noght beleve。
And if sche of hire goode leve  4470
Rewarde wol me noght again;
I wot the laste of my bargain
Schal stonde upon so gret a lost;
That I mai neveremor the cost
Recovere in this world til I die。
So that touchende of this partie
I mai me wel excuse and schal;
And forto speke forth withal;
If eny brocour for me wente;
That point cam nevere in myn entente:    4480
So that the more me merveilleth;
What thing it is mi ladi eilleth;
That al myn herte and al my time
Sche hath; and doth no betre bime。
I have herd seid that thoght is fre;
And natheles in privete
To you; mi fader; that ben hiere
Min hole schrifte forto hiere;
I dar min herte wel desclose。
Touchende usure; as I suppose;  4490
Which as ye telle in love is used;
Mi ladi mai noght ben excused;
That for o lokinge of hire ye5
Min hole herte til I dye
With al that evere I may and can
Sche hath me wonne to hire man:
Wherof; me thenkth; good reson wolde
That sche somdel rewarde scholde;
And yive a part; ther sche hath al。
I not what falle hierafter schal;  4500
Bot into nou yit dar I sein;
Hire liste nevere yive ayein
A goodli word in such a wise;
Wherof min hope mihte arise;
Mi grete love to compense。
I not hou sche hire conscience
Excuse wole of this usure;
Be large weyhte and gret mesure
Sche hath mi love; and I have noght
Of that which I have diere boght;  4510
And with myn herte I have it paid;
Bot al that is asyde laid;
And I go loveles aboute。
Hire oghte stonde if ful gret doute;
Til sche redresce such a sinne;
That sche wole al mi love winne
And yifth me noght to live by:
Noght als so moche as 〃grant mercy〃
Hir list to seie; of which I mihte
Som of mi grete peine allyhte。  4520
Bot of this point; lo; thus I fare
As he that paith for his chaffare;
And beith it diere; and yit hath non;
So mot he nedes povere gon:
Thus beie I diere and have no love;
That I ne mai noght come above
To winne of love non encress。
Bot I me wole natheles
Touchende usure of love aquite;
And if mi ladi be to wyte;   4530
I preie to god such grace hir sende
That sche be time it mot amende。
Mi Sone; of that thou hast ansuerd
Touchende Usure I have al herd;
Hou thou of love hast wonne smale:
Bot that thou tellest in thi tale
And thi ladi therof accusest;
Me thenkth tho wordes thou misusest。
For be thin oghne knowlechinge
Thou seist hou sche for o lokinge  4540
Thin hole herte fro the tok:
Sche mai be such; that hire o lok
Is worth thin herte manyfold;
So hast thou wel thin herte sold;
Whan thou hast that is more worth。
And ek of that thou tellest forth;
Hou that hire weyhte of love unevene
Is unto thin; under the hevene
Stod nevere in evene that balance
Which stant in loves governance。   4550
Such is the statut of his lawe;
That thogh thi love more drawe
And peise in the balance more;
Thou miht noght axe ayein therfore
Of duete; bot al of grace。
For love is lord in every place;
Ther mai no lawe him justefie
Be reddour ne be compaignie;
That he ne wole after his wille
Whom that him liketh spede or spille。    4560
To love a man mai wel beginne;
Bot whether he schal lese or winne;
That wot noman til ate laste:
Forthi coveite noght to faste;
Mi Sone; bot abyd thin ende;
Per cas al mai to goode wende。
Bot that thou hast me told and said;
Of o thing I am riht wel paid;
That thou be sleyhte ne be guile
Of no brocour hast otherwhile   4570
Engined love; for such dede
Is sore venged; as I rede。
Brocours of love that deceiven;
No wonder is thogh thei receiven
After the wrong that thei decerven;
For whom as evere that thei serven
And do plesance for a whyle;
Yit ate laste here oghne guile
Upon here oghne hed descendeth;

Which god of his vengance sendeth;    4580
As be ensample of time go
A man mai finde it hath be so。
It fell somtime; as it was sene;
The hihe goddesse and the queene
Juno tho hadde in compainie
A Maiden full of tricherie;
For sche was evere in on acord
With Jupiter; that was hire lord;
To gete him othre loves newe;
Thurgh such brocage and was untrewe   4590
Al otherwise than him nedeth。
Bot sche; which of no schame dredeth;
With queinte wordes and with slyhe
Blente in such wise hir lady yhe;
As sche to whom that Juno triste;
So that therof sche nothing wiste。
Bot so prive mai be nothing;
That it ne comth to knowleching;
Thing don upon the derke nyht
Is after knowe on daies liht:   4600
So it befell; that ate laste
Al that this slyhe maiden caste
Was overcast and overthrowe。
For as the sothe mot be knowe;
To Juno was don understonde
In what manere hir housebonde
With fals brocage hath take usure
Of love mor than his mesure;
Whan he tok othre than his wif;
Wherof this mayden was gultif;  4610
Which hadde ben of his assent。
And thus was al the game schent;
She soffreth him; as sche mot nede;
Bot the brocour of his misdede;
Sche which hir conseil yaf therto;
On hire is the vengance do:
For Juno with hire wordes hote;
This Maiden; which Eccho was hote;
Reproveth and seith in this wise:
〃O traiteresse; of which servise   4620
Hast thou thin oghne ladi served!
Thou hast gret peine wel deserved;
That thou canst maken it so queinte;
Thi slyhe wordes forto peinte
Towardes me; that am thi queene;
Wherof thou madest me to wene
That myn housbonde trewe were;
Whan that he loveth elleswhere;
Al be it so him nedeth noght。
Bot upon thee it schal be boght;   4630
Which art prive to tho doinges;
And me fulofte of thi lesinges
Deceived hast: nou is the day
That I thi while aquite may;
And for thou hast to me conceled
That my lord hath with othre deled;
I schal thee sette in such a kende;
That evere unto the worldes ende
Al that thou hierest thou schalt telle;
And clappe it out as doth a belle。〃   4640
And with that word sche was forschape;
Ther may no vois hire mouth ascape;
What man that in the wodes crieth;
Withoute faile Eccho replieth;
And what word that him list to sein;
The same word sche seith ayein。
Thus sche; which whilom hadde leve
To duelle in chambre; mot beleve
In wodes and on helles bothe;
For such brocage as wyves lothe;   4650
Which doth here lordes hertes change
And love in other place strange。
Forthi; if evere it so befalle;
That thou; mi Sone; amonges alle
Be wedded man; hold that thou hast;
For thanne al other love is wast。
O wif schal wel to thee suffise;
And thanne; if thou for covoitise
Of love woldest axe more;
Thou scholdest don ayein the lore  4660
Of alle hem that trewe be。
Mi fader; as in this degre
My conscience is noght accused;
For I no such brocage have used;
Wherof that lust of love is wonne。
Forthi spek forth; as ye begonne;
Of Avarice upon mi schrifte。
Mi Sone; I schal the branches schifte
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